Another year completed

9 December 2023

So yet again, it is xmas.

I am posting some photos here from my big camera so that I can easily use them for social media, anyone else do that? 

Xmas is a crazy time for me because its when most people buy jewellery and I also have to do xmas single handed, which not always that easy or fun, but I am always glad I did it and see those gleeful faces on xmas morning. It is really my favourite time of the year.

I also have the addition of a four legged child too. I have been walking about 2 hours per day for a year, I have not noticed any difference to my wobbly bits (they are still wobbly) but it must be doing something good right? I have seen a lot of wildlife.

I always breathe a big sigh of relief when I get to the end of xmas jewellery orders, not just because I can relax for a bit, but mainly because we made it financially for another year, and that's a huge accomplishment I try to remind myself of. I have been having a funny feeling lately, like a warm fuzzy sensation in my eyes and legs and I think it may be happiness. (or iron deficiency)

Thank you to each and every customer, I truly feel so supported and appreciated.

I haven't yet wrapped up presents (although the kids are reminding me on the hour every hour) but after that is done is when I get out the port and After Eights, put my feet on the coffee table, and declare myself drunk until January. 

(just joking, as the only adult in the house I have to be available to drive to a&e at any given moment).

Below are some xmassy snaps from this year at ours...

The children decorated the tree this year! (And I didn't need to move anything afterwards).

Remember when I made these stockings? 

Take care and peace to all x


  1. Anonymous9.12.23

    Most beautiful home ever! Did you make the wood slice/mountain home?

    1. Anonymous9.12.23

      Thank you! The wooden ornament is from here - Artemis x

  2. Your home is so beautiful, wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your little family 💜

  3. Anonymous9.12.23

    Thank for taking the time to share a post of your cosy home when you are so busy with work. As always, your decorations have just the right amount of sparkle. Wishing you, the children and Otter a happy holiday season. Enjoy your port and After Eights - you've certainly earned them!

  4. Anonymous9.12.23

    I love your decorations so much! So festive and cosy.
    Random question but do you do sawing, filing and soldering etc in your house? I’ve just started making jewellery and I’m wondering if it’s ok to have silver dust, fumes etc inside… if so do you use a fan/air purifier or anything? X

    1. Anonymous9.12.23

      Hi, my jewellery is quite small so there isn’t much mess. Soldering is very quick, I just open the window next to my bench. I dust and hoover regularly to prevent any build up.
      My dog makes much more pollution in the house, that’s a problem I’ve yet to solve.

    2. Anonymous9.12.23

      That comment was from me Artemis, btw.

    3. Anonymous12.12.23

      Thank you! X

  5. Anonymous9.12.23

    Your home looks Christmas perfect. So beautiful.

  6. Anonymous9.12.23

    Beautiful, as always.

  7. Christine Steven9.12.23

    Your home is so lovely. I do remember those stockings. Wishing you peace and light and happiness and a very big thank you for sharing your photos!

  8. Anonymous10.12.23

    Artemis, you are the best!!

  9. Anonymous11.12.23

    Beautiful, cosy pictures. You really have a gift.

  10. Anonymous11.12.23

    I look forward to seeing your Christmas decorations each and every year. Honestly, I've not been in a Christmas spirit at all this year and seeing your beautiful and festive home perked me up just a bit. Also, I adore the buddug slice snowdome. I found it on their website but I'm in the US so ordering wouldn't really be feasible but I may try and make some version of one as a little Christmas craft. Thank you for the inspiration!

  11. Anonymous22.12.23

    Your decorations are lovely as always! I'm happy about every new post :)


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