a tiny weaving frame

8 November 2016

So here's a bit of pointless fun...a tiny weaving. Last time I was in Tiger shop (on every street in London all of a sudden ; ) I bought a pack of two mini looms for £1. Late one night I thought I'd give it a go. It actually took me the same time as it would for a normal sized weaving...work that out!?

I used silk embroidery thread and some black cotton thread and some gold metalic sewing thread for some dots...bit experimental!
I was thinking to make it into a necklace or a brooch...
or a plant decorations...or a ...

tiny room accessory? ha ha ; )


  1. That was my first thought: wall decor for the dollhouse!! :D

  2. Ha! I've become a Tiger Store fan during my travels in Spain the past couple of years. Tiger and all their silly art supplies! Just like baby socks seem to take the same time to knit as adult socks.

  3. I love your weavings! I think sometimes small is more difficult! You are so talented! My daughter is just learning to spin wool. Have you ever tried that? She is learning on a drop spindle and loves it. She says it is relaxing.

  4. Cute! Perhaps some xmas tree ornaments with glittery thread?

  5. Artemis, I found this little xmas themed animated video of little houses and little furry animals, that you probably will like. It's from Terrain, which is Anthropologie's sister site devoted to garden things. I hope you and Pehr like it. https://vimeo.com/189944501

  6. Love it! My daughter is about a year older than yours and she had a blast making curtains for her dollhouse last summer. I have no idea how to loom but you make me want to try it.

  7. Yay for pointless fun I'd say! This looks so cute! Well done! :)

  8. It is so pretty. I 've been wanting to weave myself a scarf for years now. Even bought a weaver, began one and...lost it. maybe i'd have better luck with a tiny weaver like this.

  9. You are such a clever mum, what a perfect accessory for a doll's house. Actually, another one of your makes, your lovely caravan pennant, has inspired me to have a bash for my van.

  10. Oh my GOODNESS, this is so adorable! I've never seen a mini loom, I love it. Even the colors are lovely. So sweet.

  11. Your small weaving is sooooo cute. I like it in the tiny room the best. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Artemis that is too cute!! Would be cool to make it into a Christmas decoration too :) Have a great weekend.

  13. This is so sweet, and you have put so much work into it! I actually saw this first on Instagram and, not being able to gauge the scale, thought it was a real room!!


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