artemis' shed

24 May 2011

.There is someone coming to take some photos of my shed this week, so, I realised i might need to tidy it up a bit. Then i remembered that i had not painted the floor properly in the beginning {I just slapped on some emulsion and then walked on it before it dried, leaving a grubby footprint, doh} So i decided to empty my entire shed contents into the garden and paint the floor. I should have taken photos of this because you will not believe the amount of stuff that came out of a 4 x 6ft shed!
Then i thought, I've got too much stuff, i got all ruthless chucking things in bags, one for the bin and one for the charity shop. It was a spectacular event. Anyway, i painted the floor, re-arranged my desk and shelves to different places, put all my bits of fabric neatly in the shelves, sat back with a cuppa tea and thought 'yes, this is how i want to live my life' minimalist {well, kind of}.

ok, so I know it might not look that different to you, but to me its 100 times better, oh yes indeedo.

But, anyways, GUESS what!?
Nao has bought his own little shed too! Its going to be his leather workshop as he likes to find nice old leather bags in the market and make them all like new again. It will be the same size as mine but I am sure it will look a tad more masculine. We are thinking up some kind of intercom system, like, baked bean cans and a bit of string. Maybe we might not ever see each other again? Might have to lure him out with a slice of Victoria sponge cake.
I will keep you posted.

Also, keep meaning to tell yous, but in April and a bit of May, we raised just over £2000 for Kesennuma school for autistic children that was washed away in the Tsunami. We are still gathering money at our Tokyo shop that is many time more than this, so we will really have a good wallop of monies to help get the school their own new building. Thank you all so much for buying our Sakura necklace, we actually ran out of stock within one month! Fantastico! Hopefully I can let you know the grand total from Tokyo soon.
All of Nao's family are doing well all things considered, and Nao's little nephew, who was born just days after the tsunami, is so unbelievably cute and hopefully oblivious to all the nasty things that happened, his mum timed it well I think : )


  1. that is the neatest little shed ever!

  2. What a gorgeous little shed and great news about the fundraiser. Bless you for that.

  3. Anonymous24.5.11

    I too am a minimalist at heart... love clutter, so long as it's organised! : )

    Well done for raising all that money! Pat yourself on the back. :) A far better way of doing it in my opinion than say something like .....a sponsored run!

  4. I love seeing pictures of your little shed, it looks so idyllic. I'd love to have somewhere like that to get on with blogging and sewing and things like that!

  5. I love that clean, minimalist feeling after painting and cleaning - your shed looks very fresh and sweet now.

    Congratulations on raising so much money :):). I think of Japan most days, wondering how everyone's going. The thing about natural disasters in other countries is that we're hammered with media images for the first two weeks then we get nothing. It's lovely to hear good news.

  6. What a beautiful shed, it's such a inspiring, bright space! And I love the idea of tin-can communication between you and your husband in his shed, very sweet! Wonderful work on the fund-raising too!

  7. Well done artemis, it's a beautiful workspace. Now can you come and do my shed for me, I'm feeling the same way...too much junk!

  8. Wow, well done! That was quite a job! It looks fantastic.

  9. I love the idea of his & her crafting sheds, yours looks marvelous (before and after the cleaning).

    Does Nao have any tips for reviving vintage leather bags? I buy them at estate sales/thrift shops and a few of mine are in beat up shape.

  10. His and hers sheds....that's so cool! Lisa x

  11. Your shed is gorgeous, and what great fundraising! I've just discovered your blog and thought I'd stop by and say 'hello' x

  12. Anonymous26.5.11

    Beautiful shed - I have to ask you - do you empty it out during the winter months? I would love a space like this but worry about what the damp/inclement weather would do!!

  13. Hooray- it looks really fantastic inside! I really love all of your posts- so inspirational!

  14. Oh, can't wait to see Nao's shed!

  15. Love this shed and the stuff you arrange so well!

  16. Anonymous1.8.12

    I have shed envy xx


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