whale purse

6 June 2015

May has been rather fruitful for Rust Jewellery, and that means that I am now a very busy person. I sometimes feel like I am trying to keep my head above water, with work, and all the other stuff that you have to do on top of work. That's why I usually find myself in my shed, doing things that are totally pointless, casually ignoring that very long list of things I 'should' be doing.
So that leads me to present the latest article from the shed...a whale purse, of course! why not? naturally...

It's a bit rough as it was a kind of prototype.
I used the same pattern that I made for the whale mobile I made a few years ago (I always keep the patterns I make for the future, just in case ; )
I dream about having enough free time to start a little online shop for my handmade bits and bobs...one day...when I'm retired ; )

my first customer...

( I love the photo above, she'd actually just trodden in something disagreeable)

Our nipper is really into going to the shop, she loves the whole 'paying' bit, so I put a pound coin in there for her to save for her next shop trip. She usually likes to buy a mini milk, or a chocolate egg.


  1. Just adoreable! Love the whale purse and the white dress that your little is wearing.

  2. I wish I looked that cute when I've trodden in something! xx

  3. What a little darling daughter she is! ADORE the whale purse, makes me want to do something like that too!

  4. So cute! did you made your label? love it!
    And yes, you defenitly need to find time for opening an other shop!

  5. That second photo of Pehr is absolutely adorable...and the whale purse is brilliant. I'd expect nothing less from you of course.

  6. Oh this is beyond cute. My little boy is a toddler too and I'm sure he would love one. Beautiful creations as always, your blog really is the best I've ever come across.

  7. Whale purse and whale purse owner...both adorable! You are so talented! Have a great week!

  8. mini milk :) she's so cute!

  9. Oh so so sweet. What a little beauty! Nice purse too.

  10. Perfect little girls purse! I too wish I had time for a shop, I opened one on etsy and sold a couple of bits but then life got annoyingly in the way! I agree with Pehr about mini milks ;) x

  11. I am never writing commments (in english ;-)) but your girl have the same dress like me when i was a child (so more than 30 years ago) and like my daughter has now. How is it possible, when I live in the Czech rep. and my parents never traveled? ;-).
    The whale is wonderful - like your blog and all the work. Greetings from Czech. Petra

  12. Anonymous10.6.15

    This is gorgeous, I love the whale's little eye and mouth! Pehr is very lucky to have such a creative and talented mama! Laura x

  13. Your whale purse is sooooo adorable! I've never left a comment on your blog, but I love the things you and your husband make, and your daughter is just beautiful. You are an inspiration!

  14. ...I would totally wear an adult size whale purse.


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