Little X

31 May 2015

My brother is a wooden boat builder, and recently one of the many boats he has worked on was launched in our local harbour. Having never seen this happen before, we all went along to watch the events.

This is a small racing yacht called an X Class. Whittle Marine, company my brother works for, specialises in the restoration of these boats and this one had been completely rebuilt, right down to it's 'rib cage', all those rivets had to be removed and replaced...sort of mind boggling! All in a days work for my brother (the one in the dungarees)

 It all went smoothly, and champagne and strawberries were consumed there after.


  1. Wow, the woodwork looks amazing, as does the boat! Great craftsmanship!
    No doubt you're a very talented family.

  2. Handsome brother and what talent. I never thought about what goes into restoring a boat/small yacht. Beautiful yacht. Is everyone in your family talented? You should do a post about family talents!!

  3. What a lovely piece of work and how fun to wtach the launch!!

  4. What a talented family you guys are! And how much I would love to be the owner of a wooden sailing ship one day :)

  5. Wow what a beauty! The craftsmanship involved is incredible

  6. I just love seeing this type of craftsmanship. Inspiring!

  7. Lovely post about Little X-- I always look at your instagram photos - and liked the photo of the Freshwater church, and thought I'd read up on it and its history and design, which then took me onwards to Hallam Tennyson who donated the land and who lived with his second wife on the Isle of Wight. Not only a lovely location where you live, but lots of interesting history on the island. I wondered if anyone has set a series of novels on the Isle of Wight like Poldark and Cornwall.


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