junk shed to business office

16 August 2014

Our bottom shed, which we inherited from the previous house owner who built it for his office, it is in a dark leafy area, susceptible to spiders and other creepies. It is basically a dumping ground for all those things that we don't know where to put or just don't need anymore. However, I've found that I'm working from home more now (and saving myself the trip to London) and working from any tiny clear space I can find in our rather untidy house, it is all ways a big stress for me. I'd been using the cupboard under the stairs to store all my work stuff and it was becoming a real chore just to find and get out all the bits I need. Today was THE day, that I was going to do battle with 'the shed of doom'.



and after a lot of heaving of boxes and furniture and sucking up dead insects with hoover...I managed to squeeze in a little office area amongst our, now very organised *blows on nails*, storage tubs.
Lots of boxes were actually half empty and big trunks and suitcase were empty too. Some things will go to charity shop and some to chuck away...most stuff was actually just badly stacked not making the most of the space. Its amazing how much room became available after sorting.
From this space I will be running two businesses! Rust Jewellery and Junkaholique Shop.
Just admin only, no jewellery making, we do all that in London.
I ran a 30 metre power cable from my other shed, so I have power for lamp, heater, radio and soon...a printer!

Xmas decorations safely stored away in those trunks, garden equipment in the cabinet and baskets, sewing threads and stuff packing in tubs and jars...oh yes, it feel so gooood...

...got me roberts radio to listen to radio 4, whilst typing dispatch notes...

well, I do still have this stuff to deal with, but I have ordered some zink metal shelves that will hopefully house all this. A lot of our other car related stuff will go over to our newly rented garage space.

All the furniture in this shed are things we love but can't find a space for in our house (which is a not very big two bed house). I wish there was less in this shed so we could have it as a lovely room...but this will do for now. I just sort of utilised what was there. One day we will paint it inside and out...one day...

I might want to live in there y'know.


  1. It looks wonderful! So cosy :) I've recently decided that we need to build a shed/summerhouse combo at the end of the garden. By "we" I mean ask my other half and father in law to build it, while I make bunting to deck it out with. xxx

  2. What a cute little space! :)


  3. Such a great space! So jealous :)

  4. Anonymous18.8.14

    congrats on the transformation, having a little more of your own space must be a delight.

  5. I love how you´re always doing what you can with what you´ve got at hand. Your shed is so lovely, I wish I had a place like this, we have an attic that´s full of crap the previous owners left behind. I´d love to drive it to the dump and paint it white and have som sofas up there instead. We´ll se what the future holds :)

  6. Such a lovely space, you did really well to battle with it, and so worth it when there's room to sit down, work and to store things. Please can you come and do mine now? ...well actually, i don't have a shed or a garden (we have a castle on our doorstep so that's fine), but a gorgeous shop and a rather large house attached with no cupboard space. I love how you manage to make everything look so wonderful even your pictures of messiness look tidy, i feel inspired. So lovely to see, well done. xx

  7. Wow Artemis, so now you have two sheds!! I am still fantasizing about buying my first one to use as a studio, now that my mom moved in with me and I gave up my home studio to make space for her room. I went to a garden house last week and they had many sheds for sale. There was a nice lilac one I fell in love with. Ahhh, one day!!

  8. Oh gosh, I would live there if I could! You did a great job at the makeover!

  9. I can imagine a little Wendy House one day for Pehr. That's what happened to our shed. All the neighbourhood children came over to play in it and I'd serve them lunch and tea parties. They had so much fun. Hubby had to store all his stuff in garage until my daughter outgrew this stage, then he got his shed back. haha


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