colourful triangle quilt

19 April 2013

I made this little bright triangle quilt after being inspired by a picture on pinterest. I dug out some scraps and got to it. I found triangles a little bit more tricky than squares, but I think its because some are cut on the bias, as the scraps were quite small. Anyhow, I don't care if its not perfect, its only going to get puked on, or spattered with carrot (carrot has the staining power of beetroot, a fact I didn't know before becoming a mama).

donkeys years ago, I bought a little orange and pink apron from a flea market, and it had a picture of the Isle of Wight on it (where I'm born and bred). I decided to hack it up, as although it was IOW souvenir, it was quite vile. So there are little snippets of the Island in the quilt, and even my hometown.

Its quite spongy so its great for playing on the floor. 
...Now she has so many quilts! We have one for each chair!


  1. Great quilt I particularly like the Isle of Wight triangles!! Pehr looks so cosy too!

  2. Its gorgeous! You always inspire. Thanks ;)

  3. Anonymous20.4.13

    beautiful quilt! such cheerful colours & looks lovely and squishy for the floor!

  4. I love it! A girl can never have enough quilts I say! Pehr is growing up fast! xxx

  5. really cute! i love how you always re purpose things. the triangle pattern looks difficult. i need to pull out the square one i started ages ago and finish it.

  6. Samara Kruskopf27.4.13

    love the quilt :) always happy to find a new post on your blog, always something cool xo

  7. Your daughter is beautiful. I love her eyes.

  8. Kate V3.5.13

    Pehr is so divine! I already have three kids and she is making me clucky! Glad to hear you're enjoying motherhood and I'm in awe that you find time to make all these marvellous things for her.

  9. Anonymous3.5.13

    How gorgeous, I've never seen a triangle one like that before. I've just learnt the ins and outs of quilting (on a tiny little tea cosy) so I'm all ready to get stuck in to making a big one. Perhaps I'll stick to squares first though...

  10. What a darling! The quilt is so bright and lovely! You're becoming quite the seamstress. Congrats!


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