6 whole months!

19 April 2013

Last weekend our wee offsprig turned SIX months! Can you believe it?
As some of yous might know, I was never a 'baby person', I didn't really get it and all that being prego and boob feeding and stuff made me squirm a bit, not for me thank you!
BUT I have to say that as soon as that babe pops out, your internal hard drive kicks in, and all those things I thought Id struggle with, seem like really obvious and natural. Not like how I expected at all. In fact, there was very little thinking and a lot of just doing.
So if any of you out there feel a little bit like I did about having a babe, don't worry is my advice.
 My daughter is my little pal, my buddy...she's not a baby to me, she is a little person that came to live with us.

I used to get in the bath to wash her, but now she is getting too big and squirmy, always reaching for things she shouldn't. So I got one of those bath seat things. 

I love making things with Pehr, whilst she is eating playing with her toys.
Btw, the Bumbo seat is really very handy.

On her six month 'birthday', we stopped by a pond in our van, and showed her ducks, ...she squealed and kicked her legs about.

having a nap in the back of the van on the first warm day of the year...

and I love making things for her, even though she will grow out of it next week.

and buying vintage clothes from the 70s.
These green gingham dungarees are from Little Vintage, so many lovely things in that shop!

She loves: standing up, being tickled, having a hug, her blanket, sweet potato, Plimsoll, her mobile, trying to eat everything, and sitting on Dad's shoulders.

She hates: being on her belly, some random people, mum wiping her face, and avocado.


  1. Anonymous19.4.13

    Love this personal post. Very sweet and honest... you will be glad to have these little snip bits to look back on in years to come. :)
    I was a bit like you were about babies, and my pregnancy was a little ... 'unexpected' shall we say. But you're right, instincts seem to just kick in and the rest you work it out with your little one along the way. Enjoy the next 6 months! x

  2. Adorable, I love the way she just fitted into your life with minimum fuss but lots of love. You make motherhood cool! x

  3. Best wishes to Pehr (and Mum, Dad and Plimsoll)! Love the pic of Plim helping with the bath - glad to see she's enjoying it as well. Several friends have mentioned the same "mummy-gene" kicking in - glad you experienced it as well.

    Thanks for the great posts this week, it's been a tough week in Central Texas.

  4. Wow, that time has flown by! And look at what you have!! You guys are very inspiring. xo

  5. I am in no way ready for "offsping" but by god! your one is just so darn lovely that even i have hope yet!

  6. Anonymous20.4.13

    I love what you said 'she's a little person that came to live with us'. I think it's so appropriate. Parents often forget that children are not things, or they private property, they are little people. I think your little offspring is very lucky you have as her mom.

  7. I love following the adventures of Pehr and her adorable, creative parents. Loving families give us hope in a sometimes crazy, frightening world. xxxooo to all of you

    1. Yes its such a scary world, its so sad to think that we (humans) can't just enjoy life and nature around us, that some want to destroy it. I just try to appreciate those simple pleasure of life at times like this : ) xxx

  8. Love what you've said here about becoming a parent. I felt the same way about babies, and small children, but when I had my own, it was exactly as you described. Instinct, and action, and relationship kicks in. I had always told myself that I just didn't like kids much, but really, it was just that I regarded them exactly as I do other people-- I need to get to know them a bit first! Some of my favorite people in the world are the other (now almost grown) children that my own children have brought into my life through their friendships over the years. What a gift!

    1. Im the same, I need to spend some time with a baby/kid before I start to get on with them. Even my own babe, it wasn't until her personality developed that I started to love her for her, instead of just because she was a tiny baby, if you know what i mean! x

  9. Six whole months - wow. I can clearly remember my eldest son reaching six months and having a little mini birthday celebration, cake and all... Enjoy. Claire xo

  10. She´s sooooo cute!
    My son is 10 yaers, and the other one is 10 moth.
    I said never again, but when is see her, I think "Maybe, just one more?"

  11. heeeee happy sixth month old pehr! looking at all this photos makes me smile and it's so amazing that she had grown up so much. :D

  12. such a little darling! happy 6 months! i love the things you have been making for her and those 1970's overalls. really cute!

  13. Such a lovely post. Being a Mamma, best thing in the world!!

  14. Linda24.4.13

    She is absolutely beautiful! what a cherub.

  15. I love my baba (8 months on Monday). And I'm not a baby person either - always preferred kittens and lambs!
    It's definitely different with your own. Although I reserve the crazy baby talk and silliness for behind closed doors...

  16. Eeek, happy SIX MONTHS. She's precious...and that's coming from a fellow "not a baby person." Same happened for me, I didn't really GET it, but luckily, I like my little buddy Mateo. ha. Also, now that my little buddy is starting to talk, I'm just melting. I may not be a "baby person" but I'm definitely a "toddler person."

    Thanks for sharing your photos and life. Always gives me a smile. :)

  17. AND it just gets better as they get older and the friendship develops. I loved what you said about her squealing at the ducks, watching them gain awareness of the world around them is one of the best things about raising small 'uns.
    Happy (half) birthday!

  18. I have so many doubts about becoming a mum and it helps to read that not all women are born baby lovers and with the "gene". :)

  19. She is just the cutest little baby! You are so lucky. My first is due in June and I hope, like you said, it all comes naturally :)

    Vanessa from thelittlekicks.com

  20. I read this post the day it was published and thought "oh that's good, maybe one day when I decide to have a baby the maternal feelings will just come to me".
    Then my period was late. 6 days later I piddled on a stick, and am now 6 weeks pregnant! Thank you for this reassuring post that came at the best possible time for me xx

    1. Oh Congratulations!!!! How wonderful!.
      Its ****ing scary at first I remember, but it quickly got very exciting! I hope you are getting daily foot rubs?! xxx

  21. Happy to see again Plimsol.


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