Project : Living Room

14 August 2021

I'm so happy to finally make some progress redecorating our flat, it's coming along...still one more room of wood chip to tackle and then the bathroom and kitchen to paint. However it is very satisfying to see some white walls emerging. Not that smooth, more rustic plaster under all that wallpaper. I gave up trying to sand it all and just focused on the really bad areas. I used three different types of filler for different issues, and ended up using an electric hand sander. I also sanded and repainted the woodwork and doors, which I think makes quite a lot of difference (it was a cream colour before). I changed the door handles and blinds too.

Because the chimney is bricked up, and because of a lack of disposable funds, I left the chimney breast as is, and found an electric heater/stove instead. Not ideal, but very efficient and at least there is something instead of a blank wall.

So nice to have my cabinet back from storage (although one window smashed on the way up the stairs).
All my favourite things to look at when I'm bored.

It is a very large room, one side is being used as my studio area (I'll post about that too if you're interested), and because of the lovely view, the sofa looks outwards. I didn't know what to put in the bay window, so it has ended up as comfy area for the littluns to chill out in.

(excuse smeary windows, they usually have small hand prints on them)

We also have a very small balcony which I absolutely love!

Some before and during painting...

You'll notice the lack of toys and general child related debris. Well, Luckily there is a huge cupboard in the kid's room that houses pretty much everything. I also ordered lots of storage boxes from Ikea which hide a lot of toys. So far so good! 
I'm enjoying a more minimal lifestyle, I could look at a clean, blank, white wall for ever!

Next I'll show you how the bedroom looks now...


  1. It looks really lovely! So light, bright and fresh :)

  2. Lovely! Your style is so warm and welcoming.

  3. You have made a beautiful home in a very short amount of time. Something I hope you are proud of! Yes please for me photos if the studio/workspace please.

  4. Such a lot of effort, it's definitely paying off! I like your electric stove, did you add the wood inside? It doesn't affect performance? And yes! Please share more of your living environment, it gives me a calm feeling

  5. LOVE IT! Thank you for taking the time to document the changes here for us. I love how you put your stamp on things. sorry to hear about the broken glass...but is there not some folk wisdom about broken glass letting bad luck escape and good luck in?

  6. It's looking wonderful! As a fellow islander about to buy my first home (in our forties!) I'm keenly following your decorating tips and minimalist approach. Thank you for sharing.


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