
18 April 2020 Mill Copse, Yarmouth PO41 0QY, UK

Every year we go to our local woods to see the bluebells and it is always amazing every time. We went on a dull drizzly day, which I think is just the right time to see and smell the woods. This woods is just five minutes walk from our to the river. This I will miss very much when we move. 
(By the way, this is Mill Copse which is a very short walk from Yarmouth ferry terminal if you are planning a trip from the mainland without a car, lots of things to do on the river too).
Sorry for the overload of photos here but I couldn't chose which ones to use. I love the ones of my grumpy moody kids the best.

Apart from trying to stay sane, I have been working on the house, ticking off a lots of diy jobs and sorting the garden to look presentable for selling it (a bit hopeful now all things considered but steps in the right direction) and also, something I'm really excited about...

I'm making a new jewellery collection for my brand-new very own jewellery company! I will be running it completely on my own, so designing and making everything by myself. This way I can build up things gradually and keep my overheads as low as possible. When I can hopefully buy my own home (fingers crossed!) I'm hoping to have a bit of space to set up a little workshop area in which I can run my business.

I'm currently doing lots of wax carvings to be casted and sketches and I will be working on a logo and website next. I will still be working for RU.ST too, but will be a bit more from the sidelines as I have been for the last year when I handed over my post-sales role to Nao and our other employees. This is my plan and I will keep you all updated as to my progress! It's kind of scary as I have been working for RU.ST since I was about 25 so it will be strange to start a new thing but at the same time, I am so excited about it!

I will also be starting another little business with my friend and fellow mum of young kids, we will be doing interior design, photography and styling for homes and shops...more to come on that too!
It is very hard to work out ways to make an income when you have small children and not much available time (or energy). So we have worked out ways that we can use our skills and still be there for our kids. Jewellery making is perfect too because jewellery is tiny and I can work from home. Fingers crossed this will work out for us all!

I hope you are all keeping well and coping with the isolation. It is starting to effect me a bit, I really miss going to the pub with my friends the most, but is a small price to pay really, and I have been using my lockdown time as productively as I can. x

(P.s I have done a lot of lying on the sofa and drinking tea ALL DAY too...but I call it work if I am thinking about what I am going to do with my life, right?).


  1. I wish you all the best.
    Good luck! ;)

  2. Loved your pictures..especially grumpy kids! Sounds like you have some very good ideas for going off on your own to design your own line of jewelry, plus decor. I hope it works out successfully for you. I was a single mom with two for a long time and know how hard it is to juggle everything, so take time to do for you! Couch and tea sound perfect. Hugs!

  3. Oh wow those photos have made me really nostalgic for my childhood in the countryside and going out on walks in all weathers. I am a Londoner now and missing that wet forest smell. I have been massively enjoying the slower pace of life during lockdown but the pub is also the one thing I miss the most about normal life. Good luck with the new ventures once we are out the other side of this! x

  4. Good luck! Your new businesses will do great. I've got a serious case of the blahs and need to do a lot of printmaking but your pictures are always inspiring. And it looks like you're a good few weeks ahead of us up here in the Hebrides. I've only seen one bluebell and it wasn't open yet...

  5. I'm sure you will make beautiful things and I'm looking forward to see it!

  6. Anonymous18.4.20

    Thinking IS working, even when it is done horizontally !! So keep up the good spirits ! Marie from Belgium

  7. What a joy to visit and admire your photography skills. Beautiful photos. Wishing you every success with your new venture.

  8. Yes, lying on the sofa and planning the future is definitely work!! Although I have to admit that my planning has been 'how to resign from my own company' and give myself permission to retire properly.

    I absolutely adore the photos of the nature and of your gorgeous children ... still gorgeous even when they're grumpy. No wonder you couldn't decide which photos to use :-)

  9. As soon as you get settled with your new company I would love to place an order! Love your work!

  10. All the best with your plans, Artemis! You are so incredibly talented that I am shocked you have not started this a looooong time ago. Big hug from far away!

  11. Anonymous22.4.20

    Yesss ! Really looking forward to what you'll make.

    That picture of Leafy holding his toy cars is wonderful! :)

    cheering you on from across the pond! (belgium ;)


  12. I rarely comment ... but, have been a visitor of your blog over the years and always loved the beautiful aesthetics. Sending you best wishes for your new future.

  13. I'm glad reading your blog again, fingers crossed for all your plans:) Greetings from Hungary

  14. Excited for you and your children as you start new adventures!!

  15. You are one of the most talented people that I "know". I think of you as the English Martha Stewart!

  16. Best of luck Artemis. I will be sure to place an order too. Sending you all my best on your new future. It will work out.


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