autumnal weavings

27 September 2014

So if you've been following me over on instagram you'll probably sick to death of my weaving explorations by now. I have been reading many 1970s books about weaving that have given me all sorts of ideas. I really love the Navajo traditional rugs with geometrical patterns, and the textures of the 1970s wall hangings with metalic threads all mixed together. I have some way to go, but these are a couple of latest weaving I have done.

and bit of an experiment using fine mohair, with single weft threads and unspun wool.

I saw a beautiful vintage triangle quilt that gave me an idea for this one, but it didn't come out quite as I had imagined!

this is what the back looks like before trimming.

lots of ideas from these things our kiddo found in the woods.

The weather has been pretty chipper here down on the Isle of Wight, so a bit of weaving in the garden is a very nice way to waste a day.

this big triangle was going to be a diamond shape but i ran out of space on my loom so it turned into a huge triangle instead.

So autumn is here, and its getting cold and dark, oh blimey I hate winter. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I make it through till spring...I wish I could hibernate like a dormouse.


  1. so nice, you are a talented woman! Ute Ursula

  2. Lovely, and such a great alternative to hanging pictures. This might be this autumn winter's hobby!

  3. Lovely!
    You've got me going now…second hand weaving frame already in the pocket and now off to the thrift shop for some yarn..

  4. Anonymous27.9.14

    They look great and certainly not fed up of your instagram piccy's :)

  5. I've been loving the weaving pictures - keep them coming! I read the comment you replied to that said you can buy cheap looms on Amazon, so I've added one to my wishlist - I've got geometric patterns for hanging planters floating around in my head! I know what you mean about Autumn, while I'm excited about coloured tights and cuddly jumpers, I'm dreading everything else!

  6. I don't think i'd ever get fed up of your weavings, they're beautiful. As for your daughters treasures they're delightful - i remember my own daughters treasures at that age (she's 22 now), i used to display them in an old printers tray on a coffee table leaning against the wall and she'd fill it with all sorts of found things, once there was the skull of a tiny vole she was fascinated with, she'd swap and change things and show was lovely. xx

  7. Your loom is amazing, and your weaved creations are so pretty! Can't believe you've managed to teach yourself how to weave - I have great memories of watching people in various corners of the world working on their huge looms, and your creations are so wonderfully artistic! x

  8. I just got a loom, too! I'm wishing I had bought one with a stand like that. What brand is yours?

  9. Beautiful! Where did you get your loom?


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