our Kitchen type room

18 January 2014

I started the year with a massive long list of things I need to do, written down in my book. This resulted in a sort of brain spasm. I just decided that there is no hurry so why panic myself when really all I want to do is eat and stay under a blanket and not look outside at the dull, grey, drizzly murk that is Great British weather. Anyways, as soon as I decided to take the pressure off myself, I actually ended up getting a few things done. One of those things was to make it a bit more homely in our kitchen, sunroom dinning room type room.
It is a newly built extension (by previous owner) and opens out onto our sparse and soggy garden. 
Its basically a blank white box with a big window. Today I set about arranging things in an arty farty orderly fashion.

I recently painted the bottom half of our table, which we bought from a local vintage yard. Its made of scaffolding planks (hence knot holes as big as my fist).

My Mister recently procured various hooks and put them up around the house. Hooks,  I have realised, are my saviour.

We also have some new chairs to add to the family, we were very grateful to have been given two string woven seat chairs, they are from made.com. We have two but the other has been stolen away to my shed in the garden which I am also in the process of decorating. I love them so much, I was after some vintage ones like this but always the seat has gone all dried up and brittle, so I'm so happy to have found these. It's nice to have some modern bits of furniture for a change...

and Jo's tortoise (a very treasured xmas pressie from Nao) looks very at home on there.

I found this wooden elephant in a junk market and loved the way its been skilfully made and the design just kills me. I gave it to our daughter for xmas, it goes really fast on those wheels believe it or not.

A few more recent acquisitions...an Ercol rocking chair from same said vintage yard. One bonus of living in the sticks is the great price for furniture like this. I'm going to put it out on the patio in the summer and sizzle myself in the mythical British sun.

Unfortunately we have had some leaks in the roof around that window which has left a nasty stain, so thats another job to add to the list!

Guess who sits at the head of the table.

We have got some Bi-fold (?) doors which open right out. I think this was why we bought the house.

A plant I managed not to kill, has rewarded us with some surprise flowers. I didn't even know it flowered at all! ...and in January!...

another Mister find...

...yes I know we haven't taken off random names stickers (I think they were for clocking-in cards?) ...thats another job for the list.

But any hows, I have the house to myself for a couple of hours and this pasty is about to be scoffed by moi, and then straight to the 'puter to do this blog post.

ahhhh, romantic wellie shot ; )


  1. I could move in to your house right away, love it to the bits.

  2. I think your plants a Christmas cactus, my sister has one that flowers and she is a 'plant killer'. Lovely photos, as always. Sarah

  3. Love these little sneak peeks into your home. It looks so homely and invited. Especially love your table, painting the legs was genius!

  4. I really love your house, your styling is beautiful x

  5. Can I please move in too..
    (just me+1+1grumpy cat)

  6. Wonderful room, very William Morris (beautiful, useful) and cozy. So glad to see Plim pics - hopefully she likes the new home as much as y'all. Loving the teeny-tiny yellow wellies. Would you mind if is showed the elephant to a toy maker where I live? They specialize in hand made wood toys, I wonder if it can be reproduced.

  7. I love your blog and your house looks so beautiful.
    Always makes me smile :-)

  8. Anonymous18.1.14

    What a beautiful, light space that room is and you've filled it with some pretty special stuff too. Thanks for all the lovely homey inspiration as usual. x x

  9. Absolutely gorgeous, especially that elephant and the rocker and I would definitely recommend setting up a SAD light and give yourself half an hr next to it in the mornings- speaking from experience.

  10. Looking lovely and light. (Especially like the fairy-light idea. Might need to keep this in mind for when I have a house of my own). I can imagine this being a room where many a good conversation could happen, with rain tapping at the windows :)

  11. The room looks super homey and lovely. I'm hoping that I can find some treasures in our local 'antiques market' but I think the prices here are a little steeper.

  12. Lovely pics. You inspire me to do more with what I have, as always :) thanks for sharing.

  13. Lovely room, I'm quite jealous. Yes, your plant is a "Christmas Cactus" (google will find care instructions!) and it is flowering at just the right time. You are going to have so much fun in that garden, which will dry out, believe me !!!

  14. Anonymous19.1.14

    Artemis, I love your styling - blog posts like this always make me smile. I've just moved houses myself and I can't wait to make it my own whilst learning from yours.

    Jen - islandbluebird.com

  15. It's funny how it always seems to take so long to finally get moved into a new home! We also just moved into a new house, almost two months ago, and we still have yet to put up any of our pictures. The whole task just seems overwhelming! I absolutely love what you've done with your precious house, and it's given me so much inspiration!

  16. For all its honesty, simplicity and beauty ... This blog is rockin'. FACT. Keep it up, girl. :-)

  17. i really enjoyed reading through your post this morning, your place is looking so lovely and cozy! (and i love your tenugui used on the table too :)

  18. Lovely home. By the way, in the states we call your plant a Christmas cactus--as it usually blooms a month earlier (sorry, seems yours is a bit slow!). Also, the cuttings can be easily rooted--to keep or share! How to care: http://www.wikihow.com/Care-for-a-Christmas-Cactus

  19. I just have to say, your place is GORGEOUS! I love that it opens up to the garden I have always wanted that!

  20. Cozy. Well done. :)

    1. Looking lovely and light. (Especially like the fairy-light idea. Might need to keep this in mind for when I have a house of my own). I can imagine this being a room where many a good conversation could happen, with rain tapping at the windows :)

  21. I'm absolutely in love with your house! Such a well presented and eclectic collection of treasures! And I think those doors would steal a little piece of my heart too!

  22. Such a lovely kitchen! I love the heater, love the way you have arranged everything :) x

  23. Gorgeous. So inspiring. I love your vintage pieces and the cozy feel of your house, which is refreshing to see after the plethora of sparse, samey modern interiors around the net lately. (BTW, I would love some British sun after the crazy heatwave we've had here in Melbourne, Oz!).

  24. You're home is so lovely and perfect for a little one with those doors opening up into the garden, not long now almost through January and February is a short month :) Hope the lamp helps soon.

  25. Gorgeous. Truly, madly, deeply envious now...!!

  26. your home looks beautiful! you've done an amazing job giving it a homey, lived in feel. i love it!

  27. Anonymous21.1.14

    That's a christmas cactus, and I like the random name stickers! You could make up stories about imaginary characters that go with the names... your house is very lovely, too.

  28. I just love your house!! I can't wait to be able to buy my own house...I really want an Ercol rocking chair, beautiful x

  29. I love you house, thank you so much for sharing. p.s. Pehr is gorgeous

  30. Great to see Plimsoll!!! did I give you that Xmas cactus? I start them off from my big plant, they are so lovely, mine was a bit late this year but last year flowered for 2 months or more. They're really fantastic plants and very resilient.

  31. Perfection! When can I move in? :)

  32. So lovely! Those doors leading from your kitchen to the outside are wonderful! Love all the touches you have done to your home. It truly feels like a home, one that will be a huge blessing to your little Pehr!

  33. Anonymous26.1.14

    Love your decorating style! Very vintage and homey, and the doors open onto the patio are fabulous! The weather here in Northern Indiana has been very grey, snowy and cold, cold and more cold! Hang in there!

  34. I see another commentor noticed you have a blooming 'Christmas Cactus'. They do bloom in the winter. Love the bi-fold doors!

  35. I really like your decorating style! It doesn´t look too ready made and your home seems to be full of love!

  36. Anonymous31.1.14

    I really enjoy following your blog, so much so that I have been inspired to write my own! You always post such lovely pictures - very inspiring and a lovely read too!

  37. Hooks are my saviour too. Hooks EVERYWHERE in our house.

  38. Beautiful post. I love the high chair!

  39. Hi, what colour did you use on the kitchen table? Thanks


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