an amazing thing happened

24 September 2013

Yes, can you believe it? We can't. After 10 years of building our business, with all its uncertantity, worry and hard work, we finally did it. We bought our own pile of bricks!
It's quite some feeling. To leave behind the world of renting. To be able to plan our future and plant things in the garden, hang pictures and put up shelves. Oh yes indeedo.

Of course it's more for her than us, so only right that she should take the key from the Estate Agents.

and take the first steps inside.

she was in awe of everything, and so much space to run about too!

and even a big shed at the bottom of the garden.

I showed her, her new room...

only joking of course, thats the broom cupboard.

we camped in the living room for a few nights whilst we painted the whole house. Its currently Magnolia, and we are in the 'Brilliant White' camp if you know what I mean.

The next morning we spotted a big squishy rabbit in the garden.

and then we went out for lunch...

we past by a wedding being held at this massive Mill house, with stunning flowers over the door...

then it was back to the painting.

a nice spot for a nap.

and then off to hunt down a huge kitchen table at the vintage yard.

 and then back to London.

We'll be moving to the Isle of Wight soon, with our furniture and everything. Until then its packing, packing and more packing which I hate. So much sorting out of things...I can't wait until we are settled in and can concentrate on a certain someones First Birthday!
Wish us luck!


  1. Congratulations! So much space for you & your Bubba. Enjoy your beautiful home :)

  2. Congratulations! Your blog is the loveliest blog. It always brightens my day to read your posts and makes me so happy. A true delight.

  3. Congrats! That is such great news. The place looks amazing already. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  4. That's awesome! Congrats & all the best. Have fun making your new house your home...

  5. My warmest congratulations to such a gorgeous little family.
    I wish the 3 of you all kinds of wonderful in your new home.
    (and I'm guessing your mums rather pleased!) xxx

  6. How wonderful for you all, can't wait to see the birthday too.

    1. thanks! yes I hope I have a enough time to make Pehr's birthday cake!

  7. Congratulations! Your new place looks so sweet and so perfect for you and your family!

  8. Awesome! Congratulations to your first own home!

  9. Anonymous24.9.13

    Congratulations! such an exciting time, God bless ^.^

  10. Congrats on your home :) It looks perfect. Good Luck with the move-I hope it goes smoothly.

  11. Many blessings to you and your lovely little family! Happy Nesting! :)

  12. Anonymous24.9.13

    So happy for you and your little family. The house looks just perfect. Congratulations!

  13. congratulations!!!! everything looks so nice! I hope you all enjoy the new house and all the best for you! ^^

  14. Congratulations! It is so exciting. Can't wait to see what amazing things you do with it :)

  15. oh how exciting - congratulations! (beautiful wood floor and kitchen fittings) but the isle of wight is far from hatton garden, yes?

    1. Thank you! yes it is far from Hatton Garden! ; )

  16. Wow wow wow! Congratulations! You and Nao and your beautiful little Pehr deserve all of the goodness for all of your hard honest work. Those floors are wonderful and the gardens look so inviting! I look forward to discovering more inspiration from you with what you do with your new home. Congratulations!


  17. How truly wonderful! So inspiring :)

  18. So happy for you - and moving to the Isle of Wight!!!! Claire xo

  19. Oh my heavens!! Ok if I wasn't so darn envious (& it didn't cost so bloody much) I'd bring over a bottle of Bolly right now... Myself ... And then you'd have to contend with a sulky cow cos I can only just .... Deeeeeep breath... Sigh with the deliciousness of your gorgeous new abode (those floorboards, that fireplace! Amaaaaaaaazeballs!) I. Am. So. Happy. For. You. All!!!

    I can only wait with baited breath for all the Artmisal Magic (new term I invented.. Ya like?) that you will weave ... All the before & after shots... All the vintage loveliness ... All of Pehr's adventures! Whooooooo Hoooooo!

    I've just realised that I pretty much made this whole comment about me... Blush ...
    Congrats you lovely family you!

    1. Ahh thank you Angy! You are welcome to come and stay if you ever find yourself on the Isle of Wight!

  20. What a positive house! Well for such people as you are it has to be! Congratualtions!

    1. Thank you Katja! Yes I feel that its a positive house. Its been in the same family since it was built in Victorian times. Pehr is the first baby to live there in about 70 years!

  21. Congratulations!!! Looking forward to lots more photos. Sarah

  22. I've followed your blog for over 2 years now and I can honestly say that I am genuinely made up that you've bought a house. You and your family really deserve it. Congratulations!

  23. It looks wonderful, congratulations. Looking already forward to more interior related posts ;) Good luck and happy moving

  24. A huge congratulations, that's so exciting! I bet you're going to have an great time decorating your new pad!

    1. Thanks Hannah! and congratulations for your new job! the start of a very successful career I feel.

  25. Congratulations, looks like such a beautiful space. That will be even more lovely when you, Nao and Pehr are all moved in xx

  26. What a beautiful house. Good luck with your new phase...

  27. Lovely news! Can't wait to see how the house develops. I am sure that it will be great for you all.

  28. Your new house is really nice, and the kitchen is fabulous. How lovely for Pehr to have a garden to explore, and it looks a big garden.You want have to worry about painting those magnolia walls, looks like Pehr got it for you with her little paint roller x

  29. What an amazing news!! Congratulations to the 3 of you, wishing you happiness and love in the new house.

  30. Wow, exciting! To be near family, yes? Us too! But sadly we are not buying just yet. Our new place is also a hideous magnolia shade and we are desperately trying to get in there before we move to paint it! Eeee exciting times!

    1. Yep it is very exciting! We will be sort of near family, but we moved there as the house prices are low compared with mainland and its relatively close to London and the sea. My fam live on the other side of the Island ; ) x

  31. Massive congratulations guys, it looks absolutely beautiful. Really hope the packing and move go well.

    Em x

  32. oh my this fills my heart with so much joy. utterly perfect apart from the fact i wish you were all nearer to us :)
    well done you lovely trio - hard work indeed but so so worth it..
    enjoy, celebrate, run barefoot around that garden :)
    lots of love from yorkshire xxxx

  33. May you all be very content in your new lovely home!! Cx

  34. good for you! it looks like a lovely house, I love all of the original fireplaces and stripped wooden floors x

  35. adorable baby!! and you've got lots of great photos!

  36. Congratulations! A house! We're thinking of buying but can only afford a flat in London but we have to get ourselves on the property ladder, I'm sure it's fine as long as our baby has a garden!

  37. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. It looks wonderful. xx

  38. Anonymous25.9.13

    Congratulations Artemis, it all looks gorgeous. You must be so excited. Your new house is very similar to mine, I can't wait to see what you do with it and nick a few of your ideas!! X

  39. wow- congratulations on your new house and your new adventure!!

  40. Congratulations! Looks like the start of another beautiful chapter in your lives.

  41. Anonymous25.9.13

    Oh Artemis, so pleased for you! I've followed your various moves to tiny flats over the last couple of years and I'm so chuffed you've finally got your own place. It looks so pretty and perfect for you guys... I'm sure you will make it a gorgeous, family space. Have fun pottering and making your home. xx

  42. Congratulations, that's so exciting, it looks beautiful! Wishing you luck with all the packing!

  43. its beautiful! and the munchkin looks like she loves the garden! Where is that vintage yard, it looks amazing!!

  44. Aw wow! That's so cool :-)
    I love your blog, your life just looks so lovely all the time :-) xx

  45. Ahhhh i am so jealous congratulations! I holiday on the island every year and have done since i was about 5 its like my second home and i can name all the places you were photographed. I wish you all the best of luck in your house and future. xx

  46. Anonymous25.9.13

    Félicitaion! Je vous souhaite de bons moments dans votre nouvelle maison.

  47. Congratulations on your new home. Hope your family is very happy there!

  48. Francesca25.9.13

    Aw, congratulations! I'm thrilled that you've finally got your own place - can't believe you have ended up on the Isle of Wight, how exciting! - and look forward to all the decoration before-and-after posts! I've been reading your blog for about three years now and love seeing where life takes you. Plus Pehr is just absolutely scrummy.
    Best of luck for the big move. xx

  49. Hi there..I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now congratulations on your new house.It looks wonderful.
    My mum lives along The duver in St Helens and my sister lives in Nettlestone.So I know the Island well
    (I live in London) It is a beautiful place and I'm rather jealous of you..I look forward to reading your future posts.
    Good luck with the move.Lulu.x

  50. Anonymous25.9.13

    congratulations to all of you. The house looks so beautiful and I'm sure yourself and Nao will make it look even more beautiful. Little Pehr is such a doll. I wish you all Peace, Love and Happiness in your new home. Ruth in Dublin.

  51. What a lovely house and a lovely family you are! I love the 3 of you, even if I don't know you!! This blog is an everyday gift...

  52. Yippee! This is so exciting! So so pleased for you all - and selfishly CAN'T WAIT for gorgeous home interior type design inspiration! X

  53. Helena25.9.13

    Wow, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!
    It's so, so good to have our own house and with a garden it's wonderful for the adults and for the little ones, too.
    From Lisbon, in Portugal I wish you the best in the world!
    Let me say that your little daughter is each day more beautiful... she is a sweet :)
    Be Happy! xoxo

  54. Anonymous25.9.13

    many congratulations to you guys. The house looks beautiful and I'm sure Nao and yourself will decorate it to perfection. I wish you, Nao and beautiful Pehr many years of Peace, Love and Happiness in your new home. Ruth in Dublin

  55. Congratulations! The house looks awesome!

  56. Anonymous25.9.13

    Congratulations on your new home for Pehr! What a wonderful place to put down roots. I am trying to make the Isle of Wight my home too, but alas until the right job pops up, I'm stuck on the North Island! Look after it for me until I can get there.

  57. so happy for you! May happiness always hover above your new home.

  58. That is lovely news, quite a big achievement in these times. You and your family are a great inspiration. XX

  59. Congratulations! Looks like an amazing space! Can't wait to see it decorated! And the little's first birthday. Wow time flies!

  60. Liz Thomas25.9.13

    I am so happy for you all. You have found the perfect place to be all that you are. How wonderful!! Many blessings!!

  61. Congratulations on your new home! Your family and blog have inspired me in countless ways over the years and I am so happy you now have a place to set down roots w/ Pehr. You deserve it!! Many blessings!!

  62. Anonymous25.9.13

    Please explain if the new workshop is here or there or ? Hope you will be all in the same place!

    1. Our workshop is in Hatton Garden London, so no it is not in the same place.

  63. Anonymous25.9.13

    I read your inspiring blog regularly but have never commented, but just had to say huge congratulations on acquiring such a lovely nest.
    I hope you and your delightful family have many happy times in your new home. your peachy Pehr looked so cute painting with her roller. You don't live that far from me at the moment, so if you ever fancy popping in for a cuppa, you would be more than welcome.x

  64. Congratulations!! The house looks lovely and so perfect for you all. After reading this blog for about 2 years now and hearing you desperately wanting your own house for all that time I'm so utterly excited for you all that it's finally come true! Can't wait to see what you do to it to make it your own x

  65. So excited for you! Congratulations! What a beautiful place for Pehr to grow up in!

  66. Anonymous25.9.13

    Wow, how exciting! Congratulations! I'm very happy for you and at the same time very envious. I hope my partner and I will be able to find a house like that soon!

  67. Your new home looks beautiful!

  68. A trazillion congratulations to you, Nao & Pehr wishing you every possible happiness in your new home.

  69. I'm so happy for you, you deserve it! Thank you for sharing your hapiness, as you can see your blog is an inspiration for all of us. You are such a beautiful family, all the luck and love for you all!

  70. Anonymous25.9.13

    So happy for you. It looks like it fits you so perfectly.

  71. Mandy25.9.13

    Congratulations to you all! it looks like a beautiful place to live...x

  72. Anonymous25.9.13

    i love your world!You are so sweet person!And your daughter is pure honey!Carmen

  73. Congratulations! Such lovely news! Sweet Pehr will enjoy her little garden so much! Joy!

  74. Anonymous25.9.13

    Finally de-lurking after a few delightful years of reading your blog to wish you all a hearty congratulations on your new home!!! Back when you were preparing for your wedding, I so much loved reading about your preparations and still remember what a treat it was when you posted about your wedding -- loved all the artistic details & the things you made. Have been enjoying reading about sweet Pehr and the things you have been making for her. We have been parents for almost 13 years, but when I read your posts, I think to myself with a smile, "I wish I could be like Artemis when I grow up!" :) Finally buying your own home is a wonderful step; wishing you all continued joy!! Best wishes, Martha

  75. Anonymous25.9.13

    Huge congrats! You guys deserve it, and the house looks beautiful!
    Ah I cannot wait for the gorgeous home décor D.I.Y. posts you are bound to publish now! ;)

  76. That shot of her with the paint roller made me laugh out loud! :) Your home looks wonderful, I'm so in love with the floor. I can't wait to be able to buy my own house with a garden. Such luxury!

  77. Congratulations, it looks amazing!! Hope you'll be very happy in your new home :)

  78. I have loved following your blog through Nao's proposal, your wedding, Pehr's arrival and I'm so happy that you have this gorgeous new home of your own back on the Isle! Feels like another new chapter is about to unfold... Congratulations! Alexis (not your brother...)

  79. Congratulations! Your home looks beautiful! :) Best wishes, Joana

  80. Congratulations! There is nothing like owning your own home, it gives you such a sense of contentment. Enjoy putting your own stamp on it! :o)

  81. Congratulations on your new home! Judging by the photo glimpses it looks absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see what you do with the place! :)


  82. So happy for you, really looking forward to seeing all the beautiful and wonderful things you will do with the house and that lovely looking garden. Look out for that cute bunny eating your garden plants!!

  83. sonia26.9.13

    congratulations! Your new home and garden seem to be really nice. Best of luck for the moving and settling in!

  84. ahh, how wonderful! It all looks grand- many congrats. Bless little Pehr with her roller! xx

  85. I keep coming back to this post because I am so happy for you and the house/garden/views look just gorgeous. I do have a nice house myself but ah, I love English Victorians. Congratulations again.

  86. So pleased for you. It looks like it will be a wonderful home, and like many others, I can't wait to see what you can do with "A WHOLE HOUSE" (and a big shed)! Wishing you all the best!

  87. What an accomplishment! Congratulations and best wishes for many happy new memories for many years to come in your new-to-you home. Hope your move goes well and look forward to seeing you put your personal touch on this lovely new space.

  88. Brilliant news! Congratulations! It looks like a wonderful space. x

  89. Anonymous27.9.13

    Fantastic news! I wish you all happiness in your new home. I live by the sea in Bournemouth and have a good view of the Isle of Wight (when it's not foggy!). I shall wave to you from the beach! Love reading your blog and seeing your wonderful creativity unfold. Xoxo

  90. Katy Jane27.9.13

    Your blog is a little bit of gentle inspiration every time I read it. You all deserve a place to call your own and it looks charming already. I hope you all make many happy memories in your new home. Best wishes x

  91. What wonderful news. A nest to call your own is such an achievement, I wish you and your little family nothing but the best in your new digs. It looks full of light and will be glowing in the love that you bestow upon it.

  92. Anonymous28.9.13

    Congratulations on your own home! The pictures look so beautiful of the house and of your little one exploring it.

  93. Your new nest looks beautiful - as a renter with wretched carpets, I have huge floor envy! The biggest congratulations to you and your little family, what a glorious looking house!

  94. Wow, this is super exciting news! Congratulations! Wish you all the best with your move. Looking forward to discovering your new corner of the world :)

  95. Your new place looks absolutely gorgeous - so light and spacious. I'm a little bit sad for me as I always thought we'd bump into each other one day (we live near each other and seem to frequent the same places!) but I'm thrilled for you all. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures across the sea.

  96. Looks like a dream place, with lots of charm! Congrats.

  97. Amazing!!! Congratulations, and luck

  98. Your new home looks beautiful, it must be so exciting to finally get some space and your own walls! I wish you all the bestlluck and can't wait to see you make your new house your home x

  99. Anonymous1.10.13

    I'm so happy for all of you! It'll be good for all of us of course too because we'll probably get to see all of your creative work, you know beyond Pehr.. Have fun!

  100. What an amazing space to build your family memories. Loved that you are brave about leaving London. Please continue to visit Sussex, I love your take on places that has been our home for 6 years now since leaving London. Dxx

  101. Congratulations! That garden is amazing. I can't wait to see the house all furnished!

  102. Oh how exciting for you all, I have such fond memories of visiting my grandmother on the Isle of White. Im sure you will all be very happy in your new home x

  103. Oh, big congratulations to you guys. I know having your own space AND a whole lot a space means the world to you.
    Love seeing Pehr... hope you 're well. Moving is stressful but the end result sooooo satisfying. See you soon x

  104. So heartwarming to see. Wishing you and your family many happy memories and sounds of laughter in your beautiful new home.


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