
1 April 2013

So, we celebrated Easter for the first time, it was very nice (although sadly, the telly was pants), lots of flowers and chocolate and cutting up tissue paper.

I made a hilarious Faberge-esque egg card for our little'un.

with pompoms and gold rick-rack, as you do.

Pehr cant have chocolate yet, so I gave her some small pressies, a bunny nightlight and rubber duckling. She did get a mug but we ate the egg.

I even swiped a few branches from the garden.

yes, spring has sprung. (even though its like bloody arctic outside).

Other than that, we have spent most of the holiday working on a bit of a project involving lots of sawing and lots of sewing. ...And I'm pretty nackered now, I can tell you!


  1. Happy Easter! Such pretty daffs garland, you are clever. Keep warm x

  2. just lovely! looks like you had a happy easter x

  3. The egg card is awesome!

  4. I love seeing the snippets of your family life. so lovely :)

  5. You are awesome!! Seem like you are a really japanese crafter! I love your creativity, i love your blog and your little baby ( who reminds me mine whe were little like yours) So, i´m a follower from Italy. Hugs.

  6. Like the daffs (both real and paper)... made my baby a stuffed felt bunny but he's not allowed to play with it yet (scared the button eyes will get chewed off and swallowed). Self-inflicted health & safety measures!
    New mum paranoia and all that :)

  7. Love the daffodils! It looks like Pehr had a fairly enchanting first Easter!

  8. lovely jubbly. looking forward to hearing/seeing the sawing/sewing project hopefully too :)

  9. Your daffodil garland is so pretty! Happy Easter (the radio told me we are allowed to say Happy Easter for the whole of this week) xxx

  10. Anonymous2.4.13

    those paper daffs are so lovely! i love filling my flat with daffodils at this time of year, just a shame the weather outside isn't matching up!

  11. These things are amazing and they last. I still have a scarf that my mom gave me years ago!

  12. Happy belated Easter to you and your family. The house you've built is a beaut and I'm very jealous. With a week to go until my baby is due I'm constantly looking for ideas of how to make do in our one bed place and this has given me some great ideas, so thank you. I just had one question - that sheepskin blanket/mat - where is it from? I've been wanting to get one but don't really know what they're called!!?! yours looks perfect. Thanks x

  13. all so beautiful and iconically easter, you are a seasoned pro! love the daffodil garland ad pehr's card, simply adorable!


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