DIY BABY - Part 7

16 September 2012


I made these today. Squishy, jingly cubes x 5...I'm hoping the tot will like?
I used wool felt and scraps of patterned fabric {the print is layered up with felt to make the thickness even}. I did them really quickly in my shed, as I tend not to stray too far from the sofa these admittedly they could have been a bit neater. Anyways, from a distance they look ok, I don't think tot is going to care less.

I had to use something to put the bells inside and I thought of kinder egg yolks. They worked a treat, the only trouble is that I'm now left with lots of chocolate and some plastic toys to assemble. Oh woe...

Some good news to those who read my last post, the babe has heard my threats of the naughty step, and has flipped 180 into the correct position, it was only breech for about 2 days thank goodness {well, actually, thanks to my lovely midwife for suggesting lots of funny stuff, that actually worked!} . Me hopes it will stay that way until eviction day.
Other than that, all is well...its just a waiting game now, so trying to make the most of our last quiet days.


  1. Excellent news re position. Babe is getting ready. Enjoy these end days. Lovely blocks, your is a lucky baby to have such creative parents x

  2. Yeah bump behaves and turned for you and even better you get to eat the kinder chocolate (I loveeeee that stuff!) Good luck to all three of you x ps they'll love those jingle cubes too :)

  3. These are so cute. Hope all goes well if I don't get to 'speak' with you before!

  4. Hooray! Glad to hear the whippersnapper decided to "get with the program," so to speak! :)

  5. So pleased to hear baby has flipped! Massive good luck for impending baby arrival. Can't wait to meet him/her! Leftover chocolate wouldn't last two minutes in our house :)

  6. Well those letters are more looking like the toys that are made up of cloth...other than that I like the wooden baby basket a lot.

  7. Anonymous16.9.12

    I love your blog so much I always save your posts til last to read out of all the blogs I follow!
    Glad to here the babe has turned back the right way up, probably heard about all these adorable toys and thought it better behave.. X

  8. bravo baby for getting back in position. enjoy the last days of pregnancy, don't eat all that chocolate! :D
    beautiful preparations.

  9. Good luck - eviction day will bring so much joy!!

  10. well done for getting your babe to turn, love the cubes

  11. My sister is playing the same waiting game, so I sympathise. Excess chocolate to eat? Oh the shame!

  12. Lindsay17.9.12

    So lovely to share the steps in your journey to Mummyhood. The little squishy cubes are just lovely. Keep your feet up and enjoy the view of the Bump before he or she arrives. xxxxxxx

  13. What a brilliant idea, so lovely that they are home made, something to keep forever x

  14. Eviction Day: *giggle*

  15. Aagh I remember those last few days. The anticipation, the excitement, the dread! Sleep while you can is my advice.
    Love those blocks.

  16. I just turned 20 & I want these! xx

  17. Anonymous18.9.12

    So pretty! Enjoy your quiet crafting time while it lasts!

  18. I saw the -I want my hat back- book the other day. The illustrations are beautiful. An unusual twist at the end!

  19. way to flip that baby!

    the blocks are too sweet.

  20. Amanda Z.18.9.12

    Very sweet blocks - the kinder egg idea is kinda genius!

    My babe was also breech and born via csection (oh well) with a perfectly flat head, proving he had been parked upright since day 1.

    And babies do sleep you know! I got loads of craft time in that first year. They love the hum of the sewing machine.

  21. Melanie from Sydney19.9.12

    Relax and sleep before your baby comes.
    Your little person is very lucky to have those blocks made with such love. And glad they decided to go head first. My mum is a midwife and told me a story before I delivered that she had a young woman many years ago arrive in labour with a bandwidth on her bellybutton. My mum queried why she had the bandaid (or plaster) on her bellybutton. She replied that she did not want the baby to try coming out via her belly button. This was about 30 years ago but still, something to giggle at as you prepare.

  22. baby will definitely love the squishy blocks. it's very lucky to have such a loving mom like you :)

  23. Very nice post. I'm tweeting it. Thanks.

  24. Oh enjoy the peace and quiet! I was so impatient waiting for my babe to make an appearance and now 5 months down the sleep deprived line I wish I'd enjoyed the nap time more!

  25. What a lucky baby to have such a creative mum! Good luck for the big'll be great!

  26. love the blocks would u fancy making me some??ive got a 3 mnth old called teddy and its just amazing being a mummy!good luck x


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