long lost summer

26 July 2012

at last the sun came out in Blighty, and so a spot of camping was called for.

campsites around the South East are a nightmare during the summer, fully booked out since January, so not much hope for us 'fair weather' campers who just up and go according to the weather forecast.
We therefore went to one we'd been to before a few times, which is quieter and has a lovely fishing lake and beautiful corn field.
On the way there we stopped at the British Wildlife Centre, because I LOVE animals.
We saw...

Water Vole {not a rat, thank you.}


Badger of course

...having a bath and a good ol'rummage in its nether regions before lunch was due.

We spent ages looking for the Otters in their ponds {I have ALWAYS wanted to see an otter} we finally found one fast a kip in its glass roofed bed. It was seriously comatose, dreaming about something. Its fur is immaculate.

a tiny Muntjac deer, and up popped its even tiny-er babe {we thought the adult was a baby one until we saw the baby one!}

its mum was washing its bum at the same time it was feeding...a worrying insight into motherhood

Nao attracted a Red Squirrel by cruelly pretending he had a nut in his hand.

the squirrel soon sussed it out, and headed for the iphone instead.

this sly fox was after some light refreshments.

but we thought he should be eating slugs and frogs instead, so he didn't get even a lick.

we also stopped by Britain's oldest windmill, which we discovered had been destroyed in a storm in January. Very sad. We had a cuppa instead.

at the campsite...

Nao had lamb things. I analysed my bump as usual.

next morning we headed off too Birling Gap on the South Coast, again. We love it here, we usually go down the end where the nudies are because they are generally a peaceful bunch. {we kept our swimmies on though}

Nao did a spot of whale watching...

we had a bit of a stress finding a different campsite, they are mostly pretty naff around that area. We ended up at a farm which grew on us very much so we might even go back there one day.

the ducklings were small enough to escape the fence and do their 'cute feed me' routine...

Jon Bon Jovi Ponies.

I take this fox pillow everywhere, its just the right shape for a prego like me.

Lastly we went to Camber Sands again, its becoming our regular destination when the sun comes out.

but we managed to find a quite spot at the far end...

this was my view from the whole two days...

we might squeeze in some more camping if this weather keeps up! I'll keep yous posted.


  1. Looks to have been a lovely escape, I love the fox pillow :)

    Your vehicle is the best for camping, I'd love to have one.

  2. Looks like you had a fab time! So glad summer has decided to make an appearance!


  3. the squirrel and fox are so cute! i love the fact your bushel box is stamped Wisbech :) you look very sweet with your little bump xox

  4. Wow! I cannot believe you saw all those animals (especially the badger in broad daylight!). Days like these are so rare (in terms of sun) you really have to make the most of them don't you?

  5. Awww lovely photos, especially of the growing bump. Looking gorgeous! Makes me want to go campling, will you still go as often once the baby is here. We have a 5 month old and it seems like quite a daunting idea.

  6. what area is the lovely beachy cliff in? looks amazing

  7. Oh my, all that wonderful wildlife. I'm ever so jealous!

    I've never much fancied camping at all, and the only thing that sways me is reading your amazing blog posts! x

  8. Oh my, all that wonderful wildlife. I'm ever so jealous!

    I've never much fancied camping at all, and the only thing that sways me is reading your amazing blog posts! x

  9. Lovely photos! I especially loved all the animals you encountered and love seeing you so healthy! x

  10. Your camping pictures always inspire me to do better on my outdoor escapades! Off to WOMAD festival this weekend and wish I had a camper to transport luxury items with me. I'm stuck with wellies, instant risotto and dry shampoo as my festival camping essentials! Beautiful beachy bump by the way!

  11. I loved camping when I was pregnant - rolling around at floor level suited me perfectly. The getting up just gets a little harder as time goes on!
    Looks idyllic, I love your camping style.
    We've camped with our babies from teeny-weeny, get 'em used to it young I say!

  12. Anonymous26.7.12

    I totally adore animals too! And LOVE otters. They are so sweet and funny. I was amazed at how friendly taht fox was. What a nice post this is.

  13. I was at Camber Sands last weekend, also down the quiet end near the river. So many shells to collect and hardly a soul. I'd have said hello if I'd seen you!

  14. Lovely photos. The first on Beachy Head is a stones throw away from my aunts house. She's very lucky to live where she does. We live within 8 miles from there and often grab a bag of chips from the seafront and sit up there admiring the view! Glad you had a good time, bump an all!

  15. What a lovely journey!! And the fox pillow is so cute :)

  16. You are looking 'blooming' marvellous! When will some of your new finds be in the shop? xx

  17. If you love Camber Sands, you should keep driving a weeny bit further (4 or 5 miles, in fact) and go to Dungeness. It's incredible! Flat and shingly and beautiful lighthouses and bonkers cottages. Your trip looks lovely - thanks for post.

  18. What a lovely life you have, with all the camping. I just requested my husband that we start doing the same, I'm afraid my city children are becoming too nature shy, this must be amended!

    You mentioned that you like otters - me too - have you ever seen "Ring of Bright Water"? I believe it will appeal to you, the aesthetics in particular. Also the otter. Our kids love the movie, though they can't understand much English yet.

  19. Melanie from Sydney27.7.12

    Loving your bump!! You look absolutely gorgeous as a pregnant mummy to be. If I were not enjoying my one month old little girl soo much I would exclaim that I miss my bump ( tho currently sporting a post-pregnancy pouch I could do without). Enjoy yourselves.

  20. Gorgeous photos, I love your camper. So happy to have the British summer here, we're based on the south coast and love the idea of just heading out on a last min camping trip! Definitely inspired now :) x

  21. Anonymous27.7.12

    You are so inspiring - hopefully one day we'll be able to have adventures like this. Much love <3

  22. what a beatiful trip, love the photo of your bump!

  23. Looks like a great way to have cherished the sunshine. Love your Bon Jovi ponies (I was obsessed in my teens)

  24. Kamila27.7.12

    I love your camping posts :)

  25. A) you look great! B) I loved your Jon Bonjovi ponies comment, which made me literally laugh out loud.

  26. Did you know youve had a mention in Homes and Antiques magazines 50 best blogs! Well done you!

  27. It looks like you had a wonderful trip, the sun in Britain has been a nice change compared to the rain. I love the Jon Bon Jovi Ponies and all of the other animals.

  28. I love your hippy van! I want a green one too haha! Looks like a lovely wildlife place! Otters are freakin' adorable!


  29. your trip looks like it was just perfect! I think picking up and driving off when the weather's right is an excellent attitude, gotta get myself a camper van so I can do the same :)

  30. Looks like an amazing trip - so much wildlife :) I live near Birling Gap - would love to know the name of the farm you ended up camping on so we can check it out? x


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. ohhh, a badger! never seen one in my life. and a fox, my favorite. and you saw Bambi:}

  33. I love it when you post pictures from you camping trips! It looks so peaceful and cosy! :)

  34. Anonymous10.8.12

    Such a cute 'bumpette' you wear it well :)

  35. Terrence26.11.12

    Those pictures sure bring back memories. I can still remember how much fun it was when we first went to the beach and camped out in the woods. That new feeling of excitement - there's simply nothing like it.

  36. Hi, Can I ask which farm and campsite it is? We are off with our camper van in the spring (complete with dogs and babies) and are looking at campsites. We are complete novices so I would prefer a farm campsite to start with rather than the massive ones....


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