
29 May 2015

I have been a tad busy of late, I guess that has been reflected in my absence blog-wise. One of the reasons was because we have been working on our new garden studio greenhouse which we are all a bit over excited about! 

So the story is... we had a huge massive bush type shrub thing that we inherited from the previous owner. It was too big for us to prune, and it cast a big shadow over the bottom half of the garden (we have one of those long, thin gardens). We thought about a better way we could use the (valuable) space, and we also needed a nice place to work on designing jewellery and working on computers (my mister and I already have our own workshop sheds here and here).
We went to our local garden building place and had a look at what they had...then we saw this greenhouse and we ordered it straight away (we had a small 'windfall' of available cash at the time ; )
Their builders came and installed it for us, with a concrete base and gravel around it, all we had to do was lay a wooden floor (Nao did this) and just move in.

We added some shade for the ceiling, and power sockets via an extension lead so we can have lights, fan, heater, radio etc... The roof vents open automatically via a thermostat, so when it gets hot they open by themselves! so clever innit.

I put in a few toys so that when I'm with my kiddo, I can still attempt to get some work done. I generally try to avoid this, but sometimes I have to work suddenly, without notice.

I had a lot of fun collecting nice storage baskets and bits for my desk. my mister did the same ; )

I do have to have some boring things in there, like a printer, but I hid it under the desk.

The only problem we have are insects. At the moment it's fine but I know that in late summer we will be engulfed by crane flies, and I find them repulsive! (sorry crane flies, but it's true). I have some insect screening to put up, so i will see how it goes.

It's nice to have a desk next to my mister for a change, although we rarely will be working together, as we take it in turns looking after the nipper, so unless she can amuse herself with her toys, there will probably be just one of us at a time in here.

I love to look at it all lit up at night. It reminds me of a bar on some tropical island...pina colada anyone?


  1. It is just beautiful. Job well done!!!!!

  2. Wow! What a great idea for an outdoor office! Will be nice and warm in winter when the sun's shining too.

  3. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! You guys are so brilliant! How do you decide what work you'll do in the greenhouse and in the shed? Don't forget to use sunscreen!


    1. Thanks! My sewing shed is for sewing...the new greenhouse is for working on our business and earning money...dispatching orders, working on website etc...which we used to do on kitchen table!

  4. That's so cool! I Love it!!

  5. Did you know glass acts as a sun screen? I didn't until I looked it up! Was hoping to get a tan whilst working but don't think it's going to happen sadly! X

  6. That is absolutely brilliant. I'd never thought of a greenhouse as an alternative working space - or even to use as a conservatory.
    I love the way you and Nao can think outside of the box!

  7. I can imagine some wonderfully scented plants in there too - a jasmine would be beautiful. I used to use an old lean-to conservatory as a work space, I had a painted wooden bench with a collection of scented leaf pelargoniums, I can still smell the lemon one now, it was incredible. Wishing you many contented hours under glass! :)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Great idea to use this greenhouse as an office!!

  9. Just commented but not sure where it went - sorry if two pop up!

    I love this, well done! Would you mind telling me where your string of little bulbs is from - I'm trying to find some at the moment.


  10. bravo c'est magnifique!

  11. Oh. My Word. I may or may not have gasped. This is absolutely beautiful. You have taken the idea of a "working shed" to a whole nother level. So amazing!!!

  12. Gorgeous to be that immersed in nature!

  13. VERY cool! A glasshouse as an office space is something I would have thought of, but you're right it looks like you should be sipping pina colada's!

  14. Your house can't get any better than this!! Amazing and inspiring place to work in.

  15. I absolutely love this! I love all of your photos - they're so aesthetically pleasing! :)

  16. Wow! Wow! Wow! What a lovely place to work. I am so envious but pleased for you both too. I have just ordered a shed and hope to do a little work in there too.
    To repel insects coming in through the door, you can purchase a black net door curtain which does up with magnets. It's very effective and being black looks contemporary as well. I am not sure where you get these but a search on google should suffice.

    Good Luck in your studio xxx

  17. that's a great place! I'd love to have one like that!!

  18. Most excellent idea! It looks unbearably charming all lit up at night like that. I love it.

  19. It's beautiful, what a lovely idea. Where did you get it from? I've been after something similar for a while :)

  20. Oh wow, such a lovely studio! It's amazing Artemis. I love to have a nice office to work in, me and my husband are self employed too and I find it much more inspiring!

  21. Great idea and so complementary to your need for sun, especially in the winter months. Who is the manufacturer?

  22. DeLovely. Yes please, pina colada; don't forget the wee umbrella.

  23. Oh my. I am green with envy - this looks amazing. Would you mind if I featured a picture of it on my blog this weekend? I'll link back to this post x


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