very quiet days.

21 January 2015

I was on a 'making and doing' roll, but I suddenly came down with the lurgy. I had to cancel my work trip to London, and me and the tot were at home, ill and watching Toy Story over and over. I actually started to think about some very deep physiological messages in those films...about imagination and freedom to have ideas and not be stuck within the bounds of rules. All the characters are different and have different skills and abilities which together enable them to defy all odds stacked against them. Deep, so so deep. ...I have watched too much telly.

Anyways, besides that I have mainly been looking at daffodils.

And admiring our oars that my mister put up as a stair rail.

and our new sofa that we bought from Tesco (it's even made in the UK would you believe). Now we have a sofa each for maximum horizontal relaxation ; )

...and my über 70s door mat, I have so many memories of macrame rugs and lampshades when I was a nipper. It's my favourite decade by far!


  1. Wow that oar idea is fantastic. 70's mats eh? That takes me back to my teenage years when I had one in my bedroom....oh yes, I was groovy!

  2. Love the mat - where from? Get well soon, the daffs are so cheery x

  3. oh my god, please...please take pity on me and let me live there!! Love the oar idea!!

  4. Hope you both feel better soon and you get your making mojo back! Lovely pictures, warms the soul! x

  5. lovely jubilly x

  6. Love your home, and the new sofa looks lovely, we were looking at that one too! It's nice to see the colour and fabric for real! I hope you are feeling better soon, all those Daffs and Narcissi are bound to perk you up :)

  7. The oars are absolutely brilliant.
    Your Toy Story character/plot analysis is very interesting too! I can definitely see your reasoning.

  8. Love the bannister! Really cool idea.
    Hope you and the little one are feeling all better.

  9. Anonymous29.1.15

    Would you be able to post a link of the sofa? I would love to buy one myself! Thanks

  10. You should definitely watch Wall-e if you haven't already!! I absolutely LOVE the oar stair rail, that really made me smile, it's beautiful.


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