
1 December 2014

A couple of catch up blog posts coming up. 
Here are some photos of our recent branch scrumping trip to the woods, in search of xmas decorations and a bit of kindling for the fire ; )

we raced to the top of the hill to catch the last glimpse of the setting sun, it was a bit steeper than I thought.

our kiddo is OBSESSED with mushrooms, she loves nothing more than a bit of mushroom tickling with a  twig.

what a glorious day.


  1. That picture of Pehr and Nao! Couldn't you just weep!

  2. I agree with Jo: breathtaking scenery and photography!! Hats off to you!

  3. Stunning shots of the Island and your little family.

  4. I agree with Jo and it's not the first of your photos that I think should be in the National Portrait Gallery!

  5. These last few shots are amazing! But wrapped up, this post is fabulous! I'm sick staying home and missing the woods dearly at the moment.

  6. Anonymous9.12.14

    These pix are simply phenomenal!


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