a bit of an update

19 November 2014

Hello! Just stopped by my blog to mention that Hannah Hayes (formally of Foxtail and Fern blog) asked me to do an interview for her new Vintage shop called 'Everly'. I've been following Hannah for a few years now, she's a very talented lady! Click here to if you want to read it...and check out the goodies in her shop too!

(top photos: RUST Jewellery | bottom photos: taken by Nao last year.)

p.s. I am busy making xmas pressies in my shed and working on RUST things...may be a bit quite on the blog front for a little while!

1 comment

  1. Nice interview, I liked hearing about the nitty gritty business side of things. "Xmas presents" - oh that reminds me, must get started on my own... Take care x


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