making stuff in my shed...

29 September 2012


I've had two lovely days in my shed sewing and pottering about.
I finally put up my new shelf/drawer thing, which I found in Paris flea market for 2 euros {that's like £1.70 right?} My mister repainted it  for me. In the jars are some bits that I also bought at said market. I'm liking those tiny pom poms...I'm sure they will come in handy one day. 

...some new bits from Liberty's.

so, anyways, I was thinking to make a small quilt, never done it before as I heard they can take years to make, and as I am an impatient sew-er, I thought I'd take a few short cuts ; )

this book is quite good, it makes good reference for the different patterned fabrics that Liberty do, and a few nice ideas in there too. The fabrics I used are a bit of a mixture of Liberty print/vintage/Indian etc...

cutting up squares was tedious. The size of the quilt is the exact size of my patience, so it was quite small.

I sewed them all into strips and ironed them flat. I usually give up on sewing projects that involve ironing and pinning, so I'm quite chuffed that I kept going with this.


a quilt for a tot's cot...

on the back is more print fabric and its quite squishy for putting on the floor. Its not perfect but it was made by moi.

I also made a nappy changing wallet thingy.

its made out of wool felt.

 and a pillow to go with the quilt...

and a quilted cushion, with 1930s silk on the back and at the edge...

I'm planning to make some more toys next...I think I'm getting carried away a bit, no?


  1. Wow!
    The quilt is beautiful! You and your husband are so talented and creative :) very inspirational.
    P.s I also love the little bike your husband refurbished, looks very chic!

  2. Incredible!!! That's the only kind of quilt I know how to make, the square patch kind...but I can't seem to have the patience to finish one! I love yours, maybe it will inspire me :) Your blog is one of my favorites.


  3. Carried away? It's called nesting....
    and everything looks very beautiful.

  4. I love reading about the preparations for your baby ~ it is such an exciting time! Your style is beautiful and resonates with me. :)

  5. I hope you realize how crafty and talented you (and your husband) are; the things you do with your skills are incredibly inspiring :)

  6. wow that is amazing!! i really need to bust out the thread and needle, want to make a dress and a quilt for my bed!:)

  7. Lovely little creative space :)

  8. Nope, not carried away yet! more!

  9. Anonymous29.9.12

    keep going! every time i feel like looking at something beautiful, i head to your blog, love it!

  10. The nesting bug has got you good.

  11. wow, I love the quilt and the cushions! You are both so creative and inspiring!

  12. Wow your quilt and pillows are just beautiful - I am sure that only you can see any imperfections. Love your shelf too, those pom poms are lovely. Happy nesting x

  13. Amazing! You're so clever! What a lucky little one, having a mama and papa like you two.

  14. Beautiful quilt! You must be way more patient than me. I love seeing all of your hand crafted baby goodies, it's so refreshing

  15. I think you're wrong- you're quilt IS EXACTLY perfect for a baby because it was MADE BY YOU WITH LOVE- what's more perfect then that?Rx

  16. Oh - you need to be sooo careful! Quilting can be addictive!

    If you are new to quilting and can see it being useful (it's great for using scraps of fabric up etc.) then you might find a rotary cutter and cutting mat worthy additions to your Christmas List!

  17. wow they look incredible- you are so amazing visualising and then doing! Babe is very lucky!. lou -

  18. Your shed is a gorgeous place to be, work and potter :) such a bargain your shelf and so pretty! love your quilt and cushions too :)

    Bee happy x

  19. Wonderful heirlooms :o) Make the most of your time crafting in the shed - you won't get too much spare time soon ;o)
    Rose H

  20. Every single thing you and your husband make is just so utterly beautiful! You're so creative and have your own unique style that I love. Your baby is very lucky to have you two for parents :)

  21. Your tot is going to be the luckiest little one in the world! How gorgeous is everything here!? It's super cute that they can keep that quilt hand maybe hand it down! Such a sweet idea! You are so clever, I want everything here & I am not even having a baby haha! Hope you are well xx

  22. Gorgeous work!

  23. Beautiful! Your little blue pin tin is pretty, mine is the same shape but a bogey/olive green and incredibly manly! xxx

  24. don't stop! loving your work!

  25. your first attempt at patchwork and quilting is lovely!

  26. Wow that is super impressive Artemis, especially as you must be sitting a foot further away from the sewing machine at this stage, were you balancing the pincushion and stuff on your bump perhaps?!

  27. Anonymous30.9.12

    Wow! You are so clever. You should go into business making this stuff or sell in your shop. Truly inspiring. Enjoy your last few weeks as a couple...the fun really starts once little one arrives :-)

  28. So, so beautiful! Funny I was just talking to my sister yesterday saying that I wanted to make a baby quilt (because all the ones you can buy are either insanely expensive or have hideous fabric). Anyway now I feel even more inspired! Thank you:)

  29. Well done. You can!! I am thinking about to buy a sewing machine. And you and others bloggres are inspiring me. So, I want a sewing machine. :)) Xx

  30. God you are just so talented! Never too carried away! xxx

  31. hello, your quilt is lovely, there is a quicker way, cut your fabric into 2.5 ins strips, sew them together so that you have 3 strips together, do one with 2 dark materials on outside and do one with 1 dark material on the inside. then using a rotary cutter, cut your strips into 2.5 lengths which sewn together gives you 9 patch squares. Have a look on U Tube, search for the Missouri Quilt Company, they give wonderful tutorials on all sorts of quilts, they always demonstrate the quick way of sewing quilts

  32. oh i love the little pillow you made :) ummmm maybe i should try making one for my hubby too. thanks for the inspiration :D

  33. Anonymous2.10.12

    I think its beautiful and your little one is so lucky to have such a creative Mama!

  34. Your quilt is beautiful, and will be treasured because you made it - what a lucky baby! I hope you're feeling well and enjoying these last weeks before the big arrival. Rachel x

  35. Anonymous2.10.12

    gorgeous! and love the colours.

    hate to be a negative nancy, but quilts should be avoided as bedding as they pose a sids risk (i'm sure you already know, but here is the advice from the sidsandkids website: "Soft bedding such as pillows quilts duvets and bumpers increase the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. They may cover the baby’s face and obstruct breathing or cause overheating. Older babies in a cot can be at an increased risk of a sleeping accident by using pillows and bumpers as a step to climb up and fall out of the cot. It is safer to wait until the child starts to sleep in a bed before introducing a pillow or other soft bedding."

    good luck with everything.

  36. Anonymous, thanks yeah I already know.
    I think cot death is the first thing that parents-to-be read up on these days!
    the babe will be sleeping in accordance with the latest NHS advice. X

  37. Everything you make is beautiful. It's like magic! I have no idea how you keep producing such unbelievably lovely things! That's one lucky baby you're having...

  38. this is the prettiest quilt in the universe! loving your posts as always :)

  39. Hello Artemis, lovely choice of fabric and great result. You can always use that quilt at the beginning as a math were to lay the bubba. I too, sewn a quilt before my daughter was born and the quilt basically grew with her: first was used like a mat, then after the baby phase fulfilled its purpose as a quilt for her tiny bed, now that she's 7 and the quilt too small for her bed, she put it on the floor when she make picnics for all her fluffy toys! and I'm making a new one for her to use eventually until she finish Uni! _

  40. I just made my first quilt for my best friends wedding gift. Labor of love became a major understatement. Despite all the colorful language and sad fingers, I'm a bit addicted to making them now. Yours looks beautiful!

  41. Love love love this post & the new bits for your shed. Hope all is going well. Have missed your last few posts as or some reason they are not coming through bloglovin at the moment?

  42. Wow, this is amazing. You've done a amazing work. You did it out of your ingenuity.
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  43. I love the quilt!! How gorgeous. And the little white shelf with your glass jars of assorted cottons and fabrics! Pretty! Mine at home as buttons, cotton wool and jewellery! :)

  44. what a project! I usually stop as well when it comes to ironing the project. must. make. quilt.


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