'what's going on...'

23 March 2012

well well folks, its gone from snow to sun and flowers during my absenteeism from the blog world. It is now spring for sure, things are sprouting, and I had a sunbathe in the park this lunchtime, wowsers.

Last weekend, we went out in our van for the first time since having it serviced at the garage, and managed to breakdown actually at a petrol pump at the motorway garage, ergh. But, after a few goes it decided to start, and off we went...to Winkworth Arboretum to meet up with my eldest brother Blaise {who was visiting my other brother on his motorbike}

it was a bit dull to be honest...I was expecting some blossom or at least some bud action, but no, only shades of brown and grey.

there was quite a nice boat house looking over the lake though.
Blaise is a boat builder, specialising in classic wooded boats, but I don't think he made much of this ropey old gondola.

afterwards we had light refreshments in our van and had a bit of a chinwag.
after that we went off to visit my other brother who lives somewhere in Hampshire, on a farm...he's not a farmer though...he works for posh car company.
So our home hunting has gone a bit pear shaped, we have found nothing to either buy or rent.
Its very frustrating, all we want is somewhere with a large garden, at least two bedrooms, period building, original sash windows, wood floorboards, quiet area, with good cafes, and a cat flap. I mean we are quite flexible really ; )
ANYhow, we went off in search of somewhere to live in the countryside, we looked at one in Rye and one in a small village north of Brighton. But neither came to anything, oh pants!
But we popped into Brighton for something to eat and had a wander around.
Coming from an Island, I've never really understood the whole attraction of a city by the sea, its kind of a contradiction to me, 'cause I want to get away from the city when I go to the seaside.
However there was a beautiful sunset and I did love the Victorian Resort architecture, and it was much cleaner than I thought too.

So that's all we've been up to of late. I really cant wait till we find a place to live...only one month left before we are officially homeless {well we could live in our van I suppose}.
We are off to the Isle of Wight again this weekend, to soak up some of this glorious weather we've been getting here in Blighty. I'll report back next week.
bye for now!

p.s. I've no idea what that yellow dot is by the way, hope it wasn't a sniper.


  1. I was in Rye at the weekend too, how funny. We stayed in Rye harbour and there was a stonking house for sale - black one, all winky wonky. Proper expensive probably but I reckon Rye harbour's a good spot, cheaper than Rye, you can walk to the sea and there's a nice nature reserve with a moth club you can join.

  2. Anonymous23.3.12

    hahaha :)

    You really cracked me up with that sniper bit!!

  3. It's the sun init?

  4. I love your blog. You are just crazy talented and I love your style and how much you love detail. Gorgeous photos, as always.


  5. Good luck with the house-hunting Artemis. I know what a massive hassle it is to find what you want. It took the boyf and I nearly 6 months to find our rented place. Two before that fell through. But thankfully it's worked out in the end.

    I wish you all the luck and hope you find somewhere swiftly.

    At the very least it is warm enough to live in the van! ;-)


  6. Nice to see you back :-) Good luck with the house-hunting... A very stressful business!

  7. Ive been enjoying catching up on postings...i do so enjoy your photography and as an 'islander' girl myself (though mine was much smaller on the east coast) i totally understand how you feel about city living next to a place where you want quiet and peace, well enough to hear the waves roll at least...now living in devon i have exactly that- the coast right next to the city where i live. but i do like devon and cornish coast line visits just minutes from my door ;0). i hope your house hunting improves and you find the perfect pad to make you happy ;0)x]

    very much enjoy your blog.

    kazzy ;0)

  8. Hope you find somewhere perfect soon. I think you should definitely come down south as it's easy access to London but nice quirky seaside nearby. I live in Bexhill on Sea so I am biased! I think Lewes and Rye are the best towns with lots of lovely vintage shops and cafes. Have a lovely weekend. Karen X

  9. Paula24.3.12

    It could only only be a sniper of love, Artemis.

    We wouldn't allow for anything else.

    All the best in the house hunting: I know just how long it can take. But, it's worth it in the end...


  10. The kind of house you're looking for sounds incredible. I hope you find something! x

  11. Anonymous24.3.12

    Try Margate so much more space for your money than London I would say Whitstable but though lovely its so much more expensive.

    I know it may be a shock to the system as south londoners but have you ventured across the river we're quite friendly in the Crouch End area.

    Good luck
    J xx

  12. You cracked me up with your description of what you're looking for in a house- we are exactly the same! Cat flap, garden, parking for two cars, decent size kitchen and period features pretty much rules out ALL the houses available to us! So I feel your pain. Hopefully it will be worth the wait and we'll both get our ideal home in the end :)

  13. The van is your Homelessness Protection Device!!

  14. Have you ventured to the Old Town in Hastings? It's beautiful and there's an array of housing that would totally fit your criteria. I know because I live in one and it was super cheap in comparison to London! If it's an area you could be interested in, check out John Bray's website and you'll get the gist. Hope you find somewhere lovely.

  15. Good luck with finding a new home, I'm in the middle of looking for one too and it's a bit scary. So much unknown. Love the Brighton photos! If you moved there at least you would be a little closer to the Isle of Wight! Best Wishes x

  16. Hi Artemis

    Ah house hunting... we went through it all last year, moving from Bath to Edinburgh (it's a long way!)

    We sold and moved into rented for 4 months and then bought (Scottish flat buying is a bit scary...) All I can say is although it does all feel a bit (ok, very sometimes) pants and stressful at times, things normally have a way of sorting themselves out. I really took to believing in fate! We ended up buying a flat that we decided not to view on 3 different occasions-as stupid as it sounds I think it was waiting for us.

    It will all be fine! Also never under estimate Gumtree for renting! It saved our bacon

    Sending positive house-y thoughts!
    Soph x

  17. You and your brother have such wonderful names..you must have very discerning parents:)

  18. What a wonderful photos indeed!! I am just addicted to sunset or close to sunset photos as this scene makes my eyes so soothing really....and you are looking very very elegant in the photo where you wore such a stylish over coat...Awesome photography!!


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