finished chair re-upholstery!

5 May 2010

Hoorah, hooray! etc... etc... I finally finished THE chair! and blimey was it a job! I'm not going to lie and say this was easy-peasy, it could quite possibly be the most difficult thing I have ever done and I can't say i would recommend someone to take on this was back breaking.

This chair we bought in the market a few years ago. We liked it's extreme dishevelled look and used it as a display for our jewellery, with stuffing hanging out and all! For the new shop, we are going for an all over upper class we are now selling expensive items, and when customers are purchasing diamond rings, they may need a suitable chair to sit in me thinks?

I used totally impractical fine lawn cotton from Liberty's of course! Jewellery is impractical {that's why we love it, isn't it?} so I think this chair is just right for a jewellery shop.

...and the cushion I made on the weekend was for this chair too!

Although it was hard work and took me three days...I'm very very proud of my little self for managing to at least make a half decent attempt at something I had never broached the like before!
There are a few things I wish I'd done differently, but generally speaking I'm pleased with it.

This was the only picture of the chair I could find before i did anything to it...

and after painting the frame in Farrow & Ball...

...and viola!

you can see the whole story, step by step on my Fickr

BUT, professional up-upholsterers, please don't be too judgemental, i know you will be tutting at every picture!


  1. It looks fab. Love the fabric.

  2. It looks completely fantastic. Well done for finishing it. L x

  3. Are you kidding's amazing. I'm no upholsterer but I'd snaffle that up any day of the week.

  4. As a lay person I can't tell the difference between yours and a pro version - it looks fabulous, congrats!

  5. well, i think, if this is really your first attempt, it's pretty amazing.

    i have an armchair that i bought at auction for a pound that desperately needs re-covering, the only trouble is a) i can't find my upholstery hammer, b) it's so big and unwieldy we can't easily get it out of the room it's in and c) i'm scared!

    now Artemis, what next?

  6. Anonymous5.5.10

    Wow - just beautiful. Well done you.

  7. Wow, I'm so impressed! Is there nothing you can't turn your hand to?! I wouldn't know where to begin with something like that! Absolutely love the classic Liberty print, can't wait to see some pics of your new shop.

  8. Brava, you did it!
    I saw that you used it a modern approach...well done what counts is the result.
    It took me several weeks to reupholster a chair for a friend with the traditional method! never again!

  9. your ideas and your results are amazing. well done! am enjoying your blog and the sneak peek into your world. thanks
    g x.

  10. louise5.5.10


  11. Looks fantastic to me! Love, Amanda xxx

  12. MERCY ME! WOW!

    (that is all)

  13. Katie5.5.10

    WELL DONE! it is absolutely stunning. It must feel so great to achieve something like that with no experience :)

  14. Ohh, wow.... i want to steal it... beware!

    I'm adding upholstery to my list of 'key skills in life i currently lack'....

  15. I think it looks wonderful - you are so clever!

  16. It's Beautiful! Well done! Love your blog!

  17. Anonymous5.5.10

    Wonderful, wonderful job, it looks utterly fantastic!

  18. I'm so impressed! You should be very proud, probably a good job it's in the shop or Plimsoll might claim it as her own.

  19. Utterly utterly amazing. Well done, it's fantastic. The shop is going to be stunning.

  20. Lovely finished product - you are very talented! Can't wait to visit the shop in the future.

  21. Hi,

    I think it looks great- really cool and sittable-upon.

    I was in Anthropologie yesterday and I noticed that they're displaying some of their jewellery on small clear plastic bags filled with water and then hung up in a case. Kind of like bags fish come in at fairs. It looked cool. Thought I'd mention.

    I enjoy your blog.


  22. Anonymous5.5.10

    NICE! can I just say I love reading your blog - every single product of yours is so motivating and inspiring!! (:

  23. I think it looks amazing and you should be very proud of yourself :)

  24. oh my goodness what a piece of art !!! it is truly beautiful i'm in awe at this glenjade armchair !
    we have a similar 3 piece sitting that's been waiting if you feel inspired by some more work ;)

  25. Great looks fantastic! Love the fabric you chose with the style of the chair. Also love that shirt you are wearing!

  26. This looks amazing - I can't believe that you haven't done this before! And I LOVE the fabric that you chose. Just pperfect.

  27. I am most impressed! I shudder to think of the queue of chairs in my garage waiting for me to attempt to upholster them

  28. Wow, thats amazing! I love it when people rescue old unloved pieces and give them a new life! clever you!

  29. Anonymous6.5.10

    stunningly beautiful and inspiring!

  30. This is brilliant Artemis! You are one very talented lady!

  31. I think this is really amazing! Well done!
    I have two similar chairs waiting in my basement for a reupholstery project. Could you share what tools you used for this and where you got them? I have some books on DIY upholstery but they seem to require a thousand tools before the project even begins...

  32. Fab! Well done you. Any chance of a tutorial?

  33. 3 days! Thats amazing!!!! Looks lovely!

  34. This is just inspiration I need to get around finally upholstering a chair a bought a year for £5. I adore your blog, keep the ideas and projects coming x

  35. Looks beautiful - well done!

  36. Oh wow you finished it! What a success. Did you take any lessons or read any books beforehand?

  37. Totally beautiful - I love that fabric.
    Don't you feel very protective of it now? I think I couldn't bare to see anyone sit on it without great care love and attention had I made something like that.

  38. Anonymous11.7.10

    I love this style of chair, and you have done a marvelous job on it. You must have endless amounts of patience! I'd love to have a go at upholstery, but have a sneaking suspicion I'd get fed up before I even got halfway through! Beautiful chair, you should be very proud!


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