new RUST studio - before pictures!

20 March 2010

I can only show you a few segments of our new RUST studio/shop, because we've show a few people the place in real life and the feedback has not good!
However, Nao and I have a vision that not many other people seem to see,and we are not scared of hard work in order to get it!

The main points of renting a commercial space in London are: position, size and price. All other problems can be overcome. So we have a rear ground floor former jewellery polishing business premises in Hatton Garden. We are going to make it look like a hot house in Kew gardens!

So far, the space has been completely gutted of it's contents, and since we took these photos, it is almost completely repainted white!

It is part of a huge block of 1930s workshops, our one has a separate office space within it, with lovely glass partitioning and a small glass ceiling (covered in pigeon poo and the like).
The previous tenants made it as secure as Fort Knox so we will have to make it a design feature...there is also a huge safe that is 30cm thick!

Progress could not be started until I had eaten my Chedders and apple juice. That suit was made for a huge builder with massive beer gut, it was not a flattering look, and even worse, the paint just soaked straight through it! Rubbish.

Yesterday we ordered a beautiful solid Oak flooring, it will look amazing!
After that we have to tackle the approach, which looks like a post Nuclear bomb site, lovely...

To be continued...


  1. Good luck. You must be very excited. And yes, I can see the potential - but I don't have to do the work! xx

  2. i must have your vision too beacuse i can see the potential. Good luck with the move!

  3. i think it looks very exciting and i love that 1930s aesthetic a lot. i am kind of jealous actually, polishing it up may be hard work, but it'll be so rewarding! can't wait to see more.

  4. Good luck - it looks like a monster task, but I'm sure it will look amazing when finished! Look forward to seeing more x

  5. looks great! hope you haven't bit off too many cheddars!! me and bib are are comming up wednesday, looking forward to seeing it all

  6. Anonymous20.3.10

    You are like a dynamo!! I am sure its going to be quite amazing when you have finished. Hope it all goes well.

  7. fav space.. gosh in my head i am already imagining you working away, bringing people through... great light too .... super super impressed!

  8. i have to tell you (and i know that you will take this as a complement just as it is meant,because you LOVE that period) but i can even see all those characters from Poirot looking around the shop :-)

  9. First...I got my tins and they are perfect!
    And having seen your other shops I´m sure this one will turn out as beautiful!

  10. cheddars!....i had forgotten them until I saw your post
    they dont have those over here

    studio looks fantastic..and love your blog
    just found it courtesy of jackyblue

  11. sounds very very exciting !
    (despite the -probably- hard work) have fun :D


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