Xmas 2024!

26 December 2024

Happy Xmas everyone! Here are some pictures of xmas dinner number two (we had a big family dinner on the 21st), just us three and the dog in the end. Although they did not consume any alcohol, it was like an evening with two small drunk people.
Otterdog was a bit bonkers too and ended up having a seat at the table.
...Early morning stocking chaos, I even had a stocking myself which I was glad I had forgotten what I put in it, so it was actually quite exciting! 

I love having all the fairy lights and candles everywhere, its the best bit of xmas for me.

I was so tired, I just melted into the sofa.

I wish you all a very merry rest of the year, and a wonderful, best ever new shiny year! 
Happy 2025!! From Me, P, L & Otterdog xxx


  1. Anonymous26.12.24

    Such beautiful pics. Thank you for sharing with us ✨✨✨

  2. Anonymous26.12.24

    Thank you for sharing your lovely Christmas. I feel I have been a guest for years (virtual!)

  3. Anonymous26.12.24

    Always special - your candlelight dinners! And lovely to see the children thriving. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Vanessa27.12.24

    Hello Artemis and family .. I’ve loved reading your blog for years and I always enjoy the candlelit pics. After much hinting my husband bought me one of your lovely moonface necklaces so thanks for making my Christmas morning !

  5. Anonymous27.12.24


  6. Cussot27.12.24

    Thank you, Artemis. My, how the little people have grown! Warm wishes in the long nights and all the best in 2025.

  7. Pamela27.12.24

    The warm glitter of the Pegasus centerpiece is so full of character and merry solstice light in the winter dark. Happy Holiday wishes to you and your household!


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