Project: Kitchen 2

26 February 2023

This week I have finally been ticking a few jobs off my never ending to-do list. It is not the most exciting thing in the world, to write about, but I was finding myself scouring the Internet for this kind of subject so I'm thinking that someone out there might find this useful?
If you've been following my diy flat redecorating, then you'll know that I have already painted everything in my kitchen when I moved in, (you can read about that here if you like)
I didn't do anything about the vinyl flooring before as I ran out of money : (
It's not so offensive (if you like beige) and it's quite new (except I ripped a hole in it when I moved the washing machine), but it's a bit...meh.

I found these on amazon - Floor Pops (I'm not paid for this btw) they are Lino floor tiles with self adhesive backing. Sort of liked how bright they are considering I'm not a fan of patterned walls and floors generally speaking as I'm a bit boring like that. My Flat is Edwardian so I though these looked in keeping with the windows and doors.
After much hoovering and scrubbing, you can lay them on existing flooring. Great for renters I think! They cost me about £100 but I way over ordered and have 30% left over, that's cheaper than a rug.

You just basically peel off the back and stick em down! Cutting the curved fiddly bits was much easier using strong scissors (I found this out at the end) rather than a Stanley knife. Also, I found that a few didn't stick down perfectly as my floor has wonky old floorboards underneath, so I will have to go round with a strong glue for those ones later.
Overall I'm pretty happy with it, much easier and cheaper than ordering a roll of vinyl, and more practical than having exposed floor boards (which I would love but I am an upstairs neighbour).
It took me five hours and I did have strangely aching thigh muscles the next day, I think anyone could do this job.

Much brighter I think! The above photo shows the bathroom next door which has a similar grey vinyl flooring. I painted it with a white floor paint for laminate (you can read about that here if its useful) 
That was nearly two years ago now and it still looks the same. I didn't paint the kitchen floor just because it gets a lot more wear from furniture legs.

I like it!

The End.


  1. Anonymous26.2.23

    It looks so much brighter! I like it too x

  2. Isabel26.2.23

    Hi Astrid, another lovely idea, thank you! May I ask where you got your kitchen blinds from? And what are they? They look translucent to me, is that right?

    1. Artemis27.2.23

      Hi Mabel, they are translucent blinds from John Lewis

    2. Anonymous16.3.23

      🤣😂🤣😂🤣💕🤣 sorry ! Brain fog! Artemis ! I renamed you Astrid after my friend’s cat 🐈

  3. Anonymous26.2.23

    Good choice, I’d say

  4. Melanie Taylor26.2.23

    The floor looks great, so fresh and welcoming and in keeping with the rest of your beautiful apartment. I love that it was so easy to prepare and lay. Always so inspirational. Have a great week ahead

  5. Anonymous26.2.23

    I LOVE it!! Great idea.

  6. Lomagirl26.2.23

    Looks fantastic! And nice to get a workout on at the same time.

  7. Anonymous26.2.23

    Love it! Lifts the room in the same way that your original kitchen revamp did. Bright & FRESH! Always a pleasure seeing your stylish abode Artemis ✨

  8. A huge and lovely change Artemis! So true we often find the best way to do something is at the end of the project. ;) Job well done!

  9. Anonymous26.2.23

    I have the same ones for the toilet.Looks amazing , very happy with it.

  10. Love it! It looks like real old tiles. Can you remove them easily when moving out of your rental place?

  11. Brighter, fresher so a lot better! Marcella

  12. It looks really nice, especially with the rug on top that co-ordinates so well, but I bet it did take some doing all by yourself, no wonder your legs were aching.

  13. Anonymous1.3.23

    It looks so great!

  14. Anonymous10.3.23

    Love what you did as always.

  15. Anonymous10.3.23

    Oh my goodness what a clever idea! You’ve done a fab job x

  16. It’s delightful, Artemis. You’re amazing.


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