Project : Jewellery Studio

15 August 2021

My Only Through Shadows HQ! It has been a year since I set up my small business, in our old loft and greenhouse. When we moved out of our house last November, my new house purchase fell through and we had nowhere to live. Luckily, we could stay at my mum's flat whilst buying this place (which took 7 months!) so this really is the first proper workspace I've had in which to run my business (I formally left Rust last month). I worked so hard for this like my life depended on it, which oddly is literally true.

Thankfully, it has provided for us to live here, so I will continue to make things, swim in the sea, go for a walk and then come back and make some more, for the rest of my life, the end.

Ha that sounded extreme, but you know what I mean. The only problem is that it is a little isolating, so I will have to go out and learn Spanish or attend yoga classes, or a book club or something. Ideas on a postcard please.

One very proud (totally knackered and aching) business owner.

Luckily I have my sidekicks to entertain me most of the time, and they think I am one crazy pants mumma.

Haven't got any photos of the blood red flaking paint underneath the wood chip from hell, but I do have this one of the wall of boxes straight out of storage, which stayed there for a good few weeks whilst I drank tea.

Most of the furniture (excluding my jewellery bench) is from Ikea, what would I have done without Ikea? I shudder at the thought.

A very satisfying job, I bought these wooden magnetic knife holders (and painted them white because I am illogical) and mounted them on the walls to put my tools on.
(In the absence of a capable male, I have had to learn to use a spirit level myself).

So I have yet to start on the next room (the kid's room) and I can already feel my right arm moaning at the thought of that paint scraper. I'll keep you updated if you've followed this far.


  1. You are amazing!! I'm cheering for your success and happiness and peace of mind.

  2. I renovated my house so believe me when I say I know the pain of the thought of more DIY! But at least you can see how worth it it will be, these rooms you’ve shared look so lovey now compared to their “before” pictures! I feel really happy for you.

  3. You’re incredible and this looks amazing! I am lucky enough to have a few of your beautiful necklaces and will definitely be adding to the collection! Very envious of your working day being able to include a swim in the sea!! 😃

  4. You are one impressive young woman (from an older, probably not so brave woman!). Your kids are so lucky to have you as a role model.

  5. Been quietly following you for at least 10 years. Always so inspired by your journey, and this next phase is no different. You’re thriving!

  6. Been quietly following you for at least 10 years. Always so inspired by your journey, and this next phase is no different. You’re thriving!

  7. Everything looks perfect and very functional. Nice natural light to work in too. Wishing you continued success with Only Through Shadows:)

  8. Wonderful and brave you are. Well done.

  9. Adored these posts about your lovely new space. I'd missed your inspiring interiors blogs while you've been between homes. So happy for you that you've landed in such a gorgeous flat and SO impressed by all your hard work to make it so!

  10. Having a solitary, work from home deskjob myself, I joined a local weekly walking group. Anything to meet people and move! Maybe start one if none exists. Your work space is perfect, and it seems you landed in a wonderful place.

  11. "I will continue to make things, swim in the sea, go for a walk and then come back and make some more, for the rest of my life, the end." There are worse life plans!
    You've done an incredible job creating a haven for you and your two teenies. Am blown away by your effort, to be honest, and wish you all the happy times in there.

  12. What an absolute jewel of a home, absolutely gorgeous and you deserve, and will get, all possible happiness and joy from living in it. What a herculean task you have accomplished, hats off to you!!

    1. Herculean! I love that! ...a very small Hercules.

  13. Thank you everyone! ...with all that's going on in the world lately, it really means a lot to have such kind and supportive people out there x

  14. You can be so proud! Wish you a wonderful time together. You deserve it.

  15. You can be so proud! Wish you a wonderful time together. You deserve it.


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