stop and think again

20 January 2017

It's been an iffy first month of the year in Political terms, on both sides of the ocean, I guess others might disagree with me. 
I'm finding it hard to come to terms with. I thought we'd come so far in terms of being civil and appreciating each others as humans first and foremost. 
I thought it would be hard to get a job managing a supermarket if you used fowl sexist, racist or derogatory language about your colleagues, but it seems you can get a job as a president of a whole country. I thought you'd need some work experience and show a clear understanding of your field, apparently not, no experience needed. 
All I hear is 'Take back control' or Make it great again' like everything 'used' to be perfect and we should all aspire to the past. What amazing past are they talking about? the 70s? 60s?...the 1940s??? What happened to the future? We have new problems now, that need solving now! All I care about is the future we create for the next generations on our planet. That is the reality for the human race.
It truly is a scary time, and it's hard to not let it effect daily life...I try to convince myself that it is all just made up nonsense, and then go about my day as usual.

Aaaanyway, I'm lucky to live in such a peaceful and safe place, and I appreciate it every day. 
There is nothing like going for a walk at sunset to really put life into perspective.

Goodnight People xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think you are absolutely right. I also think should not pretend this will go away on it's own, but we should engage in the kind of resistance we can (like you did with this post. thank you!).

  3. Thank you for your words and the peaceful soothing pictures. Today has been agonizing in America. This was a lovely post.

  4. Anonymous20.1.17

    I agree with you. I'm in the US, and today has been difficult. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

  5. Excellent points! I'm curious to see how well he listens to the thousands showing up tomorrow for the Women's March. ;). Happy New Year

  6. I couldn't agree with you more! I live in California which is always the leader, ahead of the entire US, in environmental protection laws and the real fear now is that the federal government is going to take away the state's power to keep doing it.

  7. I agree with you. How the hell did we get to this. But we are here. We must get on with it, but we must be in our toes because we have a duty to hand a better world into the next generation. It's tough to keep smiling at the moment. But my teeth are gritted and I'm marching forward.

  8. A great post..sums up exactly my thoughts as well. Have a rejuvenating weekend :)

  9. Beautiful pictures. We must hope and keep striving x

  10. Wise words. Resist with love.

  11. Thank you for touching on this important subject. As a Blog Fan from the other side of the pond, today is truly terrifying for me (and most of my friends and family). I still can't really believe it. This is a huge/giant step backwards for us as a country. As one sign I saw today put it "We will all pay. Our Environment can't afford this billionaire!" Sigh...

  12. Heart stopping beauty. Thank you.

  13. I can hear the angst, frustration and fear in your voice. I feel the same. Don't know what to do, although I did write to my MP this morning to ask him not to vote to trigger Article 50...small, small to keep on doing them. Xx

  14. I can hear the angst, frustration and fear in your voice. I feel the same. Don't know what to do, although I did write to my MP this morning to ask him not to vote to trigger Article 50...small, small to keep on doing them. Xx

  15. Hi from the other side of the ocean. My sentiments, exactly. How did we get here? Why all the going backwards? The promises of money, power, and wealth have the power of changing votes, and I fear that's why it all happened. But also, we are a nation divided - divided when it comes to values, racial and gender relations, immigration policies, ideologies towards helping those who could use it, environmental protection, etc. It's almost a polar split and couldn't be any more different (even within families). I am so downtrodden about it, but yesterday got out and marched with 18,000 other people in the capitol of Florida. My spirits are quite up, and I have hope from seeing the world fight back! I love your photos, Artemis, and all of your wonderful projects you have going on! Take care and keep sharing because it's nice to see there are others out there who care.


  16. I've been reading and enjoying your blog for years but never commented before. Thank you for speaking your mind about the current state of the world. You make a lot of sense, and I hope there are lots of other people who feel the same. It was a sad day for many (most) of us in America. Your words and pictures were a soothing balm. Thank you.

  17. Did you see the Women's marches yesterday? The most amazing awesome sight, just spectacular all across the country. Pictures can't describe the atmosphere and the feelings of all the people. Here in Seattle 130,000 people showing their solidarity. People will fight for what is right, don't give up hope! We have a lot of company.
    p.s. Great pictures

  18. I live in the San Fracisco Bay Area and feel the same. I feel like I don't know my country anymore. thankfully, the Women's March was yesterday and I realized things just might get better. It gave me hope while marching with thousands of so many kind and motivated people. It was an inspiration. must keep on top of it. On a separate topic, my husband is from London and my in-laws are in Worthing. We love visiting. Your photos are beautiful, as are your jewelry. Hope to check out Isle of Wight when we next visit. Looks lovely. stay well.

  19. Life is very surreal on this side of the pond this week (in Texas!) I suppose it will start to feel more normal, though I don't think that is a good thing.
    Thanks for the lovely reminders to notice beauty around us.

  20. Thank you Artemis as always for your thoughtful words, kind heart, and lovely images. I marched with hundreds of thousands of determined people in Washington on Saturday, and for the first time since the election feel a glimmer of hope. We will resist bigotry and cruelty and greed. We will fight for a better future. And we wil never ever give up.
    I'm making daily calls to my senators and congressman and emailing the White House daily. I'm visiting the people who represent me, insisting they do better. I'm attending marches and meetings and recruiting others to help. We all have to join together and keep insisting on what's true and good.
    Cheers to you and your beautiful family.

  21. Well said! And as you saw this past weekend on the news I am sure, you are not alone, and we must all act, in any way, even small ways count. As always, fabulous photos, but this lot seem more wistful somehow, more evocative. Lovely. Calming. Anya (

  22. Very scary that such vanity and self-obsession is given rein to be so destructive. (" You don't agree with me? You're wrong!") Frightening. I find your calm words very soothing.

  23. My dear, I couldn't agree more. Thank you for saying it. Thank you, too, as always for sharing these beautiful images of your island life. They are cheering and inspiring. Xoxo

  24. Totally agree. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, I feel like I went on the walk with you.

  25. I love your gorgeous photos! I'm feeling more optimistic than most. I'm hopeful that under a new president I will once again be able to afford health care for my family. Monthly premiums have been more money than a mortgage payment under Obama's presidency. I wasn't in support for Trump during the primaries, however, now that he's elected I'm trying to find the bright side. He's promised a lot to us Americans, and I'm praying that he comes through.

  26. I admire your optimism. Meanwhile, here in Blighty...people think that a change will be for the better, a very dangerous assumption in my opinion.

  27. In my opinion, this is all really frightening. I hope that people will soon realize that closing things up, building walls etc, doesn't solve things. I wonder if these people, have ever read a history book. We've already gone through these things, many times, and it never worked. Let's resist with acts of love.

  28. It's like living inside of a nightmare...In many ways, I don't even recognize my own country anymore and I am just aghast at what is happening. Every day I wake up and feel shock and horror at what is happening. But at the same time, there is so much goodness, bravery, and beauty happening on a grass-roots level right now in America as a result of this freak-show. I am buoyed up by it and it gives me hope.

  29. I agree with everything you are saying, and share how you are feeling Artemis. Here in the UK it does not feel like a time to look back to how things 'used' to be - but to look forward, to creating the best future for our children, who seemed to be growing up with more diversity and tolerance for one another. I find all the unkindness and political backstabbing all so disturbing and unsettling and really have to detatch from it whilst reminding myself about the beauty of what we have in our lives at present. Thankyou for sharing.

  30. Anonymous9.2.17

    Hi Artemis, thank you for posting this. I agree with you, it all feels scarier with every day that passes. I'm older than you (early 60s) and grew up with the backdrop of the fear of nuclear war and shadow of the Holocaust throughout my childhood, and this feels even scarier than all of that. Your beautiful photos illustrate exactly what we all have to lose (amongst other things). Hence my feeling that we all have to (a) do whatever we reasonably can to resist and oppose; and (b) make the very most of the people and beautiful world around us every day.
    Hard to hold those two things in the head and live them both at the same time! Difficult times indeed.
    I've been blogging a bit about my own attempts to work my way through this stuff.
    In solidarity, Deborah

  31. I am the same age as you and mirror your thoughts. I have 1 grandchild and another on the way and I worry about their future. As someone said ''we live in interesting times" we just have to keep the faith and carry on.

  32. Wise words, Artemis and wonderful pictures!

  33. I am in beautiful, peaceful south Texas, and am looking forward to the positive changes of President Trump. In my background of education, we have always encouraged our students that *anyone* can be President in the USA. Obama and Trump both prove this. Love your creative blog!!

  34. Bam. This post hit me right in the heart. Stated so politely, logically and kindly. I too try and go about my day pretending it's all a dream!
    Thank you for sharing such exquisite images. They have inspired me to go outside, connect with Nature and look at how I can possibly
    contribute to a more positive future for my son. Have an awesome week Artemis :-}

  35. Such beautiful pictures and relevant words.

  36. Thanks for all the beautiful pics, really needed it today :)

  37. Anonymous28.2.17

    I agree with what you said and grow more frustrated every day. I cannot believe what is going on in this country, and others, and can only hope for the best. My vote certainly didn't make a difference. Thank you for sharing such a lovely part of your life and what you make for your children. I made, and still make, things for mine too and they still have their childhood toys even though they are both grown. These are the things that get us through with hope for a better future.


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