a warm april

15 April 2015

Crikey what a lovely week of tropical weather we have been experiencing. By lucky haps, we managed to spend it mostly out in our garden (having a little break from 'work' work). It's been fantastic, getting the garden sorted, discovering my plants coming up through the soil, seeing all the buds open...lovely.

 Our nipper planted her first tomato plant that she chose at the garden centre.

 *note small paper butterfly carefully placed upon it.

Our nectarine tree has the most amazing colour blossoms on it.

new potting benches.

cat doing nothing, as per usual.

...she is very keen on watering that tomato.

Indoors is so sunny these days too.

Can't wait to go camping soon!


  1. That tomato plant is well loved, for sure!

    Beautiful plants in your garden.

  2. as usual, you paint such a lovely picture x

  3. yes please! i look forward to the campings posts!

  4. I love your blog ~ thank you for sharing sweet moments.

  5. i'll have a fruit-flavoured lolly anyday :-)

  6. Lovely shot of Plimsoll. Yay camping posts soon!

  7. It's wonderful how you are encouraging Pehr to embrace nature and to start to grow her own tomatoes.
    Much Love,

  8. Sweet garden moments. Pehr is so sweet and growing each time we see her

  9. Oh I have Spring envy! We're just heading into Autumn now (blah) but that's not stopping us from planning camping trips and music festivals for next summer. Look forward to seeing what adventures you guys get up to this summer :). xx

  10. cat carefully watching, ever vigilant


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