big bed

2 August 2014

Now I'm a parent, I get to witness a lot of small milestones of a certain small person. I find it incredible and fascinating to watch happen so quickly, and I feel happy and excited for her. BUT, this next stage, of moving out of her cot, caught me unawares. How happy was I to start re-arranging her room and buying new bed and bed linen, I totally didn't realise how sad I'd feel about packing away her cot. I mean, happy and excited for her, but sad for me. 
Actually I had planned to keep her in her cot (just whilst sleeping I mean!) until she was at least two, but I came across a nice bed that was a bit of a bargain, and also she seemed to really like climbing into our bed all of a sudden and puling the duvet up over her (in her cot she just has her sleep sack thing and some blankets), so she seemed like ready for a real bed of her own. (just letting you know now, I put a wedge shape cushion on the side when she went to bed to stop her rolling out, it was one a bought when she was a baby and had reflux).

So here is her new big bed and newly re-arranged 'child's' room (sniff sniff)

I didn't spend much money on her room at all really, just a bit of time and energy to find bits and bobs we liked.
I'll run through them, just so you get the's quite surprising where you can find nice things these days (well nice as in my taste ; )

We very recently found this old British Rail catalogue stand at Kempton park market. This was the most expensive thing in her room I think! But it's something we can use forever (and even sell later if we get tired of it, thats the beauty of buying vintage I'd say)

The small woven African baskets are from Brixton market, cushions made by me, dolls house I bought second hand from Ebay and painted it white. Other bits we have collected from junk markets.

Books are a nightmare because the littlun loves them but likes to get ALL of them out and look at just one or two pages then toss it aside and go for the next one, I spend ages putting them all back and they always loose their covers or get ripped book storage, especially for those large format books was something we'd been looking out for.

(wire basket from H&M)

The clock I bought from Wilco and did a bit of a makeover of it, the quilt was made be me.
the fabric for the curtain is from Tas-ka. Vintage electric storm lamp we have had for a long time, from a junk market some where!

Two little metal chairs we bought at our last trip to Kempton Park market, two for £20 and those are her new sandals...she is growing quickly!

laundry basket from H&M, blanket (which I bought when she was newborn ) is by Donna Wilson. Animal hooks from Anthropologie (we put these up last year when we moved in)

Owl nightlight as served us well, it was from B&Q!

Magazine rack from Spitalfields market for £15 which is perfect for those massive books.

The whale mobile I made her is still there!

and this mirror used to belong to her Great Grandma

Her bed buddies: rabbit, bear and whale, made by me out of old jumpers. Tortoise by Jo and Mr. Peanut (a first Valentine pressie from her Dad) is by Donna Wilson.

I found that little dome at House Envy

the white metal bed frame was from Asda Home (£99) I love it! and mattress from Ikea.
The bed linen are from H&M and Asda (cloud cushion by me)

this poster is actually some wrapping paper I bought in London, £2 per sheet.
The animal cards I bought from one of my favourite shops in Winchester, The Hambledon, who have a great online shop.

Her 'P' door knocker was a xmas pressie from her Dad last year.

She was having a nap in the bathroom (!?) whilst we put together her bed and re-arranged, so I wanted to capture the moment when she ran in to discover her new 'beddy'...

all her toys are stuffed in her toy basket and under her bed. I'll give it one day until it looks like the room was tipped upside down and shaken about!

She loves her big bed so much! It was amazing to watch her, so grown up, and bringing everything to the bed and jumping up and down, hula hooping, and making a very small cuppa tea!

The lamb blackboard is from Spitalfields market, I don't think it is very old, but I love it all the same. The little green table (with storage box under the lid) is a new purchase from Kempton park, and this vintage French poster is from the Hambledon as well, I think it was about £10. (I put this up after I took the other photos by the way ; )


So that is that, she is all grown up, she gets into her bed when she wants to, and gets up if she wants. Freedom for her! 
How did you feel when you made the switch? (Parents I mean, or even did you remember it yourself?) I remember trying to escape from my cot so I could sit with my brothers to watch telly. I shared a room with three older brothers, blimey, it's hard to imagine how I survived! Maybe I would have been safer in the cot, ha ha!


  1. oh my goodness! what a fantastic room and all so accessible for little hands... it's a really bitter/sweet moment, isn't it, when your child moves along and grows that little bit more...

  2. Awwwwwwwww, precious memories and wonderful taste. I love Pehr's big girl room. Thank you for taking the time to list were items came from.
    Jacquie x

  3. Aw she looks so happy!! I remember loving my big girls bed! I want Pehr's patch work blanket! & that bird poster! I can't believe it's wrapping paper! Also is that a Moomins book I spy? Used to looove that! xx

  4. Thats just the sweetest post, she looks like she adores her new bed ;0)...My daughter Sophia (will be 8 yrs in october) , I still remember the first day/night in her big girl bed...luckily it just meant taking the sides off the cot...I was a little anxious of her wondering around while i was a sleep, but she was so good about it all, she never was a cry baby, lucky i guess. She slept all night in it and her remember her little hands stroking my head in the early morning saying ' i was a good girl mummy i slept all night in my big girl bed'...I brought her bunk beds when she was about 4 yrs...but now she just has a single bunk~ She's really good at making her bed before school...those years are so precious. You're such a lovely mum by the looks of things ;0)... I love buying second hand goods for my home too and always enjoy upcycling furniture too! x

  5. Wonderful room. She looks so happy :) My son got his big boy bed right next to my bed before his sister was born, no big deal at all. When both my children got their own room (to share) my daughter climbed in for bed that night AND took of her nappie and never used one again... Kind of forgot about that until this moment :) They´re 6 and 8 now, time flies!

  6. Such a beautiful room!

  7. So utterly, completely sweet and joyful! I love the giant smile on her face! Her room is perfectly bright and cozy, at the same time, such a wonderful room to grow up in. I can't believe the poster is wrapping paper!

  8. Anonymous2.8.14

    What a lovely room! She clearly loves it, which makes it all the more lovely :)
    My oldest girl (now 6)... didn't realise she could get out of her bed when we made the transition and still called for us to come and get her up in the morning! Of course, that was until she discovered her new freedom and then we had plenty of little visits from her after putting her to bed! ha! so cute. But yes I agree, although it's so nice to watch them growing up, it's also rather sad realising the baby phase is coming to an end! :( x

  9. I adore the whole room, it's just dreamy!
    I've fallen in love with the garden birds poster, but they only sell it in sets of five online :'( the woes of living in Manchester not London

  10. It looks stunning! You've found and made such beautiful things :) I love that she made a tiny cup of tea to celebrate- that's definitely a sign she's growing up :p xxx

  11. Beautiful room! And that tiny cup of tea - Ohemgee, cute explosion! You've done an amazing job though and it looks like she loves it!

  12. Perfect bedroom, I love it! We 're such big fans of the book "maps" (welle here it's "cartes") at home ;-)

  13. Such a lovely post. It is lovely how you managed to capture the moment Pehr saw her room for the first time. The room looks lovely and I like how each piece has a story behind it. Also love the celebratory cup of tea too!

  14. That catalogue stand is just about the best thing I've ever seen - and is that an automaton bird cage?! Pehr is such a lucky little one! x

  15. So cute! We've sort of done the opposite. Our little one has always been a terrible sleeper (until last month I was getting about 3 hours sleep a night, phew!). At just over a year old we moved her into her own room and straight into a regular single bed on the floor, then out of total desperation we finally dragged the cot into her room instead and what do you know, at nearly 18 months she is finally sleeping AND loves her cot so much that she spends half the day playing in it too! So I guess we're going to keep her in there for as long as possible :). I couldn't find any nice bedding for her (it's all either Dora the explorer or teddy bears, blah) so I sewed some of my own and they are a big hit!

  16. Anonymous3.8.14

    Love that little room so so much. My favourite room in our apartment is the girls' room. But I just feel like it is never quite finished. Also, I'm glad to hear about people who grew up sharing a room! My gals share a room and it's really not that common of a thing these days.

  17. I just showed my two year old, Daisy, these pictures and she smiled and giggled the whole way through...we like Pehr's room very much and wish we lived closer so Pehr and Daisy could be friends because Pehr looks like a lot of fun!

  18. So adorable and yes, these little ones grow up before our very eyes.............what a beautiful natural home grown room and she looks pretty excited about the whole thing as well. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  19. what a beautiful bedroom. well done. :)

  20. Hi Artemis, I'm watching shed of the year on Channel 4 and I think yourself and Nao should enter next year. You could call it the "His & Hers" category! :)

  21. We have two children, and with the first one I was nothing but thrilled when she moved into her room and in her own bed (around 2 years old). The second (and last) child just joined her sister in the bunk bed, and I was surprised about how sad I felt. It's nice to finally have our bed(room) child-free, but it really felt like my baby just took a huge step towards being a big kid...

    btw we just moved houses, and these pictures inspired me to make some changes in the kid's room today. It's much better now, so thank you!

  22. What a lucky little girl!
    I get a lump in my throat when I do the laundry and find that my lass' pants are nearly the same size as mine! X

  23. This is so sweet, I can't bear it!

    Also, your house is perfect and makes me feel very unstylish and plain. Very inspiring! Now all I need is a house with such beautiful fireplaces and wooden floors :)

  24. I adore your clockwork menagerie! Did you make it or just apply the lettering?

  25. I LOVE Pehrs big girl bed! I want to get one for my son but he's got an attic bedroom with slopey ceilings so not sure if the end of the bed would be too high - annoyingly asda website just has the height of the headboard! If you feel like measuring it then let me know! X

  26. Gorgeous room. How do you find the quality of the Lola bed! I want to get it for my daughter's room but it has a poor review on the Asda site. Emma

    1. how odd? Lovely design and quality...we are very happy with it. It is the cheapest bed like this I could find so don't expect it to be the same as a £500 bed though. Its quite lightweight so best for a child's bed, having said that, it was far better quality than I imagined.

  27. Great, thanks for letting me know :-)


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