my shop update

2 July 2014

I was working so hard on my vintage shop last night, I must be bonkers. Anyhow, now everything is photoed, measured and wrapped so I can relax and put my feet up. 
I think I just love finding old clothes, they just represent each decade so well, I can really imagine walking around in the 1930s, 60s or 80s. Its like when you see old black and white photos, and you think it was like a kind of dream, its hard to believe that people walked around in colour, just like we do now, but just wearing different clothes and sitting in a horse and carriage or old motor car. When I look at old clothes I start to day dream a lot! There is something to be treasured, when something so delicate as a silk dress, was kept and treasured for 100 years, and can still be worn today. Amazing!

Well, shop update is all live now, so if you are looking for a dress for a special occasion, then pop over and have look!
p.s. if you click on the 'products' tab at the top of the shop, you can see new categories for era (1900 - 1980) and general size 'small, medium, large'.

LOvely weather innit! I think we are off camping again ; )

1 comment

  1. You are one productive lady! Very inspiring indeed! I love how vintage clothes tell a story. There's nothing like finding beautiful garments in mint condition/easy to fix!


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