
9 August 2013

Our daughter turns 10 months old next week. I thought our lives were already pretty full-on, running a business in London and a shop in Japan. But, little did I know that was NOTHING compared with the hard work of being a parent. When I say hard work, I actually mean its no work at all, but it takes so much out of you to be so concerned and care about another thing in the world, it really is pretty exhausting (in a good way!). 

To me, she is the most coolest thing that ever existed and she makes me laugh and smile even when she is being naughty. I cant wait for more of this stuff to come.

(Also, It still hasn't sunk in that we have a baby yet.)

end of mush.


  1. totally and utterly gorgeous. that is all :) x

  2. I wonder what she'd say if she could write a blog post. She's definitely having a great time with you. How's Plimsoll? I hope those 2 smaller beings are getting on well.

    1. she'd say 'I want to eat cat biscuits, crawl in the dirt and chew shoes, please mum'.

      Plimsoll is great, keeping it real as always. x

  3. Beautiful. Hard as it undoubtedly is, I can't wait to be a mummy! x

  4. Oh wow, such a gorgeous baby you have!

  5. I can't find the right words to describe...her cheeks!! They are irresistible. I am not a mum but I cared for a little baby for a year and a half. He called me mom, and I felt so responsible for him, al the time, and it was such a hard work yes, but in a good way like you said. If what you feel for a baby who's truly yours is stronger than what I felt for him, I don't know how a mum's heart can stay in one piece.

  6. Anonymous9.8.13

    Taking steps...sleeping beautiful. Mamahood is hard work and it's a full time I'm so glad I have had the opportunity to experience...enjoy every moment!

  7. Anonymous11.8.13

    Gorgeous and honest post!

  8. My little one is just 3 months older than your little one and I wanted to say, I've enjoyed watching your journey in your first year of mamahood as I've been doing the same. All the best

  9. sweet napping photo. and i too want to nibble on her cheeks. :)

  10. Just beautiful... love those little steps she's attempting!

  11. With each and everyday there is nothing more exciting than mamahood from those beautiful baby snuggles to the independent stamping foot as they assert who they are to the lippy back chat of a teenager who is taller than you. It still amazes me every day that I am in fact a mama....enjoy every moment for they are fleeting xxx

  12. The joys of motherhood. Bliss xxx

  13. Awww she is a little treasure, catherine xx

  14. Aw. You are both so beautiful xx

  15. It's the best thing in the world!

  16. The best roller coaster ride you'll ever embark upon for sure. Changes the way we see ourselves and the world and boy oh boy can you have so many laughs along the way too.... Like the phase my son went through when he was OBSESSED with vacuum cleaners .. only his pronunciation of the item sounded exactly like the words "f**ck you" ... yep... happy days... ♥♥♥

    PS - And Pehr is one blessed little duck - such creative, stylish parents with so much love to give ♥♥♥


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