hello 2013

4 January 2013

Its a funny old time isn't it? between Christmas and New Year, I always feel a bit subdued. 2011 was a pretty rubbish year for us in our personal life...2012 was amazing, business good, a baby came our way and all is rosy. I wonder what this year has in store for us?
We have already begun our plan for the year...possible new home, workshop refurbishment, online business makeover, new jewellery collections etc...blimey, I'm tired already.

However, no matter how bright things are, I always get the January blues, I don't know if its the weather, or just another year rolling by and and another wrinkle appearing, but I find it hard to get motivated...is it just me?

We went on an outing to Columbia Road to cheer us up, it was miserable...so we ended up at the caf.

'Little Georgia' is a Georgian cafe with all manner of tasty fodder, like these beef dumplings...

and these amazing beans.

we are so thankful for Skype, our nipper got to meet her cousins, uncle, Grandparents and Great Grand mum on New Years day.

small things cheer us up...a recent trip to Liberty's for some retail therapy, and we came back with some frilly pants. I wish I could get away with wearing my pants outside of my tights. Pehr had better make the most of this fashion combo whilst she still has the chance.

I wish you all a fantastic 2013 x

p.s. my mister took most of these photos...so lovely!


  1. Gorgeous photos, as always, Artemis!

    I also suffer from the January blues - everyone loves New Year but I've always found something a little sad about it...another year gone...

    I love those frilly Liberty knickers by the way! Perhaps Pehr is setting a new trend for 2013?!

  2. It's frilly knickers and knitted tights that makes me wish I had a girl - with three boys fashion is a little more utilitarian in our house! Happy New Year x

  3. Happy 2013 Artemis and family! Beautiful photos - so dreamy. Agreed, I want a pair of frilly liberty print knickers! x

  4. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family. That seems like great little place to eat. I live in Georgia.
    I also Skyped with my family since I now moved away. Those socks on your little one are adorable.
    Best wishes from Georgia!

  5. I also wish I could wear my knickers on the outside! Pehr is getting big so quickly! Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2013 is as amazing for you as 2012 was! xxx

  6. ******HAPPY NEW YEAR!*****

    How's little Plimsoll getting on these days? Did she have a nice Christmas too?

  7. Bonne année à toi et ta famille chère Artemis ! Those photos are gorgeous, and Pehr seems so adorable... I'm pretty sure you can wear your panties on your tights when you're a grown-up, but you'd better not forget your cape in that case :)
    Best wishes from Paris !

  8. Pehr is super adorable in her floral pants/tights. Also, you are not alone-I have the January blues too. I hope I shake them soon.

  9. The frilly pants are gorgeous (as is babe in them)!

  10. Completely in love with Pehr. What a sweet sweet baby girl you made. :) I can already tell her fashion sense will be a force and very enviable. Happy New Year to you all!

  11. Such a lovely batch of photos... I hope you have a wonderful year in 2013 (it would be hard not to with you little one!) and many joys and successes come your way :)


  12. omg Pehr is adorable! Loving the frilly knickers :-)

  13. I feel the same about January - it doesn't help that it feels like the weather has been awful for so long - I long for Spring around this time. Happy New Year!

  14. Your blog is amazing!.. The pictures are incredibly beautiful!! I'm in love with all of it!
    I wish a magic 2013!
    Have a nice week end!

  15. What an adorable Liberty print bloomer for Pehr!! I wish you all a very blessed New Year.


  16. Rowena4.1.13

    Love, love, love the photos, especially of the pair of your shoes! Pehr is too cute.

    I also feel subdued when the year changes to the next, I think it's normal to feel that way. I'm one of those people that always makes 3 resolutions for the new year, and I manage to stay optimistic even though I make some of the same resolutions every year. There's always an opportunity to begin again.

    I wish your family and my fellow readers many great things in 2013!


  17. Absolutely ADORABLE frilly knickers! Happy New Year :0)

  18. You too Artemis, Nao & Pehr! it's going to be a cracker. I'm off to find me a pair of frilly bloomers and I'll be damned if I don't fashion a makeshift set of bathers with them. That look is too darn cute and I'm not going to let a little thing like age get in my way .... (of course no one will EVER see this ensemble)

  19. Beautiful photos. I love your blog and always click to see your new posts.

    Pehr is adorable and those frilly pants, so cute!! :)

  20. Happy New Year!! love all your photos and Pehr's frilly knickers are so cute. January is a funny month, I have a touch of the winter blues too. x

  21. HNY to you all. I have made January a 'to do' month, assignments, goals, targets. I usually hate it but this year it has made me more focussed. You can't do all that with a new babe though..you'd lose too much cuddling time. I was in Libertys the other day too, what a great store it is. Love Pehrs posh, frilly pants

  22. Love the photos, especially the one of your feet! Pehr looks adorable, very cute outfits :) Sarah x

  23. Cute frilly pants! I'm not keen on New Year after the sparkle of Christmas…and another year over etc
    I'm better by about March!

  24. your shots are purely stunning, and those food looks too delicious!


  25. i'm also bit bluey in january, it doesn't matter how much lists i make i don't seem to get motivated either, wish you all the joy for 2013.xxx

  26. Helena6.1.13

    Happy new year to you and to your family.
    Your little Pehr is becoming more and more adorable at each day!

  27. Such lovely photos. I had the same...2011 was really rubbish. 2012 much better (not as exciting as yours) so I'm hoping 2013 will be really fantastic. I need a good year.
    Happy New Year to you :)

  28. I absolutely adored this gorgeous post! Happy new year to u a your lovely family x

  29. If we all promise to do it I bet we could TOTALLY get 'wearing pants on the outside' to be a thing for 2013!

  30. Jane8.1.13

    Lovely photos.

    I think frilly pants should be worn – especially on those grown ups who don't realise or don't care that their leggings are see through!

  31. Anonymous9.1.13

    Great photos - as always.

    Happy new year to you both - and to little Pehr! Glad you enjoyed your first Christmas and New Year together.

    Best - Houdini ;-)


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