crikey! I'm a mum

22 January 2013

Its funny isn't it. I can't think clearly about anything else. All thats on my mind is, what is life going to be like in the future, when our nipper grows up into a woman. What will she be like and will we get on? Well, I hope so, I sure do like her sense of humour thus far.

Me and my Mister went on a small walk though Dulwich Park contemplating parenthood and our lives.  I still cannot believe that this tiny human came out of my body (bit gross) and will someday probably be taller than me. Is it normal for it all to seem a bit surreal?

I really hope I will be a good mum, not just plucking out her bogies or cleaning her bum...but a good mum when she's all grown up, and able to do those things for herself.

and what will happen when she leaves us and makes a life of her own? It will just be us again (+ Plimsoll hopefully) and maybe a ...

(photos by Nao) 


  1. Aww gosh, such a cute blogpost and gorgeous pictures! I'm sure you'll do just (more than) fine! :) I'm due in July and we're so excited! I'm already making him/her all sorts of things on the sewing machine.. :D

  2. The fact that you're even worrying about being a good mom means that you will be. :)

  3. The fact that you're asking these questions at all mean that you will be a good mum.x

  4. Oh I'm sure you'll be a great mom! My mother is crafty as well (not quite like you...) and I always loved that. She made me wonderful things.
    Not to compare my cat to your baby but we recently got a little kitten and it has made a huge impact on our lives as well. She constantly wants our attention. It's really lovely. :)

  5. such a sweet post. i am certain you will be a wonderful mother! it's not every babe gets handmade goodies or gets to be born to two loving, adventurous parents! i know she will enjoy reading back over your posts when she is older. xo

  6. Awww ditto, I love this post. The first photo of you two together is gorgeous :)

  7. I am not a mom nor ever will be but... I can say with complete certainty... Your pondering all of this means that you absolutely will be a good Mum.

    Your blog inspires me. It is one of only about four that I have in my reader. :)

  8. Rachael22.1.13

    I agree. Being a mum for the first time is surreal, life changing and completely normal all at the same time. I grew up in the countryside and am now trying to be a mum to a little Brixton baby. Its hard trying to figure it all out in a big city I reckon.

  9. Oh yes it's very normal for it to feel totally surreal! I found that the realisation of being a parent comes in waves...the waves get smaller as your kids get older but I still get the odd one now, and I've been a Mum for nearly 8 years. The first parent's evening at school was really weird...couldn't believe we were the parents in that scenario! You are doing an amazing will make mistakes, and sometimes you'll worry that you're a terrible parent...but only terrible parents never worry about that! Kids mainly just need loads of love, and it's obvious that your beautiful Pehr is abundantly blessed in that department. Rachel xx

  10. I think your daughter is so lucky to have such creative parents. I think you'll have a lot of fun together and since having fun with your parents is the best thing in the world, I know you'll do great.

  11. You'll be an amazing Mum, I'm sure of it! x

  12. after 8 years i still ask myself the same question: am i a good mum? each day is a different day. i'm sure you will be a great mum. you'll take good care of your child, love after all is all they need.

  13. What a beautiful little girl! I think the fact that you question being a good mum means that you will make a good one. And, yes, it's completely normal for it all to seem surreal... I'm not sure that ever goes away. :)

  14. Somebody told my mum once that if she was worried about being a good mum it was because she already was one! You'll do just fine (says me who has definitely not had a baby, but aspires to one day and is ever inspired by you and your family) much love xxx

  15. Lovely photos and lovely words. I think your little darling is very lucky to have such great parents. My eldest is 11 and I'm still wondering all the same things.

  16. Beautiful words, beautiful mumma and baby..

  17. Someone wrote in a card they sent to me on the birth of my daughter - congratulations it's the worst and best thing I have ever done. I found that quite daunting, but after 16 years it has stuck with me and I can safely say it's not the worst thing at all, it's the best thing, by far. Watching your children become individuals is a strange and somewhat discombobulating process! Each stage throws up a requirement for a new skill, a demanding of your best strengths to be used, it's a challenge for sure, but all the best things are. Now my daughter, 16 in April, is a young woman, thinking of uni and then a life of her own....

  18. Kate v23.1.13

    I read a lovely saying the other day: There is no way to be a perfect mum, but a million ways to be a good one.

  19. Melanie from Sydney23.1.13

    I have pondered the same questions over and over. The fact that we hope to be good mama's means I think we will be. And yes, how on earth do these beings coming out of us, how are they made inside our tummies, all such amazing stuff to create such amazing young little girls (and boys). And then they leave us, huh? I'm not ready to think about that as I look at my almost 7 month precious little girl. But we can have fun with them until they do leave.

  20. I see you love walking just like me Artemis, don't want to pressure you but take a look at my blog if you ever get a chance as there are pictures of Nymans Woods. It is in Handcross, West Sussex which I think is fairly close to you (about 20-25mins from Brighton). I take my dog Murphy there and it is owned by the national trust. Such a lovely wood to walk around, especially in the snow and in the summer. I think it would be perfect for you, Nao and Pehr! Let me know what you think if you ever get a chance to take a look :)

  21. It's good to worry about these things but not too much! Enjoy it, I do and I LOVE it. My kids are my favourite people (husband as well). I like my kids as well as love them and that's what it's all about isn't it? x beachhutcook

  22. Anonymous23.1.13

    I just wanted to say you're AWESOME : )

    - Shady

  23. Hello there, I have followed your wonderful journals on your blog for a long time now. It always AMAZES me to see the world through your eyes and the hard work and amazing STYLE you bring to everything. I haven't yet said congratulations on the birth of your baby girl, so now seems a good time. I'd love to send you a copy of the little book I self-published on motherhood late last year... let me know what you think? best regards for now.

  24. Anonymous23.1.13

    You will be.

  25. I'm not qualified to comment about being a Mum and others have done so very eloquently before me, but I can comment about getting a Woofy Dog (or puppy). Growing up with a family dog is wonderful, it will add another layer of enrichment to your wee girl's life. I do hope you find one to add another level of fun to all that you do together. Mine (who is snoring loudly on my office sofa) makes me smile every day, makes sure I get plenty of fresh air and takes care of me in as many or more ways than I can possibly take care of him. Good luck hunting for your hound.

  26. you are talking us into it! Nao would love a Border Terrier...I rather like Whippets, but it will be up to Plimsoll to decided I suspect. x

    1. So pleased to hear you are really thinking about it! I'm pretty sure I don't need to say this but; I would strongly recommend doing some good research into the types of dogs you are interested in and taking into account what they were originally bred for as well. I am quite sure every dog owner under the sun will extol the virtues of their particular favourite breed. I've a soft spot for the labrador / retriever breeds although mine (the snoring one) is half labrador, half springer spaniel - he's mid-sized, energetic, very clever and great with kids!
      Getting some good training in early is also a must and you will reap the benefits of spending time and energy on it throughout your life together.
      See what I mean about dog-owners banging on about them! I'll leave you in peace now! Good Luck! And yup - Plimsoll will be the one in charge!

  27. haha! ok. i personally decided to skip the motherhood part. but i do hope that there will always be a dog and a pub in my future! you'll do fine with the little girl i'm sure!

  28. My baby (Joe) is 5 months old next week and I've entered the worrying phase. You know, what kind of world will he grow up in etc. But it's also helped us focus on the kind of childhood we'd like him to have and we're now learning a new language, my fiance is starting a carpentry course and we want to have an adventure in Scandinavia. So it's all exciting!
    Oh, and I can't wait to play outside and splash in puddles. Having children is a great excuse to act like one again!

  29. I'd just like to pipe in and say that you will do just fine at mothering your sweet, Pehr. Oh you will often question yourself and probably feel like you're not a good mum. You may even compare how others mother with how you do it and feel a little less, BUT, you are her mum and you are the best mum for her.
    Being a mum is a constant guilt trip. You just have to learn to ignore that guilt and keep doing what you're doing because you are an AWESOME mum!!!

  30. You are absolutely adorable! I loved this!

  31. Rowena23.1.13

    Oh I adore dogs!! I have a Pembroke Corgi mixed with a Beagle. She has the short Corgi legs and hairy coat and sweet face, she is about 35 pounds so she is easy to carry when I need to. She is a super cuddler, loves cats and milk! She never barks, unless it's at a squirrel. And when we go for our walks, her nose is practically stuck to the ground (that's why I think she's part hound.)

    My mom was tiny too, less than 5 feet tall. I didn't grow too much taller but she did have 4 kids. I remember her once in a while pausing to marvel at how she managed to have such big kids. We weren't born big, we just grew up!

  32. She is beautiful...I think surreal is good...what an adventure you will matter what is in the future she will always have you to love her and show her the beauty in the every day.

    Sarah -x-

  33. I don't know anything about motherhood yet, but I do know that you and little Pehr look adorable all wrapped up warm in the snow. As for dogs - whippets make lovely companions <3 We have a rescue whippet/terrier-cross and she is scatty and a little naughty but so loyal and loving. :) x

  34. I've just discovered your blog and had to leave a comment to tell you I think it's an ABSOLUTE JOY! The photos, your words...brilliant! I'm a mum to a lively 22 month old and I don't think, as mothers, we ever stop worrying...I think we're programmed to from the moment we give birth to our little bundles! Still, despite all of this, being a mum is a fabulous thing...enjoy every minute of it (worrying and all)! Katie x

  35. Anonymous24.1.13

    :) it doesn't even set in that you are a mom for about 3 months for most people..Looks like your already being a great mom, and from reading your blog, it looks like she is going to have a great life. Live in the moment and don't over think it too much, her personality will start to show as she gets older and who she becomes will be a reflection of both of you.

  36. Anonymous25.1.13

    You wait till your children are as old as mine (20 & 24)and you STILL find it odd to be a Mum and not a 2o year old without a care in the world. Not that I'd swap it or them for anything!!

  37. Liz in Tasmania27.1.13

    I love your blog.... just read it all since discovering it yesterday. It reminds me of the life I lived in London, before emigrating to Tasmania (where I now have 3 littlies), and that real mixed bag of life in a beautiful, amazing city where it's almost impossible to find a family home... I had a one-bed flat on the banks of the river Lea in Hackney, so was near Stoke Newington, and I loved all those north east London haunts like Columbia Rd and Spitalfields that you mention. But in the end we coudln't stay in a shoebox with our son, and then I got pregnant with twins.... Looking at your blog has made me feel so nostalgic for camping in Suffolk and all those beautiful English countryside scenes (I grew up in the Cotswolds), but Tasmania is a true slice of heaven and I love being here so much. Your home is gorgeous, and your shed is an inspiration - and for a family dog, you couldn't do better than a labradoodle - cute as a baby highland cow, won't shed doggy hairs, and with the temperament of a teddy bear..... look forward to more posts, and also more of your stunning jewellery... thank you for sharing your thoughts and images, Liz x

  38. It is surreal, first you turn into packaging for another living creature, next you are it's food suppy and slave :) 24 years later I have a best friend who's my favorite person in the world. I haven't been a perfect parent, I don't think anyone can be that, but I did my best and she doesn't seem to hold it against me :) Just love her, get to know her and adapt to her needs and you'll be fine. She's lovely, congratulations :)

  39. Motherhood is strange! It's full of worry, despair and fun times. My boys 5 and 10 mostly make me want to pull my hair out!!! But then a cuddle, a silly dance or words and they remind me how much I adore them.

  40. Emily B30.1.13

    Loving the blog. Just catching up with some of your exquisite posts. My daughter is 27 and I still worry about being a good mother! Reread my late mother's diaries and think perhaps that's just how it is.

    You should get a dog! I love my lolloping greyhound, a retired racer called Optimistic Henry. The oldest breed in the world, greyhounds are great with children, look sad but beautiful and generally have a wonderfully silly streak. I am sure you will know when you meet your dog if he/she is right for you and your family, but please don't forget the rescue mutts!

  41. Beautiful mum, beautiful babe. I don't have children of my own yet, but I'm sure once the littles come along I'll never quite believe they're really mine. Surreal just thinking about it.

  42. Also, I just spotted this little pear print body suit and thought of you xxx

  43. I do think that the fact you are having all these protective and excited thoughts about your little one bodes well on the good parent front.
    All those thoughts are the thoughts of a very good mummy.
    I have a 17 yr old (scary), a 14 yr old and a 6 yr old, all boys, and I think about today, tomorrow and their adult future all the time.
    Gorgeous pics and I am glad I found your blog.
    Emma. X

  44. Lovely pictures! My kids are 21 and almost 18, it is quite scary how quickly they grow up! Keep a really good record so that when you always have something to remind you, my eldest has just left home for university and the photo albums have been out more than ever!


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