vw campervan - bunks restoration

7 October 2012

Unless you own a vw camper or want to restore one...you will find this post really boring!
A project for this dull autumnal Sunday was to finally get around to renovating our bunk beds that belong in our Camper van. They fit into the sides and fold out thus accommodating kids or 'small adults'.
When we bought our van and stripped out the interior, the bunks were in a terrible state...all the white plastic coating was flaking off the frames, revealing rusty pipes, and the orange fabric, though truly chic in 1978, was not quite in keeping with the rest of the decor we had planned.
Its taken us a year to get around to do this!
I would show you 'before pics' but someone decided that our camera should belong to them instead, and therefore stole it from our car...bastardos! : (
anyways, while Mister got on with re-painting the metal work, I whizzed up the new covers  in my shed.
The fabric is linen based, stripey, and from the Cloth Shop in notting hill.
Cutting them out on the floor was quite a job when heavily prego I can tell you!

I had to double stitch all the seams to make them stronger.

we tried one out to make sure it fits ok...

This will be the view from the top {i.e. the side you don't see, with the seams}

I'd love to show you them fitted back in the van, but one bunk is not dry yet, so it will have to be another day. Just wanted to post these piccies in case the babe turns up, and I might not get the chance for a while ; )


Plimsoll takes full advantage of the soon to be extinct 'peace and quiet' in the flat.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't believe someone stole your camera out of your van!! That is just awful, I'm so sorry to hear that; hopefully most of the photos that were on it were backed up somewhere? :(
    I hope we can see the finished product soon! Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can :)


  3. Very clever, mine would never have fitted first time! Bad luck on the camera, nothings safe :( Enjoy the peace and a lie in while you can x

  4. Really sorry to hear your camera got stolen! Am really enjoying the camper van restoration posts, the boyfriend and I would love to do it one day, you make it look so easy! X

  5. So important to get the sleeping arrangements right. We have many happy memories of nights with our boys sleeping above us (or hanging upside down!) in our campervan ('Moondance' - sadly now no longer ours) xo

  6. Cool post! Ever since I showed my husband your camper van, he literally won't stop talking about owning one. Any time he sees one, he HAS to point it out. One day I'll hopefully send you pictures of our renovated van ;) Thanks for all the camping and van posts, I absolutely love all of them!

  7. Cool post! Ever since I showed my husband your camper van, he literally won't stop talking about owning one. Any time he sees one, he HAS to point it out. One day I'll hopefully send you pictures of our renovated van ;) Thanks for all the camping and van posts, I absolutely love all of them!

  8. LOVE your van (and thoroughly enjoy reading your posts in it). My father used to own a VW van, but alas I was too young and stupid to appreciate it properly (we did have one summer spent at the beach, with it proving to be quite the perfect vehicle, drawing in numerous 'surfy dudes' to admire it, but once again, my young age restricted me from taking advantage of the situation). Is baby due soon?

  9. You too are such clever things and so industrious along with creative it hurts us 'average' folks LOL

    So hoping the bubba does decide to show real soon.....how very exciting, dramatic, scary and rewarding all at the same time...thinking of you Artemis x

  10. Do not have a VW Camper to restore, but think the post is AWSOME as it starts and ends with a cat - as all of the best posts do! :)

  11. We don't own a camper van but I still love reading your posts.

  12. Can't believe some fiend nicked off with your camera!! I hope you didn't have too many photos on there that are lost.

    Am super impressed that you are keeping so busy despite being ready to drop. So excited for arrival of your teeny person. Take care x

  13. I can't believe how busy yo are just before the birth how can you manage? It will be interesting to see ho Plimsoll does with the new born, my cat is very fussy when new people are around and gets very possessive. I hope yours handle it well.

  14. My daughter's boyfriend has a VW camper van, it has been a work in progress, he recently laid a Parquetry style wood floor. So this post is interesting!:) Love the stripy fabric.
    Hope you and your soon to arrive little junkaholique are keeping well.xx

  15. I travelled round Paris in a VW camper van one summer, It was fab. Enjoy the peace and free time left.

  16. I remember sleeping in those bunks on a trip to Yugoslavia as it was. Narrow! And I was thin then.

  17. I was having a bit of a browse on Pinterest, yesterday, when I came across a picture of the inside of a shed. I was sure I had seen it somewhere before so I explored further and discoverd it was your shed! How about that, hey? You're gorgeous sewing shed is on Pinterest.
    Don't know why I was so surprised. It should be a given.

    Happy birthing, love. Hope everything goes smoothly. A little of unasked for advice...... have an epidural. Trust me on this one. xx

  18. Great fabric for the stretcher. I am so jealous of that VW van :)
    And of your adorable cat...

  19. Wonderful designs. I've like the hard work you have put into the post.

  20. They really are Bastardos! I can't wait to see them all finished! I hope you're well! xx

  21. Congratulations. She is so lovely ^_^
    I'm looking forward to see the pretty stuffs for her.


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