Perfect Proportions

21 May 2012


To go with our expanding ring collections, we were in dire need of some new ring display units. I happened across a lovely place that makes their own beautiful shop display items here in London: Proportion London. We ordered a few things to see how they went, and they arrived recently...we are so happy with them.

we tried them out with a few of our new samples...

I love the details, like the bolts on the stands with their brand and London on the other side.

For RUST & my Junkaholique Vintage shop, we ordered a mannequin {because I can't be modelling no dresses in my condition! well, I can't even get in them anyway} so she is going to be my stand in...and a much better job she will do...

I can't believe that anything of this quality is still being manufactured in this country {Land Of Hope & Glory is humming away in my brain right now} I though the days of UK manufacturing were all but a distant memory, but not so. Our rings and our ring displays made right here in London!

And, we ordered these little earring stands, just because they are lovely {will have to make some earrings to go on them now}

Not exactly enthralling to most people, but if you are into this stuff like me, you'll really appreciate their products. Our shop looks transformed!


  1. Wow that mannequin is amazing, I wouldn't have thought stuff like that was still being made either. Looking forward to the earrings ;)

  2. Beautiful display units, the little details are fantastic! Your rings look wonderful in them, look forward to seeing them when I come into the shop next week!

  3. These rings are gorgeous !!! And the shells are so pretty, I've always been fond of the cabinet de curiosités feel they can give :)

    Estelle from

  4. oh how beautiful!!! the stands and your rings!!! each enhance one another :-) the new stands and mannequin look perfect

  5. What an amazing mannequin. The hand reminds us of an old Victorian doll. Gorgeous! X

  6. Hi Artemis, I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I love it. Thank you for all your inspiring ideas and beautiful pictures. I have started my own blog earlier this year as my new years eve resolution and am very much enjoying it. I am in a similar situation as you, except we have Murphy the puppy instead of Plimsoll the cat :) I am very interested in your jewellery and will be making a purchase soon I'm sure! Thanks for introducing me to proportion london, it was a very interesting site and even though i don't have my own shop i actually think some of their items would be good around the house as decoration. If you get a chance to check out my blog let me know what you think as I'm new to this, but totally understand how busy you must be. Thanks for writing your blog!

  7. Those branch letter displays are so darling! I would want to line up the whole alphabet in my apartment here in brooklyn, but I'm afraid of what my cats might do to them.

    Your color choices really complement each other with the cream linen and the dark metals.

    :) Emily

  8. I absolutely love your new shop props. Your blog is such an inspiration to me.

  9. I absolutely love your new shop props. Your blog is such an inspiration to me.

  10. We,re glad you are enjoyed our articulated mannequin and the ring presenters from the Precious Collection. You are one of the first clients to see and buy this collection and it could not have gone to a more perfect home. keep up the good work.....we are loving checking into your blog.

  11. We are glad you are enjoying the articulated mannequin and the ring presenters from our Precious Collection. You are one of the first clients to have seen and bought this collection and we are thrilled that it has gone to such a perfect home.....keep up the good work, we are loving your blog!


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