Island break

14 March 2012

Hey Folks! its been awhile...apologies. I went to the Isle of Wight with husubono on the weekend, and it was glorious weather and I am still in shock, as it is only March!
It was my burfday on saturday and its Nao's birthday today, so lots going on.
We went to the local beach as usual and it is so quite out of holiday season, perfect.

we slept on the beach and had tea's in between.

and a lovely walk through the Botanical Gardens as usual.

So we are still busy sorting out house things, deciding whether to rent or buy, in London or somewhere else...blimey! I guess we will end up just moving a few yards down the street.

Once we have moved I can concentrate on my blog too, because one thing I hate is being in Limbo Land, its very distracting indeed.

p.s. my cherry tree has got huge buds on therefore it will be a good summer!


  1. Your trip looks and sounds wonderful!

  2. It looks like we share a birthday. Snap. Happy Birthday for Saturday (: x

  3. Haa, I had my birthday yesterday. Congrats to Nao. I'm also planning a trip to Isle of Wight in summer, thought I've never been there and have no idea where should I go. If you have any recommendations about where to stay (hotel, B&B) and where to go, and what to see, I'd be very grateful. Greetings from Finland. I've loved your blog a long time, but I guess it's the first time I leave a comment.

  4. Happy birthday to you both; it was my birthday too on Saturday and we went to Brighton for the day which was lovely. Like you say, the weather was so lovely that it was hard to believe that it was March. Sunday was lovely too so I spent it chilling out in the garden :)

  5. Happy Birthday both of you! Every time I read one of your posts about the Isle of Wight it makes me want to go! It always looks so lovely. Also, your hat is quite adorable! xxx

  6. Happy Burfday! :)

  7. great post - i have some very similar pics of that beach from about 5 years ago xx

  8. Anonymous14.3.12

    That trip looks beautiful. Hope you had lots of fun! I really wanna go to England and see the countryside, not just London. It always looks very pretty and not rainy at all ;)

  9. I love that knit sweater!

  10. Happy birthday Nao - Tis my birthday on the 14th too!
    Happy belated birthday to you Artemis! best of luck with your move ... sending you moving fairy dust from Australia! xxx

  11. Greetings from Sweden. Great pictures.

  12. Anonymous15.3.12

    Sleeping on the beach!? Wasn't it too cold? You two always come up with interesting ideas.

    Love the photos and, of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY x 2.


  13. Hello Artemis, didn't see your new post for a while, was wondering where have you been. Glad to know that you had a good time traveling. :) By the way, Happy Belated Birthday.


  14. Denise15.3.12

    Happy Birthday to you both. There have been many programmes on TV here in Japan for the anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami..most of them heartbreakingly it was nice to see Nao and his Mum telling a story with a happy ending. The shop looked great as did the necklace :-)
    Denise in Osaka xx

  15. Happy B'day, nice to have you back. Looks like a fab holiday :)

  16. I love it when you go to the Island and post lovely pics for us. Hope you find somewhere great to live very soon - limbo land is not nice at all. Happy belated birthdays to you both. My eldest son was 18 on the 2nd and I am much older on the 18th - it's a lovely month to have been born in.
    Karen X

  17. What a beautiful place and weather you got to meet.

    Good luck with the cherry tree, your plans and making those plans true!

  18. Eydis15.3.12

    Many happy returns! To you both! :)

    Oh yes, Limbo Land is the worst!! It simply drains energy, like some sort of one's own personal black hole.

    I hope you'll find a nice place where you both feel comfortable ;)

  19. Looks like a gorgeous trip... love the sunlit pics. And the one of you shaking the blanket :) Hope you both had good birthdays!

  20. Hi, it looks like you had a lovely weekend. Happy birthday.

  21. Happy Birthday to both of you...i love the Isle of Wight..what a beautiful place to go home to:)

  22. Happy Birthday Artemis and Nao. Wish you a happy, long, healty life together. Also sharing the hope of the good summer because the weather of the previous was terrible.

  23. Birthday wishes and warm thoughts out to you both - your pictures show life as it should be!

  24. the smell of cherry blossoms on a cherry tree in spring is my most favourite smell in all the lands. The next is a lilac bush. oh--and crab apple tree blossoms are the most beautiful. I really am so excited for spring.

  25. Happy birthday to you both. I am always impressed by your unashamedly settled down behaviour. sleeping on the beach and having tea sounds frightfully civilised, may your life continue in such a fashion for ever and ever.


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