
6 August 2017

We had a bit of fun on this very unpredictable weekend, using some stick-on blackboard paper.
It's nice to have a change to our mantlepiece now and again, and we learnt about clouds at the same time!

Of course as soon as I start doing something, the littles want their own go at it...

I had fun rearranging all our natural history collections against the dark background.
Especially my crystals.

This is a new one that reminds me of an Everlasting Gobstopper.

So we'll stick with it for a while, it's good to have an interactive mantlepiece during the summer me thinks?

I'm also planning a few new house re-shuffles, mostly to accommodate my new found hobby for propagating house plants 😂😳 I may have to start selling some in the shop, otherwise we will be engulfed by plant matter.

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