London in May

3 June 2017

We have been on a few adventures of late...ending up in the Portobello area of London one evening on a sticky sweaty hot car ride from the Island...I was in search of a particular minerals shop but unfortunately they did not allow photos, alas my story of it will end here. shame. but we did have a pleasant stroll about with two sticky tots in tow.

As sure as day becomes night, if I step foot in a shop that interests me, a certain four year old will yell 'toileeeeeet' in 0.2 seconds.

She finds half dead flowers on the street and will treat them as if they are the most treasureful treasure that ever could be...

We found some nice shops, like Pedlars...and the Cloth Shop where they kindly let us borrow their toilet.

In the sweltering London heat (21 degrees) we headed towards some water, the canal walk towards the water fountains at Kings Cross, which I must say is an exceedingly nice way to spend a day, and very well recently developed.

Industrial relics turned into a beautiful garden...

And this lock and victorian lock keepers cottage set against a towering brand new metropolis.

The kids went bonkers for this, we were there until sunset.

During this trip we had a few formalities to attend to at the Japanese Embassy, and so that led us to Green Park, which is a very lovely little park quite quiet compared to the bigger Hyde Park next door.

Mr Leafy beheaded some daisies and gave them to me, I weeped like a baby.

We found a nice cafe in Hyde Park with lovely playground. 

...and then we found the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain, and P announced that she even preferred it to the Kings Cross water fountains. We were all very impressed with it and stayed until it closed.

P and I found a lovely stall in the market selling Japanese things. We loved everything but didn't buy anything, which is often the way when one loves everything I think?

I did buy some plants from Grace and Thorn though, and P found a half dead flower treasure on the floor which they allowed her to keep. So she was happy for the rest of the day.

On the ferry back home was the most beautiful sunset and we were all glad to be home.


  1. Thank you so much...I had such a happy time visiting these places tthrough your eyes. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life!

  2. I'm glad you and your lovely family had a good day and are safely at home.

  3. What a delight to take such a beautiful tour with you, some of those shops were a delight. Definitely my kind of paradise.

  4. Anonymous4.6.17

    What a lovely way to experience London...after such sad news last night. I'm really heartbroken about what has happened in England in the last few weeks. Thinking about you all....

  5. Anonymous4.6.17

    I loved this post. Remember to print some of the photos of your daughter that can one day hang in her florist shop. I see a future for her in horticulture. I also really admire the way you appreciate the way you at when your children bring you flowers they have found or picked. I am 65 and I still remember the hurt I felt when I picked flowers for my mother in a field and when presented, told me they were just weeds and told me to throw them out. I am almost over it. Great photographer...who ever that was.

  6. What a lovely peaceful, interesting look at London through your creative eyes. It is winter in New Zealand and that was a real treat.

  7. Such a wonderful couple of posts! Thank you for all of the lovely photos - I just love them all, but especially the one of P in the water fountains!

  8. As we move into winter down here in the Southern Hemisphere, I am warmed by your beautiful memories of happy times spent with your children. I now have a travelogue of places I need/want to visit on my next visit to my homeland. I have only learnt of the Borough Markets over the last few days so it will also definitely be on my 'to visit' list. Happy Days :-)

  9. What fun - I do so love your "tours", stuck down in Australia it is almost as good as being there and without the jet lag - even better!

  10. Dear Artemis, I love reading your stories and checking your photos. These are masterpieces :) Your kids are lovely! The atmosphere on your photos is so calming. Congratulation and thank you for sharing them! Sandra


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