living room

20 May 2017

I had a bit of a re-shuffle of our living room recently. Our littlest one was no longer in need of his play pen (which was actually this cot from Ikea), so I sawed it off, and made it into a sort of day bed! He can still have his naps on it, but he can also choose books to read and have his milk there too. We found having a play pen invaluable when also looking after our four year old, as it was so handy to have a safe place to put him. Now he's getting to understand dangers around him, and his mobility is pretty good now too. The living room feels a bit more grown up now, although we still have a ton of toys in there, hidden in baskets ; )

My plants tend to move around the house. They do prefer the steamy bathroom (where I put them during xmas as they are not really xmassy aren't they?), but are a bit hidden away in there.

I love the colours of my new crystals. I don't really believe/understand the whole healing aspect of them (which I'm sure could all be true), I just love the beauty of them. I think I am really drawn to anything sparkly. I do much prefer gems in their natural form.
The gold snake ring is from RUST Jewellery, from our 2008 collection. And my mister gave me this ring on my 30th birthday. It has ruby eyes! I'm thinking that we should re-introduce the snakes back into our shop!

I'm growing a few cuttings in water too...the geranium is really going for it, even with buds on!

So I am always struggling to de-clutter and tidy up the constant wave of kids paraphernalia, our bedrooms are small so the kids don't spend much time in there at all, hence most of their toys are downstairs. I don't mind though, because when they have grown up and left home, I will be sad that the house feels all empty 😂


  1. It looks beautiful - so calm! I love your 2 small paintings of the cliffs and seagulls - where did you find those? xxx

  2. Oooh yes to that snake ring! It's lovely!

  3. When I am eventually feeling a bit overwhelmed with the clutter of our home, I too remind myself how horribly empty it will feel one day! Wish our sitting room looked as stylish as yours!

  4. I love the horse blanket on the day bed!

  5. Or it's all empty and then it refills with grand children. Much too far ahead for you to imagine but the time concertina'ed here and we have just had our 2 1/2 year old g/daughter to stay for two nights and suddenly the house is filled with all the paraphernalia and joy of a small child about the place. I look in here for inspiration. I like your creative style.

  6. I love your crystals,your plants,your beautiful home and children. At first view I thought p was a cushion on your settee. How do you find the time? It looks so,peaceful.

  7. Eugh, the toys!! You manage them much more stylishly than me!

  8. My children have grown and left home. I do miss the toy clutter, but not stepping on Lego bits and pieces. haha

  9. Haha, we did not have the need for a playpen until our youngest turned one year. He is now 15 months, not walking but crawling and climbing so fast. Up on our table or counters in the blink of an eye. Moving chairs, stools and table around to get up where he wants. Totally dangerous in a house with sort of half walls enclosing the stairs going through the middle of it. And of course not ideal with him on the table as soon as we try to put anything there. He always wants to check what it is.


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