
24 October 2016

It's that time of the year again, cake making and present wrapping. I think birthdays are so important for littluns and I always want to do my best so that they have some good memories and some presents that they love.

a tiara from granny!

 a beautiful dress from Nao.

This year I bought P a little sewing machine of her own, with a bag filled with felt and fabric and a box of buttons and pins and things. And a book with some great ideas for kids making. 

We made a bat together, you can see more of her makes over on my instagram.

I also made a ginormous cake with chocolate icing.

and I was up till midnight putting up party decorations and making a cake flag ; )

I went all out on the sprinkles this time!!

We had a lovely party with just a few of her bestest friends and lots of family too.

On her actual birthday we visited Tapnell farm which is a place that we know she loves.

 We had quite a bit of fun there,..

We met the wallabies and the meerkats too, ahhhh!
...and, we had the bouncy pillow all to ourselves, perfect.

I think we are all a bit knackered now! xxx


  1. Lovely....and good to see you driving Artemis!

  2. Oh, happy birthday, darling P! Everything, including the birthday girl, is so beautiful, Artemis. ✨

  3. Happy belated birthday! What a lucky girl your little one is. Everything looks so magical! So beautifully done Artemis. :) And that farm so looks like something my little girl would love. She turns 4 next July. Take care.

  4. What a lovely birthday! Giving me ideas for a cake... I wanted to ask you; my daughter is turning 5 and also asked for a sewing machine. What is a good one for kids in you opinion? All best!

  5. Anonymous25.10.16

    Beautiful! Happy birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday, Pehr! You look beautiful in your new dress and tiara! Love the bat you and mommy made, too.

  7. Ah such a beautiful post. Happy Birthday to Pehr. I'm sure she will become just as creative as her mammy and daddy. :)

  8. Your posts are a joy to read. Such a great mom ... and your children grow more beautiful every day.

  9. Happy Birthday to Pehr. She sure is growing up. Thanks for sharing your little part of the world. I love it.

  10. Artemis, this is all so perfect! I'm thinking of a little sewing machine for my daughter for Christmas. Would you mind telling me the brand? Best from Canada!

  11. I love the picture of you all on the go cart, that made me smile.

  12. parabéns! muita saúde e amor <3!


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