London in August

26 August 2016

We had to go to London for work as usual the other week, but this time we decided to all go as a family of four for the first time! Our daughter was born in London, so she really is a Londoner at heart (she talks about London all the time and is top of her list of things she wants to do). Our son however, was born at St.Marys Hospital on the Isle of Wight (same as me), so he, like me, is an Islander!
I have always loved London since I was little when I used to be taken there a lot.
Some islanders get a bit phased out with the big city and noise ; )

...but, alas, on the A3 we heard a weird sound and we were lucky to find this shady lay-by off a slip road. The fan belt had pinged off and the bit it was connected to had snapped off (technical term).
Unfortunetly though easy to fix, it's not something that the AA carry with them, so we had to get taken away on a lorry : (

The kiddies were great though considering how long we had to wait. The next day in London was beautiful weather...

Our daughter loves this playground SO much so that was the first destination whilst I got on with work at the workshop.

and then a visit to Exmouth market nearby.

We had our car dropped off at the garage we used to use when we lived in South London, So we had an unplanned visit to Peckham on the bus.

his first time on the bus!...

(stuck in traffic on a hot day!!)

We used to go here nearly every day.

We had to wait a bit longer for our car, so we pottered around our old neighbourhood for a bit.

It was so good to have our car back, we didn't have a buggy, and lots to carry.

We always love having a look in Anthropologie at the beautiful packaging and ceramics...

...and Spitalfields market as usual.

I loved this stall of Japanese treasures. The photo at the top of this post is also their stall.

It was hard work with the kids in tow (major melt downs from our daughter) which is to be expected of course! but we all had a lovely time : )  Our 5 month old son just kept kicking is legs and smiling in excitement with it all!


  1. Such pretty plates at Anthropologie spelling out your shop name. And I love all the plates together ... MOON RUST. I wonder what that could be? Hmm ...

  2. Lovely pictures that bring back memories of my time in London. Your kids are adorable :)

  3. Our little boy turns four tomorrow. He's so sweet natured but does have some serious meltdowns (usually caused by the smallest, craziest things). The Terrible Twos have definitely lasted way beyond that... At least you take a philosophical view of it, not easy when there's a screaming fit going down!

  4. I love your blog and all of your family who each has different personality!
    The top photo was really surprising for me because the vintage stall, Traveling Madeleine, is managed by a Japanese lady living in London and she is the author of the blog ( which I have been checking for years same as yours! Amazing!!!

  5. I've never been in London but I plan to make a visit pretty soon as two of my closest friends live there. Your pictures are inspiring as always.


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