
26 October 2015

Halloween is not something I've ever really celebrated in my life, not sure why? I have lately been doing a little research to find out what is really all about...and I was quite surprised to read about its true origins from the north of Britain and Ireland. You can read about Samhain here.
I suppose I'm not much interested in the time of year for slaughtering cattle, or imagining that dead relatives are invited for supper, but I do like that Autumn does mark the boundary between summer and the darker months, and some history explains that it was sometimes perceived as the new year.
You can sort of see all this happening in the woods...things dying, turning to seed. Harvest time, animals gathering supplies for winter etc...
I sometimes feel like doing the same during Autumn, so it is a kind of 'new start' of the year in a way.

We love the pine forest near to our house, but sadly these were planted during the 60s and are not indigenous. They carpet the floor and block out many natural species. However, I love them so much (and the red squirrels seem to like them too!).

In the spirit of this, we decided to 'decorate the dead', by painting leaves with lots of glitter ; )

Happy Halloween People!


  1. Beautiful pictures and beautiful glittery creations. Sorry to hear you feel so exhausted. Hope you find time to put your feet up for a cuppa ;) Tania (HedgerowHarvest)

  2. Just love her absorbtion with her leaf decorating. ☺

  3. You are such a great mom! And that child could not be more precious or loved. We celebrate Halloween in a BIG way in New Orleans -- almost as big as Christmas! The outside home décor is amazing. I'm wondering if you made the scarf you are wearing with your Icelandic sweater. Do you sell it???

  4. Gorgeous photographs Artemis - the first one with you and Pehr is especially beautiful. And I'd never heard of Samhain before.

  5. Beautiful! I'd quite like to do this and hang them by my window (though not quite sure how to stop the leaves from curling up with the condensation...).

    The picture of Pehr tromping through the woods in her wellies is the cutest, haha. Haven't read your blog for a little while because blogger wasn't letting me know of new posts, so she's looking so grown up since last time I read...!


  6. I just learned that you can dip leaves in beeswax to preserve them. I have also ironed them between two sheets of waxed paper and then hung in windows for privacy. What a patient pregnant mama to get into projects involving glitter! Beautiful photos as always.

  7. Love the things you do with Pehr..she is one lucky kid! The glittered leaves and acorns are beautiful! And Happy Halloween to your family as well!

  8. Artemis, did you know that you can dip leaves in beeswax to preserve them, if you find any worthy specimens? I have also made "leaf curtains' by ironing autumn leaves between two sheets of waxed paper, and hung them in windows and doors for extra privacy. Beautiful photos, as always. What a patient mama!

  9. How odd, I've just scheduled post for later in the week about Samhain and how I've never really done halloween too! I think your leaves look wonderful - also, good sandwich choice xxx

  10. Of course! You lucky islanders have Red Squirrels. I am lucky. I have seen quite a few around Scotland, but normally its those pesky grey ones that I get to see.

    Pretty, pretty leaves.

  11. I think its a lovely time of year and I might have to gild a few acorns as yours look good - we used to do this when the boys were small. Celebrating the seasons is so life-affirming though I struggle badly with January and February. Have a lovely autumn and congratulations on the new baby. Pehr will be a brilliant big sister x

  12. Beautiful photos, I was in the UK last year at this time so your photos remind me of the beautiful colors of autumn. Hope you have recovered from the Little one party. Eve : )

  13. I have added to my bucket list: Must visit Isle of Wight and say hello to Miss Junkaholique! I wish I could come to see your shop right now!!


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