local wildlife

15 June 2015

Here is a bit of what's growing in the garden at the moment. I haven't done as much gardening this summer as I'd hoped, but other events have got in the way a bit (more on this coming up) so Ive been a bit too busy. Lots of weeds are out growing the plants, but these are the strong ones that are fighting their corners ; )

very triumphant fox gloves, ain't much gonna stand in their way.

my first time growing corn flowers, I love them so much.

and the honeysuckle archway is doing really well, and the bumblebees love it.

those geraniums would grow through concrete given half the chance.

a new bench that I painted, many a cup of tea has been supped here (whilst contemplating pulling up said weeds).

our Nipper's toms and strawberries look like they might actually produce something edible.

In other news, we rescued a half dead Coot chick from our local stream. It was all limp and stuck in some weed with no parents in sight. We fished it out but it looked like it wasn't going to survive. We took it back home in a large bucket and gave it some boiled egg whites (great advice from my sister-in-law), and I put a hot water bottle inside my furry hat and plonked floppy chick on it. Then left it in the dark for a few hours and when we came back, it was standing up, all lively, chirping away!

I went back to the stream in the evening and spied two adult coots sort of looking for something, so I ran back home to get the coot chick, and see if it would go back to it's mum and dad...

once in the water it motored off like a clockwork toy! it looked completely different to the floppy ball of soaked feathers before. It's that dot in the middle...

The next morning I went back again to see any sign of it, and amazingly, there were two adult coots with the chick in the middle, attentively feeding it in turn. Ahhhhhhhhh
I bet that chick had some stories to tell to it's mum...near death experience, then spending the day in our kitchen, ha ha!


  1. Well done Artemis! You did a very good thing helping that little chick, I bet it will grow up and have it's own chicks one day, because of you. The garden looks great, weeds can wait….. have another cup of tea.

  2. Well done for taking a sensible risk and saving the coot. The nicest thing I've read today. By the way you're right about those geraniums! I'm having a love/hate relationship with mine! X

  3. You did a lovely thing! I think it's great how you show Pehr the love for everything concerning nature.

  4. Wonderful story with such a happy ending! Thanks!

  5. It is great when you are in the right place at the right time to be able to make a difference isn't it...

  6. Love and love some more a " Happy Ending "..
    I like that they don't just happen in fairy tales..

  7. I love this story. Such a sucker for a happy ending. x


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