
10 January 2014

A beautiful parcel arrived at our house, after a very exciting but exhausting trip to London.
A parcel from the extremely talented Vicar, so gorgeous I almost didn't want to unwrap them!




and what treasures I found inside!...

I can't beleive that I have found such amazing friends via my Blog, I'm feeling all wobbly and emotional.

We have also been doing this kind of thing, even in this rubbish is just about possible to get outside now and again.

although I stayed in the car ; )

There is also something happening in our garden, battling against the elements.

A good start to 2014 I'd say.
p.s. ...Thank you all for such lovely comments for my last post that really means so much! 
p.p.s I think the SAD lamp is working!


  1. Hi!!!! "ja otrymala 1959 roku"(Pic.Number 3) i got in 1959
    (Polish language)
    :*** from Germany

  2. What a gorgeous mix of treasures you got! Your blog brings me so much happiness and inspirations, it's making me want to start blogging again. ;)

  3. What a gorgeous and thoughtful gift to receive! Looks like it's right up your alley :) xo Kat

  4. very thoughtful pressies, there is something about parcel paper that is sooo nostalgic! Love your Morris Traveller have promised myself that one day I'll get one (or a Citroen to go on adventures in the summer time. My parents had them and moan about them always breaking down, but I love them and their funny arrow indicators!

  5. Most definitely a wonderful start to 2014 ~ what a beautiful package to receive :-) Also loved your last post. Wishing you every happiness in your new home for this coming year... from a frequent reader, but an infrequent commenter!

  6. How lovely... Good, thoughtful friends are indeed a blessing.... Cx

  7. What a wonderful surprise and glad the SAD lamp is working they are brill.

  8. What a lovely surprise...Happy 2014!

  9. Your presents were lovely and beautifully wrapped. Typewriter tags, genius. Makes me want to go and rake the charity shops for a type writer. I'm glad your sad lamp is working. My mum has one as she works nights and finds it works. Especially in this weather. Happy January, the days are staying lighter that teeny bit longer.

  10. Oh my goodness. I used to love miffy! I've just spent a good amount of time going back to through your blog. I love seeing into your life. Ah the weather it rubbish, but you have pretty parcels like that to cheer you up! Have a great year!

  11. what thoughtfulness and care

  12. Beautiful gifts...that is a very sweet and thoughtful vicar you have there!

  13. Such gorgeous packaging. Pehr looks adorable in her outfit wrapped up warm! x

  14. What a beautiful thoughtful parcel! The wrapping is so nicely done! Lovely photos too! :)

  15. Anonymous15.1.14

    What gorgeous photographs amongst those gifts!

  16. How nice to see one of my items show up again! (I made the 'scented something'!) Farahild <3 your blog!


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