felt pictures

1 October 2013

When we move to our new house we only have a few days before its our nipper's first birthday. I know, I know...they won't remember a thing and all that, but y'know, its a big day for us parents too. So its a bit like celebrating a year of successfully keeping alive a small human.
My plan is to decorate her room and give it to her on the day, with a ribbon to cut and all, Queen stylee.
I thought I'd start doing a few things now, even though our tiny flat is like a warehouse of boxes and we have just two square feet of space in which we are all living. Any how, I ended up cutting up bits of felt and paper into the early hours last night.

I painted these Ikea box frames with some pale grey acrylic eggshell paint, then got busy with the scissors. I found some nice animal wrapping paper which was my inspiration for the fox.
Behind them is some vintage wallpaper.

The labels just say fox and bear and then their Latin names.
After that, I got on to the bigger frame. I made an elephant balancing on a ball.
*I think I should state here, that I absolutely hate the use of animals in the circus, but I must admit that I love the vintage imagery and designs from old circuses. Its odd, but there you go.

not sure, at the end, whether I like this one or not, maybe it should have been bigger? its done now so it may grow on me.

It also lights up. Not sure about this either, but I guess the little one will like it eh!

I am loving this gold metallic embroidery thread, I have used for just about everything!
Of course, the clockwork elephant was the model for this picture.

So, I guess there will be quite a few 'decorating' posts to come, be warned! ...also, I do want to show you our workshop, think we will give up on the plumber and just put the furniture how it was.


  1. aw, these are adorable. particularly love the elephant, so sweet!

  2. Anonymous1.10.13

    I love this so so so much! I just started embroidering so I could make a cute animal scene for my little girl to hang in her room. It's got a fox, a bird, an owl and a giant squirrel! I can't wait to seem more pictures of your new place. Moving is awful, but it's also the absolute best to see how all your little things fit in the new space!

  3. I love them, they're just perfect! The elephant is just right size wise too. The lights will be lovely on misty mornings and wintery nights (cosy!) x

  4. These are really good , pehr is a lucky girl x

  5. Anonymous1.10.13

    Love the elephant, don't change it! Brought a tear to my eye that Pehr is lucky to have a mum that would make something so pretty for her :o)

  6. This is going to be one very cute room with all these pretty creatures on the walls :)

  7. Anonymous1.10.13

    Your attention to detail is impressive, they're really cute. Absolutely love the vintage wallpaper backdrop and metallic thread. More creative inspiration... so thank you!
    (And very pleased to see you getting into instagram too... it's a great little community and i personally think another lovely way to share snippets of life.) x

  8. you are a super super maman !!! ;)

  9. Aw, i love the elephant!

  10. So beautiful and Pehr will treasure these forever and ever x

  11. This little elephant is amazing, absolutely great! and is also light up! Your daughter will love it

  12. Anonymous1.10.13

    The elephant just so happens to be my favourite. We have two children - a 5yr old boy and a 3yr old girl. We have a tiny cottage and so they share a tiny room (and share it beautifully they do). I know there will come a time soon when they will need and want their own space but for now it works well. Each year on their birthdays (only a few days apart) I rejig and decorate their bedroom with some new toys, handmade crafts and a shift of furniture. Last year I even made new curtains! Then for the big reveal I keep the door shut while they eat breakfast and have pre-recorded building sounds (hammering, sawing, concrete drills, giggling) playing from the room. I also string 'keep out' plastic roll in a criss cross fashion across the door ready for them to burst in and start discovering. It takes a bit of careful planning but had always been heaps of fun. Pher is going to really enjoy the spoils of her parent’s creativity on this most auspicious occasion. Fun!

  13. You have such amazing, creative ideas. All three are cute but I especially like the bear. Are there more animals to come?

  14. i think the room idea, with a ribbon to cut, is PERFECT for a first birthday! and i love all of them, but the elephant is my absolute favorite. it is really lovely.

  15. Harriet1.10.13

    So sweet. I love felt - it's a lifelong love.

  16. Lucky, lucky Pehr. You have just given me an idea for my daughters 17th birthday, I could use some of her old clothes which I've kept....

  17. Ahh amazing, love how the elephant picture lights up too, so creative!

  18. Anonymous2.10.13

    These are so lovely. You are so talented - wish I could just whip up something like this on a cosy evening!

  19. Those are beautiful, you are very talented! I love the elephant too - and the lights! Don't change it, it's just perfect!

  20. Anonymous2.10.13

    Positively charming. All three are wonderful, but I think I love the elephant the most. What a neat little night light for Pehr. Lovely.

    -Lois in SWPA, USA

  21. If Pehr doesn't like it..send it my way please!
    I won't need to change too many letters, to make it work in my bedroom ;^)

  22. they are lovely.....i love the elephant and want one..... Brill x

  23. Absolutely fantastic; so very charming. She will treasure these as they were made for her by her Mum. Happy Birthday time to the three of you.

    I've noticed what outstanding parents you are. Pehr is beyond wonderful.

  24. Anonymous3.10.13

    Aww, these are soo cute! I love how the elephant picture lights up, a very good detail in my opinion.
    Love, Iiris

  25. incredibly nice. I love the "old" circus flair, too !
    Pehr will love her room.

  26. So wonderful! Something Pehr can treasure her entire life. I still have a colored pencil drawing of a kitten my mother's best friend drew as a baby shower gift for my mother. It hung in my room all throughout my childhood and now hangs in my office. My mother has passed, I've lost touch with her best friend but one glance at that picture brings back so many memories. Pehr is one lucky little girl to have a mother who invests so much because of a great love!!!

  27. Beautiful handmade touches for your daughter- she will treasure them I'm sure!

  28. I love all of your crafty projects, but these are absolutely beautiful. You really should branch out from jewellery, you're so incredibly talented!

  29. Oh my goodness the felt animals are adorable! The elephant is AMAZING! Pehr is so lucky to have such a clever Mum. Can't wait to see what you do with the new house :)

  30. So creative Artemis... and cute and sweet and vintage and absolutely PERFECTLY PEHR! ♥♥♥
    I too love old circus imagery but HATE the circus itself... except for Cirque DeSoleil ... love them! As you can only imagine I await all your decorating/moving and housey updates with eagerness... all the best!!

  31. These are gorgeous - the elephant is my favourite. I am really looking forward to seeing your makes for your lovely new home. Hope the moving in goes smoothly. A couple of months ago I saw the 3 of you walking past Bills in Lewes and was going to say hello but had to pay first and you'd vanished by the time I came out :) x

  32. Your creativity is sooo inspiring! Want to head home tonight and open the craft boxes now :)
    Love this sweet little elephant, the gold thread is a beautiful touch!

  33. you are the sweetest mama...

  34. These are so cute!

  35. amazing. they're lovely. you are an artist <3

  36. Anonymous15.10.13

    Such a lovely idea and so beautifully made. What a talented mummy little Pehr has. And she'll definitely love the light-up element (I do!)

  37. Pehr is very very lucky. These are so sweet!


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