early days

25 October 2012


Its been quite a fortnight over at our house these days! Getting to know Pehr, realising that we are now her staff, and enjoying every minute of it! She is so funny, especially her 'bodily noises!'

She can hold her own head up since birth, and likes to look around and gives us strange looks and the odd accidental smile.
I cant believe how much I love looking after her..

Today we went for a little walk around, to show Pehr the 'hood, and the autumn leaves...

normal blogging will continue eventually!
Thank you ALL so much for the lovely comments for my last post, I have read every one of them and its just over whelmingly kind and Pehr can read them when she grows up : )


  1. Gorgeous photos of you 2 together. Early motherhood can be a dreamlike and magical state - and sometimes a wobbly one too, but looks like you're taking to it beautifully! x

  2. Aww she's absolutely gorgeous, you must be over the moon. Congratulations x

  3. Oh the two of you are SO adorable! It must be amazing to finally be able to hold your little lady in your arms after 9 months of wondering what she'll be like. I absolutely can't wait for that time.. Ha ha sometimes I wish we could just fast forward to February, but then again I feel utterly unprepared for the arrival of this little so far!

  4. Oh Artemis you look absolutely beautiful in your mother hood glow. Both babes rocking yer woolly hats! Enjoy... x

  5. Rachael25.10.12

    Many congratulations! These first few weeks are such a joy. My own babe is now 5 weeks old and I miss her being a snuggly newborn already. I'm also patiently waiting for my rust wedding ring to fit again!
    There's lots to do in south london with a baby im finding out, so much fun ahead for the three of you x

  6. It's clear you are head over heels in love with your darling wee girl. I'm so happy for you. Enjoy every precious moment.

  7. Congratulations, I've read your blog for about 18 months now and it's been wonderful to your family grow. Your daughter is so lucky to have you and Nao as her parents.

  8. Anonymous25.10.12

    You look well and she is so cute & tiny. Lovely post.

  9. What delightful images :o)
    Don't worry about blog posts, you have MUCH more important things to do now!
    Rose H

  10. Beautiful name and baby x
    She's going to be one creative little treasure with her genes ;)

  11. It is so clear to see the love in your eyes and face in all of these photos with Pehr; I can see many happy years for you both to come :)

  12. Hellsbellslolly25.10.12

    Congratulations Artemis, motherhood is truly an incredible and exciting adventure that we as mothers are blessed with. I've read your blog for ages now, adored seeing your trips in your campervan..and now we get to see you in your next chapter! Wonderful - all the best

  13. she is absolutely precious ♦ how are you feeling?

    all the best!

  14. beautiful, beautiful photos and many congratulations to you and Nao! Such a happy time for you both- you will be such wonderful parents to Pehr. xx

  15. Cecelia25.10.12

    Pehr is smashing and you sound over the moon!

    Oh, and is she already picking out her perfect auto?

  16. what a couple of beautiful ladies! huge congratulations to you and nao! and i love her name so much. perfect perfect. happiness to your sweet family.

  17. I just love wearing my baby. She's more than a year and half and I love to walk around with her on my front. She loves it too.

    So happy for you. I also think she has such a beautiful name.

  18. Just precious.

    Enjoy this special time and remember to take it easy.

    I can see your heart brimming with motherly love for little Pehr.

  19. Anonymous25.10.12

    What an absolutely perfect one she is! Here's to the great adventure ahead...

    Beautiful blog - I feel privileged that you and Nao share little glimpses of your creative lives and that I can enjoy it from half a world away in New Zealand!

    Many thanks for that, and a huge welcome to Pehr.

  20. Anonymous26.10.12

    You look so happy and so full of love, a million congrats to you and Nao and welcome to the adorable Pehr, another exciting chapter just beginning, looking forward to reading all about your adventures together!
    Jane xx

  21. You look so happy and Pehr is divine.
    Enjoy these special early weeks - kinda like a honeymoon xo

  22. Ah, Pehr, what a dear little thing you are. I am so touched to see how taken your parents (ahem, staff) are by you. You are going to be the most loved up, well dressed little lady out there. Tell your mummy that we look forward to seeing and reading about the many adventures you will have as a family.

    Happy days!

  23. It's lovely to see how happy you are being a mama, and full of love.
    Best whises for the three of you.

  24. wonderful wonderful post and a Triumph I had one of those oh what memories

  25. many congratulations to you both! pehr is a beauty :) lovely snaps!

  26. Anonymous26.10.12

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. She is gorgeous! P.S. I'm a longtime reader and I love your blog!

  27. Beautiful photos of you and your baby girl! She is so cute! Congratualations.

  28. So glad that you are enjoying this time :)


  29. ooh, she's scrumptious!

  30. Congratulations !!

  31. Aw! You are so sweet together! She is so lovely, can't wait to see more of her. So happy you are enjoying being a Mum so much x

  32. Such loveliness :) Can't wait to hear all about your new adventures together....

  33. Beautiful photos, she really is so sweet. Congratulations to you both!!!

  34. There are those who say parents should never spoil a child, never be "her staff." Having raised 4, and sp;oiled all of them, I am reminded of the movie Hook, where the wife says, "There are a few precious years when they need us, and then we go running after them, wanting THEIR attention." Enjoy this time when she still needs you. It is fleeting.

  35. Such huge congratulations! Pehr is beauitiful (and what an incredible name!) Enjoy these hazy lazy (sometimes wobbly!) days.

  36. Such huge congratulations! Pehr is beauitiful (and what an incredible name!) Enjoy these hazy lazy (sometimes wobbly!) days.

  37. I just have found your blog today.
    I am a hungarian patchwork blogger and want to say, that your blog is adorable, you are so cute couple!!
    Congratulations to the baby!!
    Best wishes: Ágota

  38. Beautiful pictures. Lovely to see you carrying Pehr too & enjoying the closeness. X

  39. congratulations on a beautiful baby girl. she is gorgeous and you do look happy. It's amazing how every little face twitch can be so enthralling that it hurts sometimes. And you will probably swamped by lovely pink things in the weeks to come. Girls are such fun to dress.

  40. Ah what a sweetheart Pehr looks. He will surely enjoy the lovely things you have crafted for him. Do you know the David Bowie song 'Kooks' ? That's a great song about the having of children. Enjoy x

  41. Sorry I meant she! Xxx

  42. Wonderful photographs of you both. I love Pehr's cosy hat! :-)

  43. What a sweetie. Congratulations. As a mother of two girls - you are in for such, such happiness. x

  44. Motherhood suits you! Oh the two of you are so precious in these pictures :-) What a joy she is and you gave her such a beautiful name!

  45. She is adorable. I love her name. The days will fly by and before you know it she will be grown up.

  46. She is a rare beauty!! Congrats!

  47. Edwina Cottino30.10.12

    Beautiful! She is so lovely, and I think blue will be her favourite colour. Congrats to you three.

  48. Congratulations! Little Pehr looks adorable and very snug in all her lovingly homemade clothes and bed.

  49. Anonymous31.10.12

    She is so beautiful! Your two posts have made me even more excited about my new arrival - due in April. Much love to you all and what a beautiful name Pehr is.

    Hayley xxx

  50. Helena31.10.12

    Congratulations my dear! :)
    Pehr is a lovely baby girl, indeed.
    Enjoy all the moments because these little ones grow up so quickly...
    Wish you lots of love and all the best in the world.

  51. Lovely photos! It's so nice to hear someone saying they're enjoying every minute of the early days with a baby.. so often people choose not to embrace it, as you obviously have, and they spend a lot of that precious time fighting against the lifestyle change that comes with having a baby!

    The photos make me miss my days in Sth London!

  52. good morning! happy to see your post and lovely pictures of you and baby pehr. :D

  53. Beautiful pictures as always.

  54. delightful, you look so happy x

  55. Anonymous7.11.12

    Oh, but your family is beautiful! Congratulations and good luck. :-)
    Kristen in Florida

  56. How incredibly cute!! Beautiful pictures :)


  57. Hello! I've just discovered your blog and me oh my - so gorgeous! Your daughter has the sweetest name! x


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