DIY baby - part 3

10 June 2012


Are you getting bored of this yet? ...well, anyways, I made a couple of more things today in my
shed. A long sleeve tshirt with Liberty print pocket, and a kimono style jacket made from traditional Japanese print cotton wrapping cloth. The print is meant to be fish and fishing nets. Its lined with a green/blue cotton, have no idea what to call this colour...but its more green than in these pics - Prussian Blue maybe?

Anyhow, its quite heavy and outdoory, so I hope it will come of use {I spent the best part of my sunday making it so the babe IS going to wear it whatever}

I will try and post something not baby related next...but I have to say, I'm pretty much consumed with preparations even though we got ages to go yet!! I think if I don't keep busy, I'm gonna freak out at the concept that I am reproducing a human and that its got to come out some how...hmmm... think I'll concentrate on the sewing instead!


  1. Anonymous10.6.12

    Your efforts paid off, they look great. The jacket is particularly impressive.

    And seriously I don't think anyone minds the recurring baby posts. They are creative and inspiring, just like the others. :)

  2. Gorgeous work, that jacket is stunning. No we don't mind the baby stuff, as a Mum myself I completely understand the obsession and the need to keep busy! And don't worry about the whole 'how's it going to come out' thing - your baby and body know what to do, when the time comes you just need to switch your brain off and let it happen!

  3. I LIKE VERY MUCH!!!!!!!

  4. I don't mind reading about your Baby Welcome preparations :) Kimono style jacket looks fantastic - what a beautiful fabric! Good luck with your pregnancy and don't think about baby coming out too much - it's not as bad as we think it will be :)

  5. Well the lucky baby has a very clever mummy! Well done I love what you've made so far x

  6. Anonymous10.6.12

    No we don't mind the baby posts at all. Your baby is going to look lovely.

  7. That kimono jacket is fantastic. And if you weren't all baby posts at the moment there would probably by something wrong with you. You're a first time Mom for goodness sake - you're supposed to be excited!!!!!

  8. Anonymous10.6.12

    Please keep posting baby stuff that you make/ buy/ think of. I just love it. I am due with my first in early November- when are you??- and get great inspiration from you. I too have a combie, I too trail markets, I too sew, but I live in Australia so it is nice to see what a like minded person in a similar position is up to on the other side of the world. I wish you all the best luck with it all. xx

  9. Not sick of it, just gorgeous!

  10. I am thoroughly enjoying your baby DIY posts ... more please!

  11. haha, i love these posts! i have made a mental note to hold onto old jumpers, so that one day i can make miniature clothes for bubbies too!

  12. SO not bored with this. :o)
    They look SO wonderful, A.

  13. Wonderful page indeed! Nice post!

  14. Your blog is AMAZING!

    I can't wait to dig deeper!


  15. No boredom here! I've been looking forward to these types of posts since you announced the baby. You do such lovely work - very inspirational for baby and non-baby projects.

    Best wishes from Texas to you, Nao and the short one in process!

  16. Oh Artemis you make me smile! I was EXACTLY the same... and I wish I could say I came to grips with the whole "producing/growing a human being" thingy" but alas... I still can't believe that we can do these things... I kept very busy making things, baking, nesting and of course READING. I read my pregnancy away. Long baths and placing the ear buds from my Pod straight onto my belly were also fun though... :-) PS - I love these threads... unique and made by Mamma!

  17. Anonymous12.6.12

    The kimono is brilliant - you should start selling these!! :0)

  18. Melanie from Sydney12.6.12

    Never getting bored with your happiness. I am on the countdown waiting for my Princess to arrive, house is all ready (and I had to get it ready in a rush as I was not as organised as you seem to be) so keep up with the delicious work and enjoy.

  19. Oh! I love these handmade baby things! You inspired me to jump behind my sewing machine and browse my to be recycled stash of old clothes! It turned out into 2 vests in wool for my 2 year old.

    It is strange how one can change when having a baby. It didn't say me much before I became pregnant. Now I do adore these small creatures and their mini clothes etc... so much fun! So, not bored here with your posts!

  20. Anonymous13.6.12

    ohhhh my gosh, that t shirt may be the most adorable thing I've ever seen, so super cute and so creative! your baby is going to be super stylish!

  21. Seriously. Keep posting. I really love all the stuff you are making, it's really great. I want to learn to sew SO bad, I can never find the time.

    I wish I could make my baby things. And also, these posts make me want another baby!

  22. I felt the same way before Lois arrived. I was obsessed with the fact that a little human was growing in me and that somehow I was going to have to push it out! I was filled with anxiety. Keeping busy is a great way to help the time pass, and I love seeing what you're making for the little one. But it's all going to be okay :)

  23. Hello,

    Just dropping by for the first time ever (I think), to say I love your blog and have done for ages now. It's lovely to follow your first pregnancy, it is such an amazing experience and quite normal for nearly all else to fly out the window. Love the beautiful little outfits you are making, it's such a special thing to do. Oh and Nao's little back pack is adorable. Best wishes to all three of you xxx

  24. Just found your blog and loved browsing through it. Making things is also my preferred way of getting to grips with things. And the fit looks fine.

  25. Oh my goodness. I 'm so glad I found your blog. I too am currently obsessed with preparing for my little man by making him tons of clothing. I found a thrift store just down the street where I can buy a grocery bag full of clothes for $5. Now that I have a cheap source for materials I can't stop. Maybe we need a support group ;)


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