junkaholique in print

3 April 2012

If your Granny starts mentioning Junkaholique, and you thought WTF? it might have something to do with this article in the forever fashion forward magazine Woman's Weekly. You know the one that ends up in the Doctors surgery with kiddies scribbles all over it? Well, I dug this up from the Internet, I seem to remember being interviewed for it by a very nice lady last year, so I guess this is from sometime last year. Hilarious no? I even look like a Granny in that pic.

Anyways, jokes aside I'm very honoured to be in such mag. {hope im not breaking the law by posting this cutting? ooops, let me know if so}

Junkaholique will be in a few other printed goodies soon too, the other week I was asked to do a photoshoot for Japanese Elle magazine, where I chose some of my favourite shops in London and they take pictures of me there. The photographer was lovely and I had a great time!
The magazine will be out towards the end of this month {they don't hang about in Japan} so I'll update yous about it then.

I, and possibly the husbondos shed will be featured in a forthcoming book about sheds too, its not out till May, so i cant say for sure whats going to be in it, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the end results. Again the author and photographer were lovely and we had a good old natter.
I will hopefully put a link to the book via Amazon so you can even buy it if you fancy {its full of amazing wonderful shed ideas from all over the country}. Anyways, enough of my bragging...I'd better get back to work.

Oh, p.s., we found a flat to rent!  Its just down the road from where we are now, and its just a one bedroom flat but its bigger than the one we have now. There is also a lovely wee garden, and a cat flap horrah! We'll be moving during the last week of April.


  1. oh wow, this is so amazing. i can't wait to see your other features too, please be sure to post them here :-)

  2. Congratulations on the feature :o)

  3. Anne Bradshaw3.4.12

    Pleased you found a new flat, cat flap included. x

  4. Well I think this feature will come in very handy when you need to dismantle the shed contents to move and then put it back together again. But if you put things back slightly differently and we could play spot the difference! X

  5. Congrats on the new flat but the thing we're all wondering is...

    Can you take the sheds??!

  6. I was wondering that too! Can you take the sheds? Getting a shed could be a solution for my needs as I am rapidly outgrowing the remaining space in my flat and a shed could work well for my upholstery needs...
    Are they easy to move around?

  7. Anonymous3.4.12

    The shed idea is just lovely! I will definitely keep that in mind when the Hubs and I have a little back yard of our own. Congrats on all the features. How exciting!


  8. Heehee! My mum get's this magazine and it's a pity we missed you!

    Great news on the new flat - will you be able to move the sheds?

    Talking of sheds I went to a Pecha Kucha night here in Dundee recently and one of the speakers (the idea is that people get 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide) talked about his work - he is an artist/architect who likes to design small spaces....sheds, writing huts and huttes - something he is working on using funding from NESTA's Starter for 6 to create sort of pop-up spaces that he would like to see in underused or derelict spaces - creating a useable space, for example, in the walls of a derelict croft or bothy - all very cool. He also talked about a hay bale structure which had concrete poured over and then a cow was allowed to go in and eat all the hay!

    Check out Euan Gray - http://euangray.co.uk/ - it certainly made me smile!

  9. Will you be moving your shed?
    My garden is due a makeover. I promised DD a playhouse (glorified shed) so that book might be worth a squidge for inspiration.

    P.S. my Mom buys Woman's Weekly

  10. This is great, who wouldn't want to be on woman's weekly?! Looking forward to seeing your other features and good luck with the shed move.
    Lotts x

  11. Congratulations!

  12. Congrats on the mention in the magazine! So cool! Could not of happened to a better person. Love your shed, your products and your lovely blog. As a long time follower thank you for being an inspiration from across the globe ;) .

  13. How wonderful! And thank you for showing that it is not just men who love sheds! X

  14. It's a great article! I'd love to be in print even for Women's Weekly :)

    Congrats on the flat!x

  15. How lovely! Your shed is so gorgeous, I'm very jealous! Well done on the new flat...A rented property with a cat flap is a find indeed xx

  16. Congratulations on the articles! Can hardly wait to see your new home :)

  17. Anonymous5.4.12

    I have found your blog thanks to pictures of your shed, so it's no wonder it's getting all the attention. I love it, and would love to have one of my own, I always did.
    So now you'll be moving it to the new garden?

  18. Womens Weekly hee hee. Imagine in years to come people will be picking you up at car booty's. I have a thing for old womens weekly you know.." how to be a good wife article" xxx

  19. Congratulations on finding the new flat. Good luck with the move.

  20. Congratulations on finding the new flat. Good luck with the move.

  21. Anonymous8.4.12

    Congrats on the Woman's Weekly spread - I shall definitely look out for it in my doctor's surgery ;-)

    Congratulations - glad you've found somewhere to rent - how easy will it be to move the sheds? (Although by the sounds of it...they won't have far to go!?)

    Happy moving - Houdini ;-)

  22. What a lovely shed! Seeing it from outside I wouldn't have suspected that it's so cosy inside. I need one of these too :)

  23. What a lovely shed! Seeing it from outside I wouldn't have suspected that it's so cosy inside. I need one of these too :)

  24. Ha ha! My shed is not that high up on the list of priorities (like Having a roof over our heads) but I hope to take my shed with me if all goes well. I'd have preferred to find somewhere bigger so I could have my own sewing room, but we couldn't find anything nice. Anyways thanks for all your shed concerns : ) very touched! X

  25. Very cool! Congrats! I want a creative space like that...must be amazing.


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