
6 August 2011

I am back to my blog finally after a very busy few weeks and a few adventures mixed in! Lots of wedding rings have been made and some new designs on the way too involving some extraordinary diamonds {more to come about that later}. But anyways, I have a bit of a back log of posts now, so these are from a while ago.

The other day we met up with my brother and his new girlfriend in Claremont Landscape Gardens which is in or near Esher, a kind of suburb of London, half in the countryside and half in the city.

We had a spot of luncheon, and a few bottles of wine and a cream tea later, we went our separate ways.
As it was turning into a rather splendid evening, we went in search of a place near the river we could have a nap. We ended up in a little meadow/woodland area...

the evening sunlight was gorgeous, and the reflection on the water was like a mirror.

and there were so many wild flowers around

we spied a small farm though the hedge too...

we then found our meadow, perfect for napping...

a very pleasing end to the day indeed.


  1. wonderfil pics- you two are so cute together :)

  2. woah this is right next to my house, I live opposite this green! Claremont Gardens is such a lovely place, reminds me of growing up. There is also a lovely place called Painshill Park which is not that far away and its even more lovely! Bizarre to see Esher on your blog :D

  3. Really lovely photos. Looks like such a nice time!


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